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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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So I go into farmys most days for a drink at lunch, and I usually get oasis which has been running a deal of 1 for 99p or 2 for a pound, but I only have room in my bag for one, so I only want one! Yet every time I go to buy it I get a little lecture by the person selling me it, telling me to buy two because it's only 1p more, what part of "I only want one" don't they understand.

You do make me laugh.

On a completely unrelated note it really annoys me when people don't take a second product when on BOGOF deals. It's even more annoying when people will buy say 6 cans of Tennents and it's actually cheaper to buy 8 but they come out with 'I only want 6 though'. Well buy 8 and bin 2 of them outside. It saves about a quid if you get 2 more.

On topic, the Friends episodes when Joey is all depressed about Rachel. That part of the shows are particularly painful viewing.

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And, that is why Mr Salmond and his SNP are going to continue using the model?

Really? Is that REALLY the case? In fact, one of the criticisms that your beloved Labour Party has hit them with is the fact that they are not using PFI.

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Really? Is that REALLY the case? In fact, one of the criticisms that your beloved Labour Party has hit them with is the fact that they are not using PFI.

Don't let them fool you.

Non Profit Distribution is PFI in all but name. A quick look at contract documents tells you that. They are just redressing the name. The best bit is that non profit distribution, actually still generates profit :o. All they do is take a couple of quid out to build a local play park (at the moment). In future the extra few quid they take out, will go straight back in as payment of the unitary charge......

I think Labour's point is that the SNP stopped using PFI, which delayed all the new schools for years, unnecessarily. But I don't really care about what Labour are saying. The fact remains PFI is continuing to be used because it is very worthwhile when used properly. Why doesn't Salmond just admit he was wrong and that PFI is needed?

Edited by barrysnotter
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Don't let them fool you.

Non Profit Distribution is PFI in all but name. A quick look at contract documents tells you that. They are just redressing the name. The best bit is that non profit distribution, actually still generates profit :o. All they do is take a couple of quid out to build a local play park (at the moment). In future the extra few quid they take out, will go straight back in as payment of the unitary charge......

I think Labour's point is that the stopped using PFI, which delayed all the new schools for years, unnecessarily. But I don't really care about what Labour are saying. The fact remains PFI is continuing to be used because it is very worthwhile when used properly. Why doesn't Salmond just admit he was wrong and that PFI is needed?

Course ya don't. :: winks ::

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I would rather have the torries in power of even the greens, than have that shower who are there just now.

So, you agree that NPD is the same as PFI?

Funny that, for someone who claimed he didn't have an anti SNP agenda, you seem to have a remarkably anti SNP agenda. No, I don't agree.

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Funny that, for someone who claimed he didn't have an anti SNP agenda, you seem to have a remarkably anti SNP agenda. No, I don't agree.

I don't have an anti SNP agenda. I'm pro competent Government. As I said previously, it just so happens that the SNP are in power and failing miserably.

What do you see as the main deferences between PFI and NPD other than in name? Do you believe that the principles of NPD are any different to those of PFI?

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Ok so, how does Int 1 or 2 physics relate to black forest gateau or silver service. he's wrong. your humour is only encouraging him and drawing out his concession.

I wasn't trying to humour him,far from it.

I was just pointing out that there is a lot of science in the process of cooking food,preparing food and the way we combine foods together. I wouldn't know anything about silver service as I have never did that.

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Guest The Phoenix

So I go into farmys most days for a drink at lunch, and I usually get oasis which has been running a deal of 1 for 99p or 2 for a pound, but I only have room in my bag for one, so I only want one! Yet every time I go to buy it I get a little lecture by the person selling me it, telling me to buy two because it's only 1p more, what part of "I only want one" don't they understand.

Lichtie, I normally go gentle with you but the sheer stupidity of that post makes me tempted to say take the 2 Gallagher Brothers and shove the spare one up your ass.

So tempted, indeed, that I've done it.

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So I go into farmys most days for a drink at lunch, and I usually get oasis which has been running a deal of 1 for 99p or 2 for a pound, but I only have room in my bag for one, so I only want one! Yet every time I go to buy it I get a little lecture by the person selling me it, telling me to buy two because it's only 1p more, what part of "I only want one" don't they understand.

What part of 'f**k off you tedious shite' don't you understand?

Perhaps a tad harsh but probably merited.

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A lot of bollocks, no one uses Databases anymore, it's all Spreadsheets.

Maybe for straightforward data requirements, but for more complex situations a spreadsheet is no competitor for a well-designed database. I know it's a pain in the arse to learn, but knowing your way round a relational database remains an excellent skill to have.

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