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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The number of threads on P&B just now about... P&B, largely posters bickering about who's the best/influential/box-office etc, largely because it clogs up General Nonsense which is essentially my first port of call for news. <_<

Edited by Hedgecutter
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I'm sure I've been on this thread before moaning about people who don't have the first clue how to indicate at roundabouts. Saw a new level of stupidity yesterday.

Driving on a dual carriageway and approaching a roundabout. The guy in the right-hand lane indicates left... being a benevolent cardinal I slowed right down to let him cross lanes and take a left. Witness my disbelief as he sailed straight through the roundabout then took his indicator off, and then proceeded to hog the right line for the next couple of miles until the next roundabout, where he presumably he put his hazards on and parked slap-bang in the centre and proceeded to eat his packed-lunch.

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I've got to cross the road immediately off of a roundabout on my way home each day and if I waited for the coast to be clear of all cars then I'd be waiting for hours. Therefore if nobody's indicating to come onto my road then I need to go for it, but the number of clowns that don't indicate for their first exit is unreal. If theyneed to slam the breaks on and get all angry then they can get tae fcuk.

Indicators aren't just for other cars as pedestrians aren't mind readers as to which way you're going at any junction. If you don't indicate then it's not unreasonable for others to presume you're going straight on. Don't get crabbit when folk block your path to the left or right.

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Those Doritos adverts.

Utter pish.

They were pretty poor the first time around but to wheel them out again this year is a load of shite. There's only certain adverts they can bring out every Christmas, Coca Cola and Irn Bru being good examples.

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They were pretty poor the first time around but to wheel them out again this year is a load of shite. There's only certain adverts they can bring out every Christmas, Coca Cola and Irn Bru being good examples.

Fair point, that Lilly Allen cover version is fast becoming a song that enrages me.

It's now being played on the radio as well as the advert on TV.

Enough is enough.

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