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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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What age are you!?!

I've been going strong since around 97! It didn't do much at the time, but boy, was I intrigued!

22. The man jam started flowing around the time that video came out, so I was really only counting 'proper' wanks.

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I'm no fan of bus drivers, as the likes of capybara can testify from my posts in the past, but I was firmly on this guy's side after the barrage of abuse he took off some stupid bint yesterday, which was completely out of order.

Said bint got on the bus when I was going home from work and had her child with her, who must have been about seven or eight at a guess. Anyway the bus is in transit and said child is running about generally annoying people and refusing to sit down, despite half-arsed attempts from mother request this.

Anyway the bus pulls into the bus stop and let's someone on. The child is still moving around freely but the bus proceeds to start moving out of the bus stop. However the driver suddenly stops when he sees a couple of cars coming up alongside late so driver applies the brakes to prevent collision. A perfectly normal thing to do.

In doing so, the child goes flying and lands in a heap on the floor and starts the screaming process. Driver pops his head out the cab, makes sure the kid's okay and is on his way. By this time the mother, finally, gets up off her arse and attends to her child, who suffered nothing more than a fright.

So when the bus pulls into her stop, she starts calling him a "f****** idiot" among other things and telling him her child could have been severley hurt. The guy's basically getting the full 12 inch mix accompanied by expletives and abuse.

As I witness this, I'm musing over how stupid the woman was in the first place for not even trying to get her kid to sit down on a moving bus then having the audacity to start blowing up at the driver as if it's his fault. I'm no parent myself, but is this the standard we're at now? If it is, I worry for future generations if this bitch is anything to go by.

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Fog lights. It's been raining here and I've lost count of the number of cars I've seen with their feckin rear fog lights on. Why? In the rain it's almost impossible to see the brake lights.

I'd like to see a device installed into cars that controls the fog light. If it's severe fog then the lights are turned on, any other time they are off and the driver can't control them.

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You couldn't make it a double and delete by mistake the Area Patter thread, by any chance?


I like your avatar.

My PTTGOYN - My arms are absolutely aching from the gym yesterday. I'm going again tomorrow, and I know right now that it's going to be a struggle.

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Guest The Phoenix

The water urn is out of action meaning another lengthy trip to the other end of the office for a coffee mad.gif

FFS, are there no wummen at your place? :o:unsure:

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