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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Offered a job as a supervisor with the Coop. I do not want it as its only meant to be a 'Uni job'. Best ways to say no without getting the boot from my 14 year old girls job?

take it for the money and then make your lackeys do the work

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Knowing things that you shouldn't dry.gif

99% sure that my mate pumped my other mates burd, and I don't know if I should tell him or just leave it be. I'm not too good in these sort of situations.

Why the 1% of doubt? Did you miss the part where he spunked inside her or something?

Don't get involved. There's nothing worse than folk taking sides in shit that has the square root of f**k all to do with them. As long as he's not shagging your bird then there's zero reason for you to take sides or get involved. The adult thing to do is stay totally out of it, it's their business.

This man speaks the truth. Despite good intentions, you will be frowned upon as a c**t by at least one of the two parties if it is brought up. Incidentally, who is it? somebody pumping Boagsy's burd? tongue.gif

Edited by Turbo_dee
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Just take the fucker but let them know that you'll have to severely curtail your hours at certain times of the year. And most mornings. And afternoons.

I'm not too keen on evenings either.

take it for the money and then make your lackeys do the work

It's about an extra 70p an hour and involves a wee bit more travel. Not worth it.

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Knowing things that you shouldn't dry.gif

99% sure that my mate pumped my other mates burd, and I don't know if I should tell him or just leave it be. I'm not too good in these sort of situations.

I managed to somehow end up finding out something similar about two of my mates recently and then ended up getting involved in trying to sort out the aftermath ,not through choice i may add. Just stay clear of it as it's shit you really don't need to be dealing with

Despite good intentions, you will be frowned upon as a c**t by at least one of the two parties if it is brought up.


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I'd just tell them that, then. I'm fairly sure they can't sack you for turning down a promotion!

Its what I'll end up doing but they think 'oh he's been to Uni he will be a great supervisor' so my current manager has his heart set on it and I reckon he'll be a bit annoyed. Its not easy to say to people this isnt what i want to do without sounding arrogant as its what they do for a living and really you are thinking 'i can do so much better than this'.

When you see the nick of some of the supervisors it's tragic.

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Offered a job as a supervisor with the Coop. I do not want it as its only meant to be a 'Uni job'. Best ways to say no without getting the boot from my 14 year old girls job?

Take it without question. It may not be worth the slight wage rise, but it'll look a hell of a lot better on a CV to future employers.

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Take it without question. It may not be worth the slight wage rise, but it'll look a hell of a lot better on a CV to future employers.

That's the thing though I am currently looking for 'future employment' and this would just curtail that and if i did get another job I'd be leaving them high and dry. Basically £11k a year for 30 hours+ and pain of a 5 mile drive as the road is pish.

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I won't say anything but I'm onto the little snake. dry.gif

This is what happened to me a few years ago.

On a night out with a few friends, one of them (a married one) went off with a lassie. He didn't do anything but winch her, but I'm pretty sure he would have, if I hadn't caught him.

At the time, his wife and my girlfriend were very good friends, and I liked his wife and kid a lot. So I went apeshit at him, telling him that he was treating his wife and kid appallingly. He broke down nearly crying saying that his marriage was an unhappy one and he was only staying with her for the sake of the child.

He asked me if he should tell her, and I told him that if it was me, I'd tell my wife, but if he decided not to tell her she'd never hear of it from me.

He went home and told her, but they stayed together. Then, a whole year later on, I found out that he'd twisted the story into me saying to him that if he didn't tell her, I would. A whole year later, he and his wife had been resenting me for something I hadn't done.

I eventually found this out and had it out with him, and he apologised, saying he had told his wife that I had forced him because he didn't know what to say. To this day, his wife thinks I was just shit-stirring and we don't speak.

Moral of the story again - don't breathe a word.

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That's the thing though I am currently looking for 'future employment' and this would just curtail that and if i did get another job I'd be leaving them high and dry. Basically £11k a year for 30 hours+ and pain of a 5 mile drive as the road is pish.

Unless the hours would prevent you from attending interviews (just say you've got a doctors appointment in any case) or some other such thing then I can't see why it would prevent you looking for a new job. It looks a shite sight better on a CV to have "supervisor" than to have "shelf stacker".

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Bought a six pack of Irn Bru last night. Drank two last night. My dad's bird's son was off school today. I come home today chocking for a drink of My Irn Bru. The whole bus journey home i'm thinking "wow, can't wait to get home and have some of that Irn bru. It's been chilling in the fridge all day. This will be fucking magic". I open the fridge to find not one, not two, not three, but four of my Irn Bru's gone. The wee fucker walks through in a wife beater vest and his boxers, tin in hand, and says "My mom says you've to make me dinner" Took every once in my being not to hoof the wee b*****d in the baws.

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Bought a six pack of Irn Bru last night. Drank two last night. My dad's bird's son was off school today. I come home today chocking for a drink of My Irn Bru. The whole bus journey home i'm thinking "wow, can't wait to get home and have some of that Irn bru. It's been chilling in the fridge all day. This will be fucking magic". I open the fridge to find not one, not two, not three, but four of my Irn Bru's gone. The wee fucker walks through in a wife beater vest and his boxers, tin in hand, and says "My mom says you've to make me dinner" Took every once in my being not to hoof the wee b*****d in the baws.

Is he American?

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Unless the hours would prevent you from attending interviews (just say you've got a doctors appointment in any case) or some other such thing then I can't see why it would prevent you looking for a new job. It looks a shite sight better on a CV to have "supervisor" than to have "shelf stacker".

but 'stock replenishment technician' sounds a lot better than both.

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There are a couple things really bugging me about this forum at the moment...

Firstly, the use of the words "wedge" and "score", when talking about money. I really, really particularly hate the word "wedge". Its such an ugly, classless word, and it cheapens any sentence it is used in.

Secondly, those fucking rage comics and troll face things. I really, really hate that badly drawn shit, and it really fucking irritates me. Its not funny, its not clever, its badly drawn, overused, offensive to my eyes shite. Why can't we stick with lolcats? Lolcats were good!

I appreciate that I've set myself up for a million of those fucking images, but I don't care.

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