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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I have been given antibiotics (Metronidazole) and was told not to drink alcohol while taking them. I know this is generic advice and know that you can 'safely' drink alcohol with some types (it just reduces their effectiveness) but a google reveals the type I'm on will f**k me up big time if I have a sip of drink.


the last time i encountered someone who was drinking while on antibiotics i almost ended up fighting them. i had people round to my house for a drink and so on when the guy that was on the antibiotics decided he would also like to join in. 45 minutes later he was KOd on my couch while everyone else carried on around him. after another half hour or so he arose like a zombie rising from the dead and made his way up the stairs. or so i thought. i was struck by the sound of falling water that was reverberating from my hallway and left questioning whether there had been a water feature in that area of the house that had somehow managed to elude my attention for the last 18 years. after pondering this possibility for about a millionth of a second, i decided that i would have to investigate the matter further. as i swung the door open i was met with the hooded outline of my undead friend who had decided to relieve himself of bodily fluid on my stairs. to his credit, he had probably deemed this appropriate behaviour after seeing the small tree that we keep to the side of the staircase and recognising the shrubbage as ample enough to host the urine expelled form his shmeckle. this angered me greatly and i ended up chasing him out of my house and over my neighbours fence before he took refuge under a lamp post on the other side of the street.

luckily enough there were wummin on hand to deal with the mess, otherwise my maw would have been met with a pretty unenviable task when she returned from her holiday.

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Could be that the box needs retuned or it could be that your signal input is being disrupted. You'll still be getting the BBC channels because they're all spread across what is only a couple of frequencies with different digital decoding.

I tried re-tuning, but it's only finding the BBC ones. My friend says he has the same problem.

Edit- I'm unsure whether this article is good or bad...

I've also got this problem. I re-tuned for the switchover ages ago then again when this happened.

You need to retune again today.

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Doctors this morning. Back on friday for blood tests :(

I hate gettin blood taken

Doctors wrote me out the wrong bloody prescription dosage yesterday seeing as GP's and specialists can't seem to communicate whenever something gets changed. You've just reminded me to phone up and get it sorted, cheers! wink.gif

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When there's six crappers empty in work and when you go into one some idiot comes and goes in the one right next to you. I don't want to hear every shuffle, groan and plop you make mate.

At least a gap of one cubicle/urinal should be left.

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When playing a game of football, the wee neds that just hang about trying to get a game. Why not go out and buy a football instead of spending it on lighter fluid (yes lighter fluid of all substances) ya wee manky fucks

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Stuck in Bon Jovi traffic trying to get home from work.

Considering getting off the bus and walking the rest.

Ooooooooooooooh, you're halfway there.

Damn. Beaten to the shitey pun.

Edited by Paco
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*Insert (and I know that's a potential pun in itself) homosexual joke here.*

Yeah, i thought it would be a bit 'too easy*' to make a gay joke about, and so far it seems to be the case. :D

*Chandler Bing voice.

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i ended up being prescribed, and therefore paying for, two rabies inoculations when i only needed one. the doctor's surgery and the chemist are both blaming each other so it looks as though i'm going to lose out on £70

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