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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When you are on the train with a few of your mates. There are plenty seats without a table, but there is always one fucker sitting at a table himself! Really does my tits in.

I prefer sitting at a table seat, so if there's one free, I'll always sit there. It's a public train after all. If you want a table to yourselves, then reserve one.

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My mum is an absolute cow. My school bag has been broke and it won't zip up therfore I have to carry it in my hand for the past 2 weeks which is a total pain in the arse. So when I got in from school, I asked her if she would take me up to Argos to get one. "f**k off and get it yerself". I mean, sorry for asking to not look like a tramp at school. Bitch.

And if there is 4 of you, and 1 of them. Then we need the table more than them.

man up eh!! stop being a cry baby

Edited by doulikefish
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don't be. just stand up and make your peace. you'll feel much better afterwards.

admitting you have a problem is the first step towards solving it.

This place never fails. I had expected someone to make the oh-so-hilarious deliberate mistake between the Automobile Association and Alcoholics Anonymous, but I thought it might take a little longer.

Take off that character tie bullywee, and relax. Your workmates are safe in the knowledge that tomorrow is another day, a day where they will continue to suffer your strained impersonations of the Welsh characters in Gavin and Stacey or whichever contrived pile of shite morons are watching these days.

Meanwhile, I'll be in court staring malevolently at lawyers for a car insurance firm.

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This place never fails. I had expected someone to make the oh-so-hilarious deliberate mistake between the Automobile Association and Alcoholics Anonymous, but I thought it might take a little longer.

Take off that character tie bullywee, and relax. Your workmates are safe in the knowledge that tomorrow is another day, a day where they will continue to suffer your strained impersonations of the Welsh characters in Gavin and Stacey or whichever contrived pile of shite morons are watching these days.

Meanwhile, I'll be in court staring malevolently at lawyers for a car insurance firm.

i'm a student. what is this 'work' thing you speak of?

p.s. i don't like gavin and stacey, it's not rad in the slightest.

Edited by bullywee
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i'm a student. what is this 'work' thing you speak of?

p.s. i don't like gavin and stacey, it's not rad in the slightest.


Have a cuddle. *cuddles bullywee*

There, we're all friends again!

No court case either, the AA have had a sudden change of heart and far from deciding on legal action have now agreed we don't actually need to pay 8 months insurance for a car that's being crushed today. Supoib.

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Have a cuddle. *cuddles bullywee*

There, we're all friends again!

No court case either, the AA have had a sudden change of heart and far from deciding on legal action have now agreed we don't actually need to pay 8 months insurance for a car that's being crushed today. Supoib.

well, well, well what do we have here? fishing without a permit?

you sicken me.

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Aye that does my head in too. It's as bad as the person that sits next to you and spills over the arm rest....wankers.

On a similar note I also hate it when I go into McDonalds, KFC etc with the good lady and the kids and after getting served you look for a table only to see one selfish fucker sat at a table by theirself when there is a single seat sat empty next to them.

Or when you can see people sat there knowing there are no tables seats to be had and that you have a young family and your food is getting cold...yet they sit there having finished their meal and want to drag the last few dregs out their drink instead of just walking out and finishing it.

I also hate it when people see you looking/waiting for a table to sit at when your with the kids and they get up and walk away leaving their trays and rubbish on the table instead of putting it in the bin. Meaning you have to shove it over with the tray to get yours down and then clean the table of their shit so you and the kids can eat your food. Selfish b*****ds...aaarrrrgggghhhh!!! !

yes on the not clearing away, this goes not just for mcdonalds etc but for any obviously self clearing food area, if it says self clearing then clear it yourself!

I disagree though on the person sitting to enjoy their food. when they sat they wern't given a time constraint. they wern't told please leave aftger 5 minutes as the Bhoy family will require your seat. And they have paid to sit in just as much as you and your family. The fault lies not with the person who has opportunistically opted to enjoy their meal with sufficient space/legroom but with the lack of sufficient family seating in the 'restaurant' this is usually in my experience because half the place is taken up with some pointless and kid orientated ball pond thing -why have one of those, surely if you wanted to use one you would go to a leisure centre!

the whole noticing you are there and only having a drink left is a grey area, it could fall into the -paid to sit and enjoy drink section, but it also suggest a lack of sense, manners. so I get that.

anyhow my own PTTGOYN people who take 3 working days to reply to an email with important documents -I mean sure take your time, its not like I want to apply for a job with your place or owt is it, and its not as if the deadline is next wed is it? or that I might want to, having looked at the application pack arrange a site visit to confirm I still like the place is it?

do you know I even phoned them to check if they'd received it -despite tagging it with a ping email if it got there and another if opened and getting both back- and they had the temerity to say they already had replied? ffs.

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Have a cuddle. *cuddles bullywee*

There, we're all friends again!

No court case either, the AA have had a sudden change of heart and far from deciding on legal action have now agreed we don't actually need to pay 8 months insurance for a car that's being crushed today. Supoib.

classic big company tactic -"Boo we will take you to court," hoping you'll back down. then "ach alright then we'll let you off....." when they had no case anyway. the banks do this a lot.

either way good stuff.

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My mum is an absolute cow. My school bag has been broke and it won't zip up therfore I have to carry it in my hand for the past 2 weeks which is a total pain in the arse. So when I got in from school, I asked her if she would take me up to Argos to get one. "f**k off and get it yerself". I mean, sorry for asking to not look like a tramp at school. Bitch.

And if there is 4 of you, and 1 of them. Then we need the table more than them.

She's right: f**k off and get it yourself. Seeing as you like to pretend you've grown out of the Pampers on here, stop thinking she has to see to your street cred. If she doesn't still dress you she shouldn't need to give a f**k.

And unless you're following the beer and cards idea there is still no reason why four people need a table more than one person on a train. Four chairs, yes, not a table.

Edited by vikingTON
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My mum is an absolute cow. My school bag has been broke and it won't zip up therfore I have to carry it in my hand for the past 2 weeks which is a total pain in the arse. So when I got in from school, I asked her if she would take me up to Argos to get one. "f**k off and get it yerself". I mean, sorry for asking to not look like a tramp at school. Bitch.

And if there is 4 of you, and 1 of them. Then we need the table more than them.

I'm with vikingTON on this one. Go and get one yourself you absolute tramp.

On the train table issue, you're actually wrong. 1 person with a laptop needs the table more than 4 schoolies with their bags.

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Aw, look at the big grown ups picking on the little one just because they've left school now. Perhaps, being a schoolie, he hasn't got the money to get a bag himself, which is why he needs his mother to come with him. He's what, 14?

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Aw, look at the big grown ups picking on the little one just because they've left school now. Perhaps, being a schoolie, he hasn't got the money to get a bag himself, which is why he needs his mother to come with him. He's what, 14?

the poor wee boy probably broke it himself,and is acting like a spoiled little shit

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