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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Trying to tear off the film lid from a microwave meal and it cuts to ribbons which inevitably leads to you dipping your fingers in boiling hot food!!mad.gif


its infuriating! not just petty on your nerves!

i think though, if you leave the plastic to cool. then peel it off, it peels slightly better.

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Or you could use a sharp knife to open it...?

Okay then but why is it that the meals you need to peel back, stir then continue heating peel off very well but the ones where you keep the plastic on for the full cooking time tend to be the ones which rip to shreds?

Can they not all be the same FFS.

p.s. can you remove the warning from the Junior Forum, we get the message and are normally a tame bunch....

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If you have to put it in the microwave, wait a couple of minutes, take it back out, peel the lid off, stir it, put it back in, wait another couple of minutes, take it back out, stir it again, then leave it to sit, that's not a micromeal.

That's cooking.


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Only having £14.50 on you when Tesco are doing two 15 crates of Tennents for £16. mad.gif

You should have just bought 2 bottles of MD and spent the remaining £4.50 or so on a massive pick 'n' mix.

I see your MD and raise you two bottles of Buckfast, the remaining £2.50 or so can be put towards another bottle of the good stuff when you get the funds.

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People who take their devil-dog, jaws on legs pitbulls to the park in the nice weather and let the thing run around off the leash.

I was at West Beer in Glasgow yesterday and there must have been 8 or 9 dogs off leads at any given time*. None were causing the slightest bit of bother, though. It was a lovely scene. Several of the dogs were playing together, a collie mix was running around in delighted circles, and a beagle was hanging out with a beagle cross, wondering why it was so massive.

*Outside, of course. If you're not familiar the beer garden opens up into Glasgow Green.

Edited by Swampy
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Used the last of the shampoo in the bath, so I filled up the bottle with water and shook it until it lathered up to the top. I then squirted it and it bounced of the ceiling and right into my eye.

I should probably condition it too.

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