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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I did the 6 mile walk home from town steaming last night (pay for a taxi? For just me? I dont think so!), and it was all going fine till right at the end when I was nearly at my house. I must have fallen asleep while walking, because somehow I must have turned round and sleepwalked all the way back out of town again. I woke up back in the country, walking the wrong way. Fail.

Assuming that you are not exaggerating, that is a serious problem. Do something like that at the wrong time of year and you can be in real trouble.

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Assuming that you are not exaggerating, that is a serious problem. Do something like that at the wrong time of year and you can be in real trouble.

The exaggeration is that I was only slightly out of town, I could still see the sign, so I had obviously just drifted off for a few minutes! No harm done though! :lol:

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4. the Reduced section - what is it about them that forces every mutant within a 2 mile radius to crowd aroung them and start behaving like it's the royal rumble!? As soon as the yellow ticket gun comes out people switch into zombie mode and 9 times out of 10 they've only knocked about 20p of the original price yet some people seem willing to lose an eye!

The reduced section is brilliant. I got a 20-slice Spiderman cake for £5 - reduced from £20. It went out of date the next day but that didn't stop me from eating the whole thing.

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I was watching a cooking show earlier the scene changed to a farm which bred ducks.

The farmer was asked, 'how long do they get before they get to the plate'

He replied, 'we like to let them live half their lives at least'

No dumb ass, that would be their whole life.

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Assuming that you are not exaggerating, that is a serious problem. Do something like that at the wrong time of year and you can be in real trouble.

I can remember some young wifey around the Auchterarder area (I think) doing this and freezing to death a number of years ago. sad.gif

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This. I was in Morrisons last week and spent ages trying to find some jam for a sandwich at work. Searched the two aisles with all the chutney, Branston pickle, soup, sauces etc, couldn't find them. Eventually asked a member of staff where it was and even he was stumped. Turns out it was sandwiched (pardon the pun) between the frozen foods and nappy / bog roll sections at the far end of the store (jarred pickles etc being one of the closest). huh.gif

There's almost a full-time industry employed just to design supermarket layouts. All the major supermarkets pay a lot of money looking into this. I'd guess the reason for my jam example is probably making folk like me think it's in one of the closest aisles where I'd expect it and then making me scour every aisle, seeing almost every product by the time I get there.

Bread and milk always seem to be at near-opposite ends, probably for the same reason.

I jumped into a morrisons in a hurry the other day and they had completely moved absolutely everything since the last time I was in! Nightmare!

Im sure i read milk and bread are always at the very back of supermarkets for this exact reason so you have to go by everything else to get to them.

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Guest The Phoenix

I can remember some young wifey around the Auchterarder area (I think) doing this and freezing to death a number of years ago. sad.gif

Would never happen to a box office poster.

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Trying to organise a week off work in October to be told that someone already needs that week off even though they've not marked it down. The way my work organises holidays is the longest serving get the first pick (not exactly fair but that's how they do it. Now I'm the longest serving member of staff in there yet they're being dicks about it and saying they'll get back to me when they've decided what they'll do. Dicks.

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I was under the impression that legally businesses are no longer allowed to give preferential treatment based on length of service, as it's a form of age discrimination.

I'm certain that line was trotted out by my work when they were issuing new shifts.

I've never heard that but it could be worth looking into I suppose. The place I work is fucking clueless when it comes to employment law.

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On TV shows and in films when people are playing computer games they always smash the buttons repeatedly, flick the D-stick all over the place and even move the whole pad itself all over the place. If you played games like that, any game, you wouldn't get far. If it was Halo for example then you'd just be running in circles, firing intermitandly, jumping, using your weapon as a club, blowing yourself up with grenades and changing what grenade and weapon you were using.

This irritates me.

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I was under the impression that legally businesses are no longer allowed to give preferential treatment based on length of service, as it's a form of age discrimination.

I'm certain that line was trotted out by my work when they were issuing new shifts.

What about loyalty schemes? My work has decided to come out with a reward scheme where you get £100 after five years service, £200 after ten etc. Technically you're giving them preferential status by paying them more?

As an aside, the whole thing's a complete waste of time but I'll take my £100 quite happily. I was planning on moving to Shell or BP with a potential salary rise of up to 10k but now that they say that I'll get another £100 if I stay another 5 years, then I'll stay for that.

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Guest The Phoenix

What about loyalty schemes? My work has decided to come out with a reward scheme where you get £100 after five years service, £200 after ten etc. Technically you're giving them preferential status by paying them more?

As an aside, the whole thing's a complete waste of time but I'll take my £100 quite happily. I was planning on moving to Shell or BP with a potential salary rise of up to 10k but now that they say that I'll get another £100 if I stay another 5 years, then I'll stay for that.

Very wise, a bird in the hand is worth two in the hedge.

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3 customer services . I had a rant about them last week and up until 5 mins ago, they were still hopeless at sorting my phone issue.

Eventually phoned the 3shop in Stirling and spoke to a guy who solved the issue in 5 mins. Basically he said just bring the mobile in and they would replace it. Why has it took so long to get this service?



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