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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People not knowing the difference between their, there and they're; oh and not knowing the difference between butter and shitty margarine spreads.


Your right, their the worst type of person.

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A lot of the time I wonder if people are just lazy at typing and see it as semi-acceptable to do so on here / Facebook or whether this country is full of people who can't read / write good. I'm guessing the latter.

Another pet hate (passed down from my grandfather I guess) is when people say the likes of "Me and John" rather than "John and I"

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When you wander into the toilets, there's a guy in the other cubicle obviously doing a shite, you go for a piss, he finishes up and flushes toilet, you happen to flush seconds afterwards and the guy runs straight out in a hurry to avoid being recognised, not washing his hands in the process. Dirty f***ing minks.

Also, quickly proof reading a post on here, only to submit it and then spot a glaring obvious mistake almost straight away. I'm going to guess at least half my posts have an edited note at the bottom. It's the same when you print something to hard copy.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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A lot of the time I wonder if people are just lazy at typing and see it as semi-acceptable to do so on here / Facebook or whether this country is full of people who can't read / write good. I'm guessing the latter.

Another pet hate (passed down from my grandfather I guess) is when people say the likes of "Me and John" rather than "John and I"

What about you and John?

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I'm going to have to stop watching news, it's just making me fume.

Some spokesman for Scottish catholics on sky news just now is claiming that the same sex marriage act would discriminate against catholics. He's getting totally owned by a guy speaking for equality too. :D

If you follow a religion that decides that equality is somehow a threat you seriously need to have a fucking word with yourself.

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One of the things I hate most about our consumerist society is automated/scripted responses from front-line customer service staff.

During my lunch break today, I visited the Post Office and my bank.

Having paid for postage at the Post Office, I was asked: "Would you like to top up a mobile phone today?"

I don't have a pay as you go mobile phone. And if I did, I would probably top it up when I needed to, not when the Post Office gonk asked me.

This was in a busy Aberdeen city centre Post Office, with a huge queue of folk, presumably some of whom were there during their lunch breaks.

If this exchange takes five seconds per customer, even if the Post Office gonk is only serving one customer every five minutes, that's still a minute wasted every hour. Over an eight-hour day, that gonk could have served an additional 1.6 customers.

The elderly woman next to me was asked the same question: "Would you like to top up a mobile phone today?"

She may as well have been asked if she'd like to discombobulate her Higgs Boson particles. The gonk asked the question three times before giving up and assuming that the elderly lady didn't have a mobile phone in urgent need of top-uppery.

Then in the bank, having paid in some cash, I was asked if I had a mortgage, the bank gonk having presumably snooped through my account and noticed that if I did, it certainly wasn't with them.

"Yes, thank you" I replied.

"It's not with us, is it?"

"No, it's not"

"Would you like us to arrange an appointment to discuss our mortgage options with you?"

"No thank you"

I really do wish that gonks weren't forced to rattle off this sales spiel every time a customer crossed their path.

In a previous life, I worked in a call centre, and we had a scripted response when we answered a call: "Can I have your reference number please?"

[Customer searches for reference number, quotes their own phone number then their meter reading. Finally sources the reference number.]

"Thank you Mr McHughy. I see you have an outstanding balance of £23,675 on your account. Are you calling to pay that by debit card today?"

Cue Mr McHughy launching into an apopleptic fit during which he invents several new swearwords.

But my own personal favourite [and it is a favourite - it defied belief so much] was when I called T-Mobile to advise them I was leaving and would like my PAC code so I could transfer my number to a new provider.

"Hi, I'd like my PAC code please"

"OK, can I just ask why you're thinking of leaving us?"

"Because I've moved to Argyll and I don't get a T-Mobile signal in my house."

"It's just that, because you've been a long-term customer, we could offer you a good incentive to stay. We can offer 500 free minutes per month and 500 free texts."

"That sounds great, but unfortunately I wouldn't be able to use the free minutes or free texts as I have no T-Mobile signal in my house."

"Well, we could extend that to 750 minutes and 750 texts..."

"Which again sounds great, but unless you're also going to build a mast in my back garden, I'm afraid I'll still have to say no."

Modern society - I truly do despair sometimes...

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I just stopped at Johnstonebridge services on the M74 there for a coffee. How fucking hard is it to get a cup of coffee? The conversation between woman behind counter, (wbc), and me went like this:

Me- "Can I get a white coffee please?"

WBC- "What kind?"

Me- "White."

WBC- "Aye but what kind? Latte "

Me- "I don't even know what that is. Can I just get a white coffee. "

WBC- "What do you mean though, like a black coffee with milk in it?"

Me- "Yes, that would make it a white coffee."

WBC- "Right, ok".

That is word for word what was said not 10 minutes ago. Maybe this should be in 'the thickest c**t you've ever spoken to' thread.

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Idiots on facebook / twitter who insist on giving you live weather updates - "omg, it's raining!" aye cheers, you've just saved me from having to look out the window.

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Idiots on facebook / twitter who insist on giving you live weather updates - "omg, it's raining!" aye cheers, you've just saved me from having to look out the window.

Just checked Facebook - first post on my newsfeed:

Ah great... Raining again! If only I was going to a pro country like Sweden tomorrow... Oh wait! BOOM!!

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