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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who torrent music, meaning that HMV is going down the pan

If someone said to me that I could walk into a clothes shop, take what I wanted and walk out without the security guards caring, I would. I apply the same set of morals to downloading music online, which is why I have an external hard drive full of music, none of which I've paid for.

Get it fucking up ye.

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If someone said to me that I could walk into a clothes shop, take what I wanted and walk out without the security guards caring, I would. I apply the same set of morals to downloading music online, which is why I have an external hard drive full of music, none of which I've paid for.

Get it fucking up ye.

I know it is early but that is the post of the year so far.

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If someone said to me that I could walk into a clothes shop, take what I wanted and walk out without the security guards caring, I would. I apply the same set of morals to downloading music online, which is why I have an external hard drive full of music, none of which I've paid for.

Get it fucking up ye.

Yeah, fcuk the people who make stuff, I want it for free..

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Four weeks after contracting a throat infection I am still suffering the after effects of it. Doctors advice? Rest, take paracetamol, gargle with salt, drink orange juice. Probably wont drive down to Killie on Saturday and its a venue I quite like.

Moan over.

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Having recently tried to buy food from small businesses and producers instead of supermarkets I have realised that a large factor in the demise of small businesses is that over 50% of them are really, really crap.

Yep! The number of dusty-shelved Arkwright shops still about in the UK is incredible. Obviously there are some outliers but a large part of the retail sector hasn't cottoned on to the notion that closing at 5pm and only selling shite in tins ain't really the way to get customers.

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The ridiculous cost of basically everything. Went to a 3D film where we had to pay for the glasses then £2.95 for a bottle of water. Broken Britain.

Take an empty plastic bottle with you and fill it from the drinking fountain. They can't stop you from doing this.

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Despite not being a student I often buy my paper in the Edinburgh Universtiy Student Shop where they are discounted (pleasing to a tight cnut like myself). There is a sign next to the tills "After receiving overwhelming support in the Student Council we will no longer stock "The Sun" until they change their degrading stance towards woman" or something like that. All very right on and P.C.

Except.... they were sitll selling the Daily Star, which also has Page 3 girls and is owned by Richard "Dirty" Desmond, who is also the owner of Television X and various jazz mags and has done more to degrade women than Murdoch ever has. And I notice they didn't ban the Daily Mail for being a fascist rag either...


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Guest The Phoenix

Just had a phone call from "Mark" (he didn't sound like a Mark) who claimed he was from Microsoft Windows and that he was aware that there were malicious downloads on my PC.

If I went onto my computer he would "guide me". When I asked where he said "I don't understand".

The conversation proceeded along these lines for a few minutes until I gave up and hung up.

Anyone else get a call like this?

I'm assuming it was a ploy to get information but then again...

Any constructive responses welcome. I promise to smile politely whilst reading the others.

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Just had a phone call from "Mark" (he didn't sound like a Mark) who claimed he was from Microsoft Windows and that he was aware that there were malicious downloads on my PC.

If I went onto my computer he would "guide me". When I asked where he said "I don't understand".

The conversation proceeded along these lines for a few minutes until I gave up and hung up.

Anyone else get a call like this?

I'm assuming it was a ploy to get information but then again...

Any constructive responses welcome. I promise to smile politely whilst reading the others.

I think this might be a scam to try to scare the vulnerable into installing expensive (and shite) anti malware/virus programmes on their PCs. I'd be hanging up straight away if they call.

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