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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Folk who pronounce Kenya 'Keen-ya'.

For all I know that could be the correct pronounciation, but it irritates me

My mum does that. She also pronounced Matt Damon's name as "Dah-mon" the other day. Fucking baffling.

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I'm all set to start a new job on Monday, having completed a mass amount of paperwork for it, background checks etc. which is fine, I'm looking forward to something different.

Only for some fucking HR woman to phone me this afternoon because I hadn't supplied an official email address for a reference in a job I'd had nearly 6 years ago. I asked if it was important and if so she could just phone the number I'd left. Nope, she was insistent I had to supply my line manager's official email address.

I'd have loved to have seen her face when I told her we would both struggle there as he died a few months after I left.

This is almost verbatim the issues I'm trying to sort out with my new job. It's a fucking nightmare; security checks, fucking utility bills, references from companies I haven't worked for in 5 years who probably won't even remember me.

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This is almost verbatim the issues I'm trying to sort out with my new job. It's a fucking nightmare; security checks, fucking utility bills, references from companies I haven't worked for in 5 years who probably won't even remember me.

I understand that it's pretty important to check out my work history to a certain extent but I fail to see the relevance in pestering someone I've never met about a job completely unrelated to what I'm starting, which I left over 4 years ago.

See also; the difficulty in attaining a utility bill when everything is paperless and you don't have a printer - the only thing I have is our landline bill which is still in my wife's maiden name. I want my 20p from the library back. :(

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c***s who come in to your work and think they know more than you.

Or the same ones that go 'Awww, am no gawn back tae Starbucks until they pay thur taxes, I happily go in and tell thum thit am no buyin until they pay tax ROLFLOLMAO'.

f**k off.

^^^^ works in starbucks and dosent know what he is doing

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Speaking of Starbucks.

Thing that gets me is the look on people's face when you do a random act of kindness.

Payed for a guy's coffee in Starbucks when he started fumbling about for his wallet.

Looked at me like WTF?

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Speaking of Starbucks.

Thing that gets me is the look on people's face when you do a random act of kindness.

Payed for a guy's coffee in Starbucks when he started fumbling about for his wallet.

Looked at me like WTF?

A WTF is the least you would be getting from me you creepy weirdo :blink:

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Why would you pay for some strangers coffee?

I thought that was a bit weird too. Help someone out if they're a bit short, sure, but pay the whole thing because they're fumbling a bit? Seems a bit patronising, or maybe like you're after a winch :unsure:

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Why would you pay for some strangers coffee?

It's called 'Paying it forward'

Like when you are at Tesco & some old dear is paying & struggling to get the exact change.

You see what she needs and give it to the checkout person.

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It's called 'Paying it forward'

Like when you are at Tesco & some old dear is paying & struggling to get the exact change.

You see what she needs and give it to the checkout person.

Aye, but that's just to get the bitch out of the way.

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It's called 'Paying it forward'

Like when you are at Tesco & some old dear is paying & struggling to get the exact change.

You see what she needs and give it to the checkout person.

I think you'll find that a fair few folk take that as an insult - "you're too old and slow, get out of the road". Unless they're actually short, which is a different matter.

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I think you'll find that a fair few folk take that as an insult - "you're too old and slow, get out of the road". Unless they're actually short, which is a different matter.

Not really.

More folk 'get it' when you do a kind deed should the situation arise.

I'm half Canadian so I'm maybe stereotypically apologetic/kind.

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Not really.

More folk 'get it' when you do a kind deed should the situation arise.

I'm half Canadian so I'm maybe stereotypically apologetic/kind.

If a stranger offer to pay for me within Starbucks, I'd be giving the same look.

It does bring me to another annoyance, people who despite queuing never have their money ready to pay. Instead wait until the last possible moment and take ages fumbling about

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