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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Fireman Sam's song goes: "You can not ignore, Sam is the hero next-door!"

Why not? Does he come home from "Hero Of The Year" awards ceremonies and play David Bowie track "Heroes" all night, whilst watching endless re-runs of tv-show "Heroes" and eating a big box of "Heroes" in the shared back garden? Does he invite all the other heroes round, like Action Man, so they can have a big Hero party stopping you from getting to sleep?

Or is it just a cheap rhyme? Is that what it really is? I FUCKING THINK SO.

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Some absolute bastard tried to steal my phone off me when I was walking along Kirkcaldy hig street earlier on. I was walking back towards the bus station from my birds and some dude came out of the pub. I had my phone in my hand flicking through tunes when I saw him put his hand on the top of the screen and try to grab it. I had a swing at him pretty much instantly and caught him flush right on the beak. He stumbled back, stopped, touched his nose with his hand, then turned and stumbled back into the pub. I wasn't for hanging about and legged it upto the bus station before he could go in and get his mates.

What kind of people do that sort of thing!? See someone with a phone, so they try and steal it. I got such a fright and the punch was more a reaction thing than anything else. I hope I bought the dicks nose, and he thinks twice about trying to do it again.


this never happened

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Fillings. Well, the numbing part.

I don't like needles, so I felt quite ill. It was quite cool to start off with. I could feel my face and it felt wierd, and when I wasn't looking I couldn't tell the difference between my lip and my face, but it's annoying me now and I can't talk properly. Please go away...

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Fillings. Well, the numbing part.

I don't like needles, so I felt quite ill. It was quite cool to start off with. I could feel my face and it felt wierd, and when I wasn't looking I couldn't tell the difference between my lip and my face, but it's annoying me now and I can't talk properly. Please go away...

I hate that, I asked last time for it to be done without anaesthetic, wasn't that bad although it's really sensitive to cold stuff now.

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People in the library who leave their stuff over computers when they're nowhere to be seen, presumably away for a lunch trip or some other non-computer activity.

That really is a pain in the arse, especially if you need to print something off.

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People in the library who leave their stuff over computers when they're nowhere to be seen, presumably away for a lunch trip or some other non-computer activity.

Its worse when one person is using group project pods, specifiaclly for 3 people or more and they refuse to move. You feel like a right dick going and telling on them. Its always females and Asians as well.

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People in the library who leave their stuff over computers when they're nowhere to be seen, presumably away for a lunch trip or some other non-computer activity.

This does my head in!

Someone had left books sitting at a computer one day, but had logged off, so I just moved the books a wee bit, and logged myself in, they came back got their books and left, I don't know if they said anything because I was listening to my iPod, but they really have nothing to complain about.

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I've got a game today. And to make things worse I've lost my voice. Oh how will I moan at my team mates?!

A bit cheeky moaning at the players on the pitch when you're on the bench, no?

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Some absolute bastard tried to steal my phone off me when I was walking along Kirkcaldy hig street earlier on. I was walking back towards the bus station from my birds and some dude came out of the pub. I had my phone in my hand flicking through tunes when I saw him put his hand on the top of the screen and try to grab it. I had a swing at him pretty much instantly and caught him flush right on the beak. He stumbled back, stopped, touched his nose with his hand, then turned and stumbled back into the pub. I wasn't for hanging about and legged it upto the bus station before he could go in and get his mates.

What kind of people do that sort of thing!? See someone with a phone, so they try and steal it. I got such a fright and the punch was more a reaction thing than anything else. I hope I bought the dicks nose, and he thinks twice about trying to do it again.

Just read this and then seen your name , it made me laugh. :lol:

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I hate it when you post something quite good and it happens to be the last post on a page and someone posts very soon after you.

Most folk, I imagine just go to the last page of a thread and your post may never be read...

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I hate it when you post something quite good and it happens to be the last post on a page and someone posts very soon after you.

Most folk, I imagine just go to the last page of a thread and your post may never be read...

It's all down to timing, I swear!

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