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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Folk calling in work sick so the rest of you have to pick up their work load! 3 out of 10 tonight and 1 was even stupid enough to put pictures of their night out on facebook!

A mate of mine had a temp work for him and asked for time off to go watch Newcastle.

My mate said no and the guy phoned in sick and posted photos on Facebook of him at the game.

He was fired or whatever it is you do wi agency staff.

What a flange.

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A mate of mine had a temp work for him and asked for time off to go watch Newcastle.

My mate said no and the guy phoned in sick and posted photos on Facebook of him at the game.

He was fired or whatever it is you do wi agency staff.

What a flange.

The thick c**t was moaning last night about being pulled in for a disciplinary! My response, "DUH!"

best I have ever heard was my mate calling in sick as they wouldn't give him time off, then everyone finding out he was actually at a mcfly concert. He has never lived that down!

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c***s that drink too much on a Saturday night so they call in ill on Sunday night so you're the only driver on and everyone is complaining how long it's taken to deliver stuff. Thanks knobache

Oh and the in laws dug that needed out at 12:45 and 5:30 to only go shit in a corner. Genius

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I actually cannot function when I've not slept properly or have overslept a great deal, it's odd. It's like being hungover except my brain doesn't seem to comprehend english aswell, it's like every command is a complex algorithm. I also turn into some accident prone freak and knock over everything in my path, it's horrible.

So aye, lack of sleep. Don't like it.

~80% of a hangover is down to the tiredness imo. Leaving a party in morning daylight certainly doesn't help.

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~80% of a hangover is down to the tiredness imo. Leaving a party in morning daylight certainly doesn't help.

Surely I'm not the only one who overcompensates by sleeping the same amount of time and just getting up in the afternoon.

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Someone once told me that due to being absolutely pished you are not actually getting rem sleep and are more like being in a state of unconsciousness so even sleeping a long time your mind is still tired and struggles to function the next day. Probably talking shite though!

Edited by Honest_Man#1
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Guest The Phoenix

People leaving dirty dishes when it takes 5 mins to put them in the dishwashewr and switch the fucker on!

Trust me, it takes me a lot longer than that to get Mrs P up and running.

To be fair my efforts at switching her on aren't what they used to be.

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Guest The Phoenix

Look on the bright side, your still on the pitch and havnae been subbied.............;)

Aye but I don't take penalty kicks any more. :(

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Trust me, it takes me a lot longer than that to get Mrs P up and running.

To be fair my efforts at switching her on aren't what they used to be.

I believe it was yourself who recommended a fatty to practice on when I was having this problem (and of course single).

Obviously in your case you'll be commiting adultery, but at least she'll appreciate the fact that you willing to go that far just to switch her on again, I mean some women are so ungrateful these days...

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Guest The Phoenix

I believe it was yourself who recommended a fatty to practice on when I was having this problem (and of course single).

Obviously in your case you'll be commiting adultery, but at least she'll appreciate the fact that you willing to go that far just to switch her on again, I mean some women are so ungrateful these days...


Some women? My recommendation obviously did the trick for you then. :D

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