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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who brag about how cheap their wedding was. It's not exactly the sort of thing that you hear on a daily basis, but 3 people in the last month have made some sort of mention of it to me. It's also been said a few times on P&B.

^^^^^^^ Father in Law was minted.

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Guest The Phoenix

I'm with Fudge on this one. The cost of a wedding shouldn't be up for public discussion whatever the cost.

Reflects an underlying insecurity IMO.

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surely noone gives even the smallest grain of f**k about how much anyone spent on their wedding

why would they think anyone wanted to know :huh:

It's not the cost of the wedding that people are interested in, it's the cost of the divorce.

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Guest The Phoenix
surely noone gives even the smallest grain of f**k about how much anyone spent on their wedding

why would they think anyone wanted to know :huh:

See the last sentence of my post above for the answer.

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The carpet beetles are back.

And im not talking about some second rate floor-covering based tribute band.

From what I've read about them (our entire building has always had a problem with them) they need some really heavy treatment. They're pretty resilient. Check for birds' nests near your house as well. They're attracted by high-protein dust and fibres apparently and nests are full of it. They're little b*****ds.
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Guest The Phoenix

From what I've read about them (our entire building has always had a problem with them) they need some really heavy treatment. They're pretty resilient. Check for birds' nests near your house as well. They're attracted by high-protein dust and fibres apparently and nests are full of it. They're little b*****ds.

I blame the parents.

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From what I've read about them (our entire building has always had a problem with them) they need some really heavy treatment. They're pretty resilient. Check for birds' nests near your house as well. They're attracted by high-protein dust and fibres apparently and nests are full of it. They're little b*****ds.


And from a lady as well.

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Oh, I fully expected it, but do you not think it's a little sad that a man can't publicise the fact that he is donating £150,000 a week for 5 months without being criticised or having his motives questioned? It can't just be a good deed or philantrophic gesture? Announcing it also not only gives publicit to the charitable foundations he'll be donating to, but also may encourage others that - rightly or wrongly - look up to Beckham to do similar. People copy his hairstyles, maybe some will copy his charitable nature too.

Conversley, if he hadn't announced it, just donated the money without telling a soul, how many people would have - incorrectly - criticised him for "only going for the money" to the cash rich PSG who are already bursting with talent? "It's just a cynical marketing ploy to increase Brand Beckham, promote PSG and the c**t will probably be making millions out of it too".

It's not just this example, it happens with absolutely everything. No good deed or worthwhile venture goes off without cynicism and negativity, no matter how profound or charitable it is. Take Children in Need for example, people raising millions of pounds for those that need it, how do some people greet it? "Oh, those celebrity c***s are only doing it to increase their profile". Well, so what? If that's a by-product of people helping and improving the lives of others then all the better, they deserve it for aiding the less fortunate. Why does that have to be criticised and portrayed negatively?

It's a fucking sad state of affairs!

What Beckham has done is tremendous. He should be applauded. However, don't be fooled that he won't receive some benefit from moving to PSG. Is he not going to be paid about £20m to be the face of the world cup in Qatar?

At the end of the day, everyone should just focus on the fact that a charity is going to receive a huge benefit.

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What Beckham has done is tremendous. He should be applauded. However, don't be fooled that he won't receive some benefit from moving to PSG. Is he not going to be paid about £20m to be the face of the world cup in Qatar?

At the end of the day, everyone should just focus on the fact that a charity is going to receive a huge benefit.

Yeah I agree with you here. I said to other friends that while the media circus over it and the publicity will be annoying, it's still a great thing to do for a great cause no matter how much he benefits from it, because at the end of the day these charities will benefit too. Not always a fan of him and I'm sure there is something in it for him, but I'm still glad to see him doing something so generous anyway.

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