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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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So i had a family member in hospital recently and during that time as a surprise i decorated their kitchen and bathroom single handedly over 3 days, it was a b*****d to get it done but i was able to. I ran out of tape during so a double of edges were free hand and while they were happy with it, me being a perfectionist decided to go back tonight to clean up the edges in question with a new roll of tape. I got really talked down to like a piece of shit, basically along the lines of "how can ye no do it without the tape!?!" "If i could i wouldn't be here fixing it" "if your hands could go as fast as your mouth you would be done already" Well i just dropped what i was doing and walked out, absolutely reuse to get talked to like that when i'm working my arse off for free as a gift to them. I had even agreed to get the living room done this week and now i've refused unless i'm given a apology, which i might add i know i wont get cause this particular person is more stubborn than i am. 

Am i being too harsh?

If you want to burn the house down, P&B knows a man that can help. Sounds like they're thoughtless, selfish, ungrateful c***s though. No point wasting your time with folk like that.
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4 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

So i had a family member in hospital recently and during that time as a surprise i decorated their kitchen and bathroom single handedly over 3 days, it was a b*****d to get it done but i was able to. I ran out of tape during so a double of edges were free hand and while they were happy with it, me being a perfectionist decided to go back tonight to clean up the edges in question with a new roll of tape. I got really talked down to like a piece of shit, basically along the lines of "how can ye no do it without the tape!?!" "If i could i wouldn't be here fixing it" "if your hands could go as fast as your mouth you would be done already" Well i just dropped what i was doing and walked out, absolutely reuse to get talked to like that when i'm working my arse off for free as a gift to them. I had even agreed to get the living room done this week and now i've refused unless i'm given a apology, which i might add i know i wont get cause this particular person is more stubborn than i am. 

Am i being too harsh?

^^^ Never read The Adventures of Tom Saywer.

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So i had a family member in hospital recently and during that time as a surprise i decorated their kitchen and bathroom single handedly over 3 days, it was a b*****d to get it done but i was able to. I ran out of tape during so a double of edges were free hand and while they were happy with it, me being a perfectionist decided to go back tonight to clean up the edges in question with a new roll of tape. I got really talked down to like a piece of shit, basically along the lines of "how can ye no do it without the tape!?!" "If i could i wouldn't be here fixing it" "if your hands could go as fast as your mouth you would be done already" Well i just dropped what i was doing and walked out, absolutely reuse to get talked to like that when i'm working my arse off for free as a gift to them. I had even agreed to get the living room done this week and now i've refused unless i'm given a apology, which i might add i know i wont get cause this particular person is more stubborn than i am. 

Am i being too harsh?

Totally vindicated IMO.

A kick in the pie, would have been acceptable end to this.
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I normally carry my wallet in my front left trouser pocket and my loose change in the back left. However the new trousers I bought don't have a back left pocket so the change has to go in beside the wallet. And every time I take my wallet out (which is several times a day; I don't come from Aberdeen) some coins get caught in the fold and fall on the floor.  :guns

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My bluetooth headphones quitting 15 minutes into a hour session in the gym today perturbed me somewhat :angry: 

The little minx in the tight leggings giving it what for on the x-trainer in front of me went someway to redeeming the situation ;) 

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1 hour ago, Angusfifer said:

Random relatives who decide that your gaff needs a makeover while your cooped up in hospital...

Sorry mate, we're going to need more information on this story I'm afraid.

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2 hours ago, Angusfifer said:

Random relatives who decide that your gaff needs a makeover while your cooped up in hospital...


21 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

Sorry mate, we're going to need more information on this story I'm afraid.

Edgarus posted this on Monday

On 4/3/2017 at 17:38, EdgarusQPFC said:

So i had a family member in hospital recently and during that time as a surprise i decorated their kitchen and bathroom single handedly over 3 days, it was a b*****d to get it done but i was able to. I ran out of tape during so a double of edges were free hand and while they were happy with it, me being a perfectionist decided to go back tonight to clean up the edges in question with a new roll of tape. I got really talked down to like a piece of shit, basically along the lines of "how can ye no do it without the tape!?!" "If i could i wouldn't be here fixing it" "if your hands could go as fast as your mouth you would be done already" Well i just dropped what i was doing and walked out, absolutely reuse to get talked to like that when i'm working my arse off for free as a gift to them. I had even agreed to get the living room done this week and now i've refused unless i'm given a apology, which i might add i know i wont get cause this particular person is more stubborn than i am. 

Am i being too harsh?

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A common PTTGOMN is when barmen are called baristas, it's both pretentious and incorrect (see panini/panino debate). I've just about come to terms with such wankery though.
That was until yesterday when I noticed that at the package drop-off/pick-up point at my local supermarket a notice says to ask a "parcelista" for more information.

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