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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Birds that are worth a dunt but are going out with mongs. Wasted.

So who is the "lucky" lass? :unsure:

Who is the 'lucky' lass?...

Absolutely dead. No exercise since november and then had indoor fives on monday and training last night. I dont know but every time I say I'll pace myself I still go all out and run myself into the ground, so much that I was seeing stars. It hasnt helped with my sleeping and have only had about a couple of hours of sleep in the last two nights.

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Students who use survey monkey to create poor surveys which are poorly structured. And, they then expect to get a fair representation of views by posting them on P&B. Think again people, any data collected off of P&B will be misleading, it's hardly a wide enough selection of society.

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Five live education thingy

1. the caller does well.

2. Michael Gove shows himself, as usual. to be an utter c**t.

3. I see ITT in Scotland are to be tested on literacy, numeracy, and ICT. So basically Scotland are to be made to pass QTS, which England has already. I think this is a good thing.

edit: 4. HBOS are another bunch of utter c***s.

Edited by theentomologist
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Guest The Phoenix

Students who use survey monkey to create poor surveys which are poorly structured. And, they then expect to get a fair representation of views by posting them on P&B. Think again people, any data collected off of P&B will be misleading, it's hardly a wide enough selection of society.


The P&B Spectrum ranges from multi millionaires (Law Stud) to the impoverished (hundreds to chose from) and from the multi talented genius (Ad Lib) to the intellectually challenged (hundreds to chose from but l4l will do as an example).

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Five live education thingy

1. the caller does well.

2. Michael Gove shows himself, as usual. to be an utter c**t.

His use of the word interlocutor was absolutely majestic.

Some school subjects are inherently more important than others. The idea that the drop in modern language uptake is somehow "neither a good nor a bad thing" is moronic.

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Right, i'm signed off work until monday, got bad flu, sore throat, and had to go to the ERI last night to see an out of hours doctor, my temperature was up to 39c. I got a text from one of lads at work today, reading "caught captured found out". My boss had saw i had been on facebook yesterday and wasnt pleased, because im ill in bed, which i am. i have a wireless laptop, i can get a signal in the bedroom, am i doing anything wrong, and as i was posting outwith working hours, how does it concern my boss??

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Right, i'm signed off work until monday, got bad flu, sore throat, and had to go to the ERI last night to see an out of hours doctor, my temperature was up to 39c. I got a text from one of lads at work today, reading "caught captured found out". My boss had saw i had been on facebook yesterday and wasnt pleased, because im ill in bed, which i am. i have a wireless laptop, i can get a signal in the bedroom, am i doing anything wrong, and as i was posting outwith working hours, how does it concern my boss??

Hello Democratic Republic of Congo... Naw it's me, Gareh...

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Right, i'm signed off work until monday, got bad flu, sore throat, and had to go to the ERI last night to see an out of hours doctor, my temperature was up to 39c. I got a text from one of lads at work today, reading "caught captured found out". My boss had saw i had been on facebook yesterday and wasnt pleased, because im ill in bed, which i am. i have a wireless laptop, i can get a signal in the bedroom, am i doing anything wrong, and as i was posting outwith working hours, how does it concern my boss??

I don't really see the problem if I'm honest. When you're ill you tend to spend a lot of time in bed, which for me is quite boring. Nothing wrong with having a quick look on the internet. Would he be against you watching telly in bed whilst ill, because it is much the same.

Tell your boss to go f**k himself.

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Well, I was off sick today Philpy and I've been on facebook so I'll be caught too. I had to come home from work on Monday so it's not like they don't know that I have laryngitis. I'm going back to work tomorrow as although my voice is knacked I don't actually feel unwell so I feel that I'm somewhat swinging the lead. That may well be the wrong move, only time will tell. However, last week I was really unwell with flu and I just slept round the clock for 3 days and barely went near facebook.

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I think he gets his little office girl to check folk's facebook pages when they are off sick. Guess what? i've removed her from my friends list, and changed my privacy settings. HUZZA!!!!!!

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