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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Think yourself lucky. My mate isn't allowed to go to Hampden for the second last game of the season. Not that she's asked him not to go but she's told him he can't go.

I of course laughed heartily at this.

I made it clear to my ex that going to the football was not up for negotiation. She was fine with that, me going to the football never bothered her. I'll hold my hands up to missing one game to see her though, that was the 5-1 home defeat to P'heid which was a meaningless game anyway. I finished with her that day :lol:

"You wanted to do lunch? Here's some stovies."

"This isn't what I had in mind....humph...men!"

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I made it clear to my ex that going to the football was not up for negotiation. She was fine with that, me going to the football never bothered her. I'll hold my hands up to missing one game to see her though, that was the 5-1 home defeat to P'heid which was a meaningless game anyway. I finished with her that day :lol:


End of last season? I never made that game either. Decorating, I believe. Thank f**k.

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My lovely girlfriend bought me 5.1 speakers for my birthday, for my laptop. I've got them all set up here, but they won't work properly :(

It's telling me that the Left Front speaker is working, but its actually coming out the Centre, and while it says the Right Front speaker is working, its coming from the Right Rear.

I'm fairly sure I had a similar problem with my desktop with the last speakers I bought, but I can't remember how to fix them. Does anyone know, or will I have to start a thread in e-Chat for some expert advice? :(


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I find these actions totally bizarre. If I was in a relationship that meant someone told me what I could or couldn't do that would be the end of it for me. (works the other way too, I would never tell my other half what he can and can't do).

It's just ridiculous :blink::unsure:

Then again maybe these blokes should grow a pair and go anyway. :whistle

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I have a wee pal who took up with this harridan a few years ago. Not only did she make him buy a flat he couldn't afford, but she wanted a load of expensive furniture so he took out a 105% mortgage to pay for it all.

He also used to come to the fitba', home and away, and was a regular on the bus I used to run. He was one of the folk you could count on to put the sweep back in if he won it to help cover the bus (we were 8th in Division 2, it always ran at a loss). One day he won it (£20 IIRC) and I said something like 'that's a relief, we can put it towards the loss' and as he went to hand it back to me, she started berating him, grabbed it and hit him about the head a few times. Bloody kept it, too. <_<

Not only has she put a stop to our away days, she won't let him go to home games now either.

The worst of it is, he met her on a night out with me, and I encouraged him to ask her to dance in the first place. What can I say? It was dark.... :(

Blokes who end up in that kind of situation need a good slap and a boot to their baws to assist them in coming to their senses.

Totally agree.

Monster, i bet yer mate's the nicest guy ever, but i have no sympathy for him at all.

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Totally agree.

Monster, i bet yer mate's the nicest guy ever, but i have no sympathy for him at all.

He was a lovely lad, but I agree with you, it is his own fault. Some folk just get dominated I suppose. :(

Hell yeah. On the next trip to Peterhead he left me there :rolleyes:


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i just got the red rings of death on my xbox. <_<

I think they ripped the red lightsout of mine the last time. Its got all the symptoms of RROD at the moment but just isn't showing the lights. I might personally take it to Frankfurt and have a few beers while its being fixed.

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Think I'm getting old.

Ahh, not at all. It could be worse...when I met my team for a so-called 'informal' meeting with our new clients in the bar earlier on one of them thought I was 30...but I'm only 23 :(

Suffice to say I'm quite drunk now after that...!

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My internet is being slow and it looks like the season of flies in the house has started. :angry:

Same here mate, on the way back from work today picked up some Raid Max...kills them in the air...

Wait no what-what they're in the air anyway, I mean after one burst at the little buggers while they're in the air they drop like no-ones business!

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Ahh, not at all. It could be worse...when I met my team for a so-called 'informal' meeting with our new clients in the bar earlier on one of them thought I was 30...but I'm only 23 :(

Could be worse. When I was in Prague, myself and a mate from England were out drinking, and we started talking to these girls. Somehow, over the course of the evening, it emerged that they thought that I was the old one and he was the young one. I was 23. He was 35! :(

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Could be worse. When I was in Prague, myself and a mate from England were out drinking, and we started talking to these girls. Somehow, over the course of the evening, it emerged that they thought that I was the old one and he was the young one. I was 23. He was 35! :(

IF they were Czech girls, they may have judged that by the size of your wallet!

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