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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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21 minutes ago, Rowan said:

Personal injury claim on a <10mph bump. You can tart your no win no fee letter up all you like but I won't be settling. Dicks.


A friend of mine got rear ended just before Christmas. He thought nothing of it at the time but I saw him yesterday and he's half crippled. Told him to get a line from the doctors but he doesn't know if he'll be taken seriously as so many people out in dodgy claims.

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Bought hot chocolate powder and marshmallows the other day but ended up just eating all the marshmallows after singeing them with a lighter. I love hot drinks, I enjoy the feeling of having a coffee in the morning, a reason to be alive. I'm having a cold latte macchiato from lidl rn.

PTTGOYN: My macbook screen stopped working on Wednesday and I managed to arrange an appointment at 3am for 11:35 today by a stroke of luck. However, the ferry isn't running today so I couldn't make it over the river in time, so I need to wait another week until I can get it sorted.

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[quote post="11017870" timestamp="1484050230" name="Smurph" userid="201
... ended up just eating all the marshmallows after singeing them with a lighter.

A poor man's smore. And the word itself tells you all you need to know about marshmallows, cooked or raw.

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Can't believe so many people don't like hot drinks.  The lot of you must spend your day practically falling asleep.  Madness.

Yeah my supposed attempt at cutting down (see yesterday's post), has failed. I'm on cup 4 of coffee already for the day, I don't usually stop until 2/3 so it'll be 5/6 by the time I'm done.
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Yeah my supposed attempt at cutting down (see yesterday's post), has failed. I'm on cup 4 of coffee already for the day, I don't usually stop until 2/3 so it'll be 5/6 by the time I'm done.

I've gone back to the peppermint teas in an effort to avoid coffee. I don't really drink cold drinks, maybe the odd glass of water once a day but apart from that I reckon I'm on about 10 coffees per day.
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Are you having a sugar in your coffee Widge? I cut that out as 6 or 7 teaspoons of sugar a day is quite excessive. 

Yup, try double that though. I don't need coffee, I just get bored in the office tbh.
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2 sugars is over doing it a bit - you can probably hardly even taste the coffee beans. 
I do need it i think, I get uneasy if i haven't had one in the morning. 

If it's decent coffee I'll usually only have one teaspoon. The shite instant stuff in the office gets two.

I could easily stop and almost certainly feel better for cutting it out. But then I wouldn't get to waste 5 minutes every hour on making it! That's a whole half hour a day effectively.
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I got a ginger green tea a few weeks back. Was out the flat for 3 weeks over Christmas and I'd forgotten about the stuff until I got back the other day. It's a cracking replacement for tea or coffee.

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I sent a compensation claim in to Gatwick Express after a train I was on in November was delayed by over 2 hours. As it cost the best part of £20 for a half hour train journey, I thought I might as well.

They've just replied saying that my claim has been rejected as there was more than 28 days between my journey and my claim.. the claim they received on 1st December for a train on the 7th November. Perhaps days are counted slightly differently in London.

Also, I've had an automatic response from their mailbox telling me they aim to reply within 20 working days, the b*****ds.

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I'm sure I'm not the firs P&B'er to moan about this but...

People at the airport who jump up and jockey for position in the queue 20 minutes before there's any chance of getting on. They're currently boarding the rich folk, or "pre-boarding" them, whatever that is and there are a hundred folk crowded around, blocking everyone trying to get by. Just sit down until it's your turn you fucking bedwetters.

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6 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

I'm sure I'm not the firs P&B'er to moan about this but...

People at the airport who jump up and jockey for position in the queue 20 minutes before there's any chance of getting on. They're currently boarding the rich folk, or "pre-boarding" them, whatever that is and there are a hundred folk crowded around, blocking everyone trying to get by. Just sit down until it's your turn you fucking bedwetters.

I love them personally. Means more room at the bar and it's easy to tell when it's time to make a move.

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I'm sure I'm not the firs P&B'er to moan about this but...

People at the airport who jump up and jockey for position in the queue 20 minutes before there's any chance of getting on. They're currently boarding the rich folk, or "pre-boarding" them, whatever that is and there are a hundred folk crowded around, blocking everyone trying to get by. Just sit down until it's your turn you fucking bedwetters.

If you are somewhere like Inverness airport which only has 2 gates, it's great to see people queue in the general area of the gate for ages only to then have to wait for the fast boarders, people with children etc. Do these people think the plane will leave without them if they don't queue immediately?
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