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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The inability of people on the subway to judge that space within the carriage is finite.
If I am already wedged up against the partition, the likelihood of you gaining more space by moving backwards and smashing your rucksack, which is still on your back, into my face is pretty slim. Please don't then be offended when you get shoved in the other direction and called a c**t. 

Apparently pushing them back on the London Underground is uncalled for. Even when a guitar smacks you in the face.
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7 hours ago, WeAreElgin said:


Unless you're an 80 year old woman you shouldn't be buying scones in a café.



7 hours ago, jmothecat said:

Aye scones are fine. Always my first choice at a cafe.

Proof, if ever it was needed.

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People who cut their nails on public transport or anywhere in public for that matter. 


You're at the wind up, surely no one does that ?


Foot on coffee table, making a mental note as to where the moon crescents land, spend the next few hours saying to yourself "Surely it can't have gone that far" Is my preferred method.


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Drivers* that half heartedly slow down for pedestrians wanting to cross the road, don't do that little wave to signal to confirm that's exactly what they're doing, and then get annoyed that you can't read minds and don't just presumptuously walk out in front of moving traffic. Basically the more deadly version of the Pavement Disco.



48 minutes ago, Pepper said:
People who cut their nails on public transport or anywhere in public for that matter. 



Edited by Hedgecutter
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26 minutes ago, Pepper said:

People who cut their nails on public transport or anywhere in public for that matter. 

There was a guy who used to work in here, he sat across from me and he was a lovely guy.  However, at morning breaks, he would take it upon himself to cut his nails at his desk (not every morning obviously). Not only was the noise irritating as f**k, but the odd scabby nail would land on your desk.  Absolutely vile behaviour.

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Folk that put their feet up on the seats on the train.  Even worse are the utter shitebags that put their feet on the seats, but take them down at the first sign of the clippy coming into the carriage, only to put them back up as soon as they leave.


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There was a guy who used to work in here, he sat across from me and he was a lovely guy.  However, at morning breaks, he would take it upon himself to cut his nails at his desk (not every morning obviously). Not only was the noise irritating as f**k, but the odd scabby nail would land on your desk.  Absolutely vile behaviour.

I think I know what you mean by this.

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40 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

There was a guy who used to work in here, he sat across from me and he was a lovely guy.  However, at morning breaks, he would take it upon himself to cut his nails at his desk (not every morning obviously). Not only was the noise irritating as f**k, but the odd scabby nail would land on your desk.  Absolutely vile behaviour.

My dad used to put his toenail clippings into my pockets, spread across jackets, trousers and trackies. I should add I was a wean, which is why I had trackies. It used to drive me mental and was a good excuse to show off the new swear words I had learned because I knew he would be too busy laughing to care that I was swearing.

I now hide toenails in my step sons clothing whenever I remember. I have yet to witness them making the discovery. I eagerly await that day. Nae swearing though or I'll pan their fucking melts in. 

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12 hours ago, Pepper said:

Seated passengers who don't let standing passengers off the train first.

People on trains are mostly c***s.

The fun starts when folk don't let the ones getting off  do that 1st before trying to get on.

Then we have the ones who are ready to get off 10Mins before the stop.

Special shout out to the bag on seat brigade.

Not forgetting the wankers who play loud music for everyone to hear.

Round it off with the obsession to grab a table even if their is only 1 passenger and no need for a table.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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6 minutes ago, Toma_BullyWee said:

My dad used to put his toenail clippings into my pockets, spread across jackets, trousers and trackies. I should add I was a wean, which is why I had trackies. It used to drive me mental and was a good excuse to show off the new swear words I had learned because I knew he would be too busy laughing to care that I was swearing.

I now hide toenails in my step sons clothing whenever I remember. I have yet to witness them making the discovery. I eagerly await that day. Nae swearing though or I'll pan their fucking melts in. 


What a fucking weird thing to do

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