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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Fucking Skol lager! Ater the pubs closed, went round to a mates house for a drink and a bit of a blaw, only to be offered a can of Skol fucking lager! Skol? I ask you, who would buy Skol?

I lookd at the can, it gave me the boak, I opened the can, it gave me the boak, I tasted the can, boaky boaky boak. Me and my pal ended up splitting a taxi home, anything to get away from the boak induicing skol. It gives me the boak even typing this. :(


Who the f**k buys Skol? :lol:

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Who the f**k buys Skol? :lol:

I asked that myself! Me and my mate arrived a bit late, and we got offered Skol...the shops were all closed by the time we left the pub, so we couldnt get a carry oot. So we got there, and everyone was drinking their own thing, but were running out...so we got offered the only thing he had sitting in his house, a few cans of fucking Skol.

It turns out that he doesnt drink it himself, so he reckons someone must have bought it for a carry out a while back. This means that somewhere in the Stirling area, there walks a man who of his own free will chooses to buy Skol lager. Im not one to overreact, but I think a hunting party might be in order.

I mean, Skol! Its not just bad, but its boak inducingly bad! I even knew that as an underager. Does anyone on this board own up to buying Skol lager?

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It turns out that he doesnt drink it himself, so he reckons someone must have bought it for a carry out a while back. This means that somewhere in the Stirling area, there walks a man who of his own free will chooses to buy Skol lager. Im not one to overreact, but I think a hunting party might be in order.

I bet there isn't you know. I bet it was particularly cheap so someone brought it along to a party and then drank someone else's beer, leaving the Skol behind for you to drink! :lol:

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I asked that myself! Me and my mate arrived a bit late, and we got offered Skol...the shops were all closed by the time we left the pub, so we couldnt get a carry oot. So we got there, and everyone was drinking their own thing, but were running out...so we got offered the only thing he had sitting in his house, a few cans of fucking Skol.

It turns out that he doesnt drink it himself, so he reckons someone must have bought it for a carry out a while back. This means that somewhere in the Stirling area, there walks a man who of his own free will chooses to buy Skol lager. Im not one to overreact, but I think a hunting party might be in order.

I mean, Skol! Its not just bad, but its boak inducingly bad! I even knew that as an underager. Does anyone on this board own up to buying Skol lager?

Yes, it's a bit bizarre. It's not even as though it's a lot cheaper than anything else, it's about the same price as Tennents or Carling (neither of which are exactly award winning, but are still a million times better than Skol).

Hunting party it is. Bow and arrows required.

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I bet there isn't you know. I bet it was particularly cheap so someone brought it along to a party and then drank someone else's beer, leaving the Skol behind for you to drink! :lol:

A valid tactic for party-going.

"Yeh, I brought some of this Smart-Price Vodka... oh, there's already a Smirnoff open, I'll drink that then."

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I'm really annoyed at myself. :angry:

I've gone and knocked over the entire amount of milk I've just expressed. There wasn't loads, but that's not the point. When you've made that effort and just wipe it all out, wasting the lot instantly... :bairn

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I'm really annoyed at myself. :angry:

I've gone and knocked over the entire amount of milk I've just expressed. There wasn't loads, but that's not the point. When you've made that effort and just wipe it all out, wasting the lot instantly... :bairn

i think their should be some sort of baby thread or something. there's been too much talk of mucus plugs and lactation for my liking recently.


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i think their should be some sort of baby thread or something. there's been too much talk of mucus plugs and lactation for my liking recently.



Love the sig, by the way. :rolleyes:

Edit... even if there was a baby thread, it isn't just about life with babies so it'd seep out in other ways. For some of us it's work too!

Edited by HGG
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When you go to grab a pritt stick to stick in all your uni work into a sketchbook for your final presentation of the year tommorrow and its all dried up.

Going to microwave it, see if that works.


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When you go to grab a pritt stick to stick in all your uni work into a sketchbook for your final presentation of the year tommorrow and its all dried up.

Going to microwave it, see if that works.


I find this post works better if you substitute "uni" with "nursery", "presentation" with "Parent's Night" and "microwave" for "lick".

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I didn't even know you could still get Skol.

For me it's toothache, bloody wisdom teeth.

I'm now absolutely shitting myself that I'm going to have to get something done here. I'm not normally squeamish about going to the dentist, I've had one filling before and a tooth sanded and I was fine, but the thought of them cutting into my jaw and all that stuff they do to get wisdom teeth out is not good. :(

I'm in too much pain though, going to take a half day from work and find an emergency dentist.

Edit: and that's without all the travel insurance claim rigmarole.

Edited by Synex Chattergoon
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I'm now absolutely shitting myself that I'm going to have to get something done here. I'm not normally squeamish about going to the dentist, I've had one filling before and a tooth sanded and I was fine, but the thought of them cutting into my jaw and all that stuff they do to get wisdom teeth out is not good. :(

I'm in too much pain though, going to take a half day from work and find an emergency dentist.

Edit: and that's without all the travel insurance claim rigmarole.

Oh dear! Make sure you get a good one then mate, I had a chip out of a white filling that I had done back home. Went to the dentist here, he replaced it with a metal one, and left a gap, where I continually get stuff stuck in now. I have to carry floss with me at all times now :angry:

$300 as well, for a complete balls up, I'd wait till you get home if I was you.

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I find this post works better if you substitute "uni" with "nursery", "presentation" with "Parent's Night" and "microwave" for "lick".


God Dunc I hope you're coming to the 5s, there's a spot on my couch already with a 'Reserved' sign on it for you! Banteriffic.

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