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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Why are you always so angry?

Thats not angry thats just stating a point !

Anyway,people would be so dissapointed if I wasnt grumpy,so now have a reputation to live up to.

I can be nice too you know and think you come across as a rather decent chap.

I bet your not one of these midgets...Oh they make me furious !!mad.gif

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Not going to lie that is very petty.

Ordered stuff of Amazon for the old man's birthday (which is today). They said the item will bere here on the 2nd or 3rd. Still not here.

The thing that made it worse was that something that wasn't meant to be here by the 4th or 5th came yesterday.

I didn't order anything from amazon but they felt the need to debit £49 from my account, I rang them and they correctly haven't received an order from me, they were at a loss to explain why they had debited my account.


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Sale of Goods Act clearly states that where goods to not conform to satisfactory quality, they are under obligation to repair or replace the item and that in doing so they the time taken must be reasonable but without causing significant inconvenience to the buyer. Further if neither of these remedies are possible then the buyer has the right to rescind and get a refund.

Bought a Laptop in late September. Power supply stops working in November. Take it in, and get a replacement power supply. Power supply then goes AGAIN in December. They try to test a replacement power supply but it won't charge so they take it away (in February as we had to wait a month for Mastercard to send us a duplicate statement as proof of purchase) to the manufacturers to repair it by replacing the jack socket and power supply. We go back to collect it, take it home, to discover that now (this was not the case previously) the KEYBOARD doesn't work. So we take it back.

Now get this...

They refuse to replace it and insist on sending it back to the manufacturer for repair. AGAIN. We point out to them that it's effectively been faulty 3 times, the final time which was actually CAUSED by the manufacturer. The manager tells us that they are within their rights under Argos policy to send an item back for repair up to 3 times *for the same fault* before they will give a replacement or a refund. Now first of all, what the f**k has *the same fault* got to do with it. As an entity, they have failed to provide a fully functional laptop 3 times in a row. This has caused considerable inconvenience as I only bought the laptop for use on the move and especially for lectures at Uni. Further, the man tried to claim that I had not suffered "significant inconvenience" because "the laptop wasn't returned late". What a load of absolute pish.

Anyway, despite the fact it's been sent back to the manufacturer for repair AGAIN, a strongly worded letter will be making its way to Argos Customer Services (to whom we were fobbed off, because apparently the Store Manager "doesn't have the authority to waive Argos' repair policy" even though it can't legally reduce basic statutory rights.

It's times like these that I wish Dickson was my dad. He would have sorted them out.

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What's annoying me this week is people with young children who have obviously had a day out in Glasgow thinking that jumping on the 17:12 commuter train home is a good idea. After a long day at work, the last thing I need is to hear some wean who's bored screaming their eyes out next to me.


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Sale of Goods Act clearly states that where goods to not conform to satisfactory quality, they are under obligation to repair or replace the item and that in doing so they the time taken must be reasonable but without causing significant inconvenience to the buyer. Further if neither of these remedies are possible then the buyer has the right to rescind and get a refund.

Bought a Laptop in late September. Power supply stops working in November. Take it in, and get a replacement power supply. Power supply then goes AGAIN in December. They try to test a replacement power supply but it won't charge so they take it away (in February as we had to wait a month for Mastercard to send us a duplicate statement as proof of purchase) to the manufacturers to repair it by replacing the jack socket and power supply. We go back to collect it, take it home, to discover that now (this was not the case previously) the KEYBOARD doesn't work. So we take it back.

Now get this...

They refuse to replace it and insist on sending it back to the manufacturer for repair. AGAIN. We point out to them that it's effectively been faulty 3 times, the final time which was actually CAUSED by the manufacturer. The manager tells us that they are within their rights under Argos policy to send an item back for repair up to 3 times *for the same fault* before they will give a replacement or a refund. Now first of all, what the f**k has *the same fault* got to do with it. As an entity, they have failed to provide a fully functional laptop 3 times in a row. This has caused considerable inconvenience as I only bought the laptop for use on the move and especially for lectures at Uni. Further, the man tried to claim that I had not suffered "significant inconvenience" because "the laptop wasn't returned late". What a load of absolute pish.

Anyway, despite the fact it's been sent back to the manufacturer for repair AGAIN, a strongly worded letter will be making its way to Argos Customer Services (to whom we were fobbed off, because apparently the Store Manager "doesn't have the authority to waive Argos' repair policy" even though it can't legally reduce basic statutory rights.

It's times like these that I wish Dickson was my dad. He would have sorted them out.

please tell me you went mental and recited this to the bloke in the store. in seriousness I suggest taking it above this store persons head and writing to their boss.

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please tell me you went mental and recited this to the bloke in the store. in seriousness I suggest taking it above this store persons head and writing to their boss.

I was reluctant to read off the Sale of Goods Act, but as soon as he started going off on one about how they're allowed to send it off for repair 3 times for the same fault indefinitely I finally called him up on it and cited s48A-C of the Sale of Goods Act. He wouldn't budge, so I've emailed the Managing Director of Argos.

Edit: at one point I pointed out to him that it was an unreasonable time to be without the use of the product given the purpose for which it was bought and that it had, on a point of fact, caused me significant inconvenience to date and would cause further inconvenience for the possible quoted 21 days for return by manufacturer. He said, in an unsure manner "you need to prove that you have been significantly inconvenienced. You'll have to take it up with the customer services department online". My response, a little bit ratty by this stage was "OH YOU CAN COUNT ON IT".

On the whole, though, I felt I kept my cool.

Edited by Exuberant
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Guest The Phoenix

We have a thief at work and i know who it is,Do i report him and risk the wrath of workmates?

Is he thieving from the company or his colleagues?

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