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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I passed my driving test on 11th September, and I still haven't received my licence in the post.

I got mine literally within a few days. I passed my test at the end of October 2005. Three years! I'm fairly sure I can now teach other people. Not that I will, of course.

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I got mine literally within a few days. I passed my test at the end of October 2005. Three years! I'm fairly sure I can now teach other people. Not that I will, of course.

Were you not planning on driving instruction as a career at one point?

I don't know why I can remember that, it was probably a fleeting idea in about February 2006.

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Aftershave is supposed to work as well, and with the stinging it feels like it's killing the b*****ds.

I could combine treatments but I may look like a mentalist. :(

Why not just use something like Zovirax?

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I got mine literally within a few days. I passed my test at the end of October 2005. Three years! I'm fairly sure I can now teach other people. Not that I will, of course.

Dont you need to be over 25 to teach folk how to drive? Presuming you aren't over 25 of course.

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I got mine literally within a few days. I passed my test at the end of October 2005. Three years! I'm fairly sure I can now teach other people. Not that I will, of course.

I think you might mean you're allowed to supervise other people.

Whether or not you can teach them is a different matter and debateable! ;)

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Guest The Phoenix
I think you might mean you're allowed to supervise other people.

Whether or not you can teach them is a different matter and debateable! ;)

True but harsh - she's fine on the motorway but Mel Gibsonesque in Tesco's Car Parks.

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I got mine literally within a few days. I passed my test at the end of October 2005. Three years! I'm fairly sure I can now teach other people. Not that I will, of course.

You have to be 21 or over and have a minimum of 3 years full driving licence. In 3 weeks time I'll meet both requirements (passed in April '05) and will be able to start training my first victim :lol:

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I live in a first floor flat, with a kind of bay window overlooking the back courtyard. Had the windows closed and shutters down watching tv, heard a strange noise outside, pulled the shutter to one side and a big fucking rat was sitting beside the window sill.

Needless to say I shat it, and that window will not be getting opened again. If people would put their rubbish in the fucking rubbish bin, maybe they'd roam elsewhere.

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My weekend bout of death has been followed up by a coldsore that has formed a twin within 12 hours, despite the good old aftershave treatment. <_<

A guy I know via another forum raves about this stuff:

"One of mine is the Virulite CS device which treats coldsores. It was invented a medical research group working with the effects of infra red light I think and the research clearly shows it stops the virus in it tracks and there is a suggestion that it stops the coldsore coming back in the same spot.

They cost about £40, which gives 100 treatments, and although initially expensive prove great value. Unlike many products they do exactly what they say on the tin ands more. As someone who regularly suffered coldsores 4 or 5 times a year, especially when I got run down, this devcie has proved a godsend and I cannot remember the last time I had one. I'm not even going to touch wood because if one does come I can just zap it. With poor alternative Zovirax cream costing over £5 a go this device not only works but saves you money in the long run"

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A guy I know via another forum raves about this stuff:

"One of mine is the Virulite CS device which treats coldsores. It was invented a medical research group working with the effects of infra red light I think and the research clearly shows it stops the virus in it tracks and there is a suggestion that it stops the coldsore coming back in the same spot.

They cost about £40, which gives 100 treatments, and although initially expensive prove great value. Unlike many products they do exactly what they say on the tin ands more. As someone who regularly suffered coldsores 4 or 5 times a year, especially when I got run down, this devcie has proved a godsend and I cannot remember the last time I had one. I'm not even going to touch wood because if one does come I can just zap it. With poor alternative Zovirax cream costing over £5 a go this device not only works but saves you money in the long run"

Interesting but at that price aftershave/toothpaste is a clear value alternative.

Virus killed stone dead by yesterday and healing process underway. :)

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Guest The Phoenix
I was enjoying a nice snooze while the baby slept until the dogs woke my up with their barking <_<

Rumour has it the dogs aren't the only ones who are barking in your house. :ph34r:;)

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Guest The Phoenix
:o I'm off to the Daily Mail, you can't insult someone like that!! :P

Just realised my post could be open to misinterpretation. :(

Some might have thought I was implying you were a dog. :o

However the learned amongst the P&B Family would have recognised that I was merely suggesting that the lady of the house is barking mad. ;)

Glad I cleared that up. :D

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James Blunt - God that song he has out just now is just awful! <_<

There is also a family in my street. Mum, Dad, one girl (12), twin boys (9). They don't work and have a disabled sticker on their car (It's the Dad that is supposed to be incapacitated).

So, this morning, he's out in the front garden constructing this blow up skeleton thing and a massive pumpkin for Halloween. The front window is covered in stickers, banners etc for this. It's the same at Xmas, they have the massive blow up things in the garden and tons and I mean tons of lights covering the whole front of thier house. Their benefits money each week must be a massive amount.

Disabled, my arse :angry:

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James Blunt - God that song he has out just now is just awful! <_<

There is also a family in my street. Mum, Dad, one girl (12), twin boys (9). They don't work and have a disabled sticker on their car (It's the Dad that is supposed to be incapacitated).

So, this morning, he's out in the front garden constructing this blow up skeleton thing and a massive pumpkin for Halloween. The front window is covered in stickers, banners etc for this. It's the same at Xmas, they have the massive blow up things in the garden and tons and I mean tons of lights covering the whole front of thier house. Their benefits money each week must be a massive amount.

Disabled, my arse :angry:

Don't be angry,shop them to the dole. :D

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