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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Absolutely tremendous!!

I have never once stopped giving thanks for being the only person in this office. :D Never underestimate the comfort of solitude.

As for the singing, murder her (imaginitively, don't just stab her or something), then quote the songs she sang to the judge - not a court in the land would convict you. I mean, the Carpenters? What is she, 65? I would consider the Carpenters too cruel to play at Guantanemo Bay for fuxake! ("Starve me some more, beat me unconscious, PEE ON MY ORANGE BOILER SUIT, whatever, just shut that wailing chiffon-clad anoxeric bint up!!!!")

The time is fast approaching where she'll ask you to go for a drink after work. This has happened to me, and as I was put on the spot I couldn't think of an excuse, so I went to the pub with my colleague, pretended to go to the toilet while he was getting the first round in and fucked off home. :ph34r: I wouldn't advise this course of action as it leads to difficult explainations later:"Eh.....I was abducted by these aliens, y'see..." :rolleyes: Have an excuse ready every Friday beforehand. ;)

Good luck. :)


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Bet you got many a laugh at him Monster.

Oh yes, Indeed. :lol:

he used to boast about being a Lance-Corporal in the TA, and for days after he recieved the promotion he would go around correcting people that would say something, for example:

"Billy, could you..."

He would interrupt:

"EH! That's LCP Billy tae you pal!"

He soon stopped though once I started calling him Loud Clatty Prick Billy.

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Might explain why she's so condescending however, maybe you look like you need a good mothering?*

*sorry about leaving kilt such a massive target.

:lol::lol: There were SO many smutty double-entendres I could have used that my mind just overloaded, short-circuited and went blank! :ph34r: Window of opportunity now closed. :(:rolleyes:

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Or you could download the WIN UAE emulator.......

I've never ever been able to get that to work properly.

I want Bill's Tomato Game, Sleepwalker and Soccer Kid back :(

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I've never ever been able to get that to work properly.

I want Bill's Tomato Game, Sleepwalker and Soccer Kid back :(

You need to correct kickstart ROM thingy before it'll work properly. I had many tantrums before I realised this!!

Needs to be Kickstart 3.1 or similar, if you've no got it, I can send it over MSN if you're on that.

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Need any help give me a shout!

Either that or I have a few spare A1200's if you are interested :ph34r:

You need to correct kickstart ROM thingy before it'll work properly. I had many tantrums before I realised this!!

Needs to be Kickstart 3.1 or similar, if you've no got it, I can send it over MSN if you're on that.

Cheers lads, I'll give youse a buzz once new Laptop arrives!

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