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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When the person behind the till in a shop hands over your change with the note (and receipt) first, then plomps the coins on top of the note. Really pisses me off.

Awwwwwwww, i know exactly what you mean. It means that you've got to stand for about 30 seconds, trying to juggle your bags, wallet, trolley and money until you can finally f**k off out of the shop.

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Doesn't matter if no-one would give a f**k. This thread is meant for venting your spleen. :)

Come back after Celtic hammer the Gers and give it laldy.

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You're loving it really

Its no so bad, just the work stressing me out!

See that gap in responses, that was the gap as my internet went down last night :( The router is in the guys next door (I share it), so I couldn't well go knocking on his door at 1am demanding he reset it (he didn't answer).

I nearly pinned him up against the wall and demanded connection when I got up this morning, and not in the angry sex way. :angry:

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I may be able to take or leave alcohol, cigarettes....but if I lose my internet connection.... :ph34r:

Anyway, with this being OF day, Im surprisingly excited by it, far more than normal. In fact, I've been on youtube alternating between singing along to The IRA will set them free and Follow Follow...Im not sure what kind of bigot that makes me, but I feel bad anyway. :(

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Nope! I have the occasional word, enough to get by in shops now, but not enough for conversation. I find the lost puppy look gets me by. :ph34r:

I suppose the main landmark is that Bastille is about 15 minutes walk away. I didn't get an awful lot of choice over where I was going. I was sent to Paris, and then it was a case of take any available flat...and then when you arrive and find that available flat has flooded that day and everyone has been evacuated, take attic cupboard in a place that was last renovated in 1876. <_<

It's quite nice around there,though there are a few people living rough around that way at night. we saw one old dude sleeping right under an ATM. While people where trying to take money out of the machine. :lol:

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When the person behind the till in a shop hands over your change with the note (and receipt) first, then plomps the coins on top of the note. Really pisses me off.

You are unbelievably correct. It is the most annoying thing in the world.

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I prefer it that way, although I only really experience it in the pub, I pay most other stuff with my card.

It's much better to just get all your change plonked into one hand, that you can just shove into the back pocket and get back to the important business of a pint or two to carry back to the table.

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I prefer it that way, although I only really experience it in the pub, I pay most other stuff with my card.

It's much better to just get all your change plonked into one hand, that you can just shove into the back pocket and get back to the important business of a pint or two to carry back to the table.

yes it forces the use of pocket shoving technique, or a huge delay whilst its put away -that's why its so annoying.

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How is that annoying out of interest? Never really thought about it which probably means its never bothered me.

Incredibly annoying!

Im in complete agreement with the other guys, it really does my nut in. If you got notes first then got given coins, you could take the notes, slip them in your wallet, then get the coins and put them in. If you got coins at the bottom, you could hold the coins while putting the notes in.

But no! You have a shopping back in one hand with your wallet, and then you get given notes with a coin on top. You cant put them in your wallet as the coins will go everywhere, and the girl has already moved on to the next customer so you cant stop. Instead, you have to bung the whole fucking lot in your pocket. Where it is uncomfy, they get mixed up, and gah!

Its annoying.

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I think I've possibly got the pettiest thing to be posted on this thread.

On the new boxes of Bran Flakes, the As look out of place. They look like a different font from the Brn Flkes.

I noticed last night, and now the box of Bran Flakes in the kitchen is getting on my nerves.

Unfortunately, I can't really find a picture to illustrate my point, this is the best I can manage.


Seriously. This is what annoys me.

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