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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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With the exception of the Ayr stuff, that sounds uncannily like a mate of mine and his sour-faced boot of a wife.

Within around 3 months of going out, they had a deposit down on a hideously expensive pokey 1 bed flat in Airdrie, and her parents had extended their driveway for my mate's motor.

He's given up his Huun season ticket (a blessed relief some might say), and was working two jobs for a while to pay for said shitty overpriced flat. I could count on the figers of one hand the number of times he's been out for a bevvy with his mates in the last 3-4 years.

Blokes who end up in that kind of situation need a good slap and a boot to their baws to assist them in coming to their senses.

That's more than a bit creepy.... :unsure:

There's a lot worse gone on that I wouldn't put on a public forum as well. :(

Having been in the same year at school as his older sister, she would often have a moan to me about the situation. One day I said: "What was he thinking?" and her reply was simply: "It's his first hole." :lol:

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When I first started going out with ayrgirl I said to her that if she wanted to see me on a Saturday I'd be wherever Ayr were playing. Much to my surprise she started coming with me, and to be honest in the last couple of years it's her that's been dragging me to watch the garbage on show.

Same with me and my other half. Anyway now i think i get more excited about football than he does. I can't wait to get back to Scotland on Friday night to watch Saints on Saturday. :D

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A colleague has just announced that Van Heusen in the airport are having a closing down for refurbishment sale and all shirts are going for just £5.

I am now sitting in a completely empty office as everyone has stampeded off for the chance of a bargain. :angry:

Any illegals wanting to enter the UK, now's your chance! <_<

At least you will be all nicely turned out.

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That's because quite a hig percentage of woman are c***s when it comes to scenarios like this. Yes, men can also be b*****ds but the 'stopping you from doing something you want' is by and large a female thing.

Oh I know. I do know some fellow females (psychos!) who try this but I would never do it because I wouldn't want it done to me.

How someone can make you buy a flat you can't afford is beyond me. :unsure:

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Oh I know. I do know some fellow females (psychos!) who try this but I would never do it because I wouldn't want it done to me.

How someone can make you buy a flat you can't afford is beyond me. :unsure:

If I female told me to stop doing things I liked (within reason) or buy stuff we couldn't afford just to please her, I'd tell her where to go. It's partly the man's fault for being so weak by allowing somone to control him!

I actually stopped going to most games this season, partially because we were so dire, but also partly because I actually enjoyed doing things with her (fnarr etc) on Saturday afternoon. If she'd tried to stop me going to the football I'd probably have gone to spite her, even if I didn't really want to go!

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That's more than a bit creepy.... :unsure:

There's a lot worse gone on that I wouldn't put on a public forum as well. :(

Having been in the same year at school as his older sister, she would often have a moan to me about the situation. One day I said: "What was he thinking?" and her reply was simply: "It's his first hole." :lol:


Said burd's maw is a f'cking mentalist, which should have set the warning lights flashing in my mate's head.

That said, if all you're looking for in life is a regular sh@g, somewhere to park your car and as many homecooked dinners at the burd's parents' as you can eat, then I suppose seeing your mates more than once a year, your season ticket and any other frivoulous spending would be easy to sacrifice. :rolleyes:

Maybe I'm just spoiled by going out with a burd who likes beer, fitba and gigs.

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Bird - "You dont go to football EVERY Saturday do you? I thought we could do lunch?! "

You should bring her down to Stark's, the prospect of a crucial Raith Rovers v Brechin City clash must whet the appetite of any self-respecting bint.

Her take on the inclusion of Iain Davidson as captain as well as our current striking crisis could be quite interesting.

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At least you will be all nicely turned out.

They've all got official uniforms for work. This'll be for their personal use. ;)

I got a Calvin Klein and a Van Heuson shirt for work for £10, after fighting my way through the massed throng of Immigration, Customs and Special Branch officers cramming the shop up. Word spreads fast amongst the control authorities! :D

(Kilt @ Apr 22 2009, 11:39)

I am now sitting in a completely empty office as everyone has stampeded off for the chance of a bargain.

Any illegals wanting to enter the UK, now's your chance!

KILT <------- 'Hypocrite' - just before any of you lot say it! :P

BREAKING NEWS: It appears the Van Heuson staff have made an incredible error. Only some of the stock in the closing down sale were priced at a fiver, the rest should have been half-price only but they've been selling everything at a fiver! Now the regional manager has found out and the bargain giveaway has stopped and the staff spoken to. Three of my colleagues have just come back shirtless confirming that the staff have shut up shop for the moment. We've done a rough calculation in the office and reckon in total we've bought around 50 shirts at a fiver each. God knows how much Van Heuson have lost through that cock-up. My two shirts were priced at £27.50 and £25.00 so I should technically have paid £26:25 at half price for them but only paid a tenner! :D

We've all got receipts...


...they ain't getting them back! :ph34r::D

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You should bring her down to Stark's, the prospect of a crucial Raith Rovers v Brechin City clash must whet the appetite of any self-respecting bint.

Her take on the inclusion of Iain Davidson as captain as well as our current striking crisis could be quite interesting.

"You wanted to do lunch? Here's some stovies."

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Maybe I'm just spoiled by going out with a burd who likes beer, fitba and gigs.

Y'see, this is the thing.

If you read her posts on here you'd think the wife was a nightmare, but actually she's nothing like it. We do lots of stuff together and have a right laugh. By 'stuff' I don't mean shopping for throw pillows (they're called that because if I ever saw one in my house I'd throw it in the bin) or browsing Ikea, I mean proper fun stuff like eating and drinking out, going to away games, gigs, and only making me visit her mothers about twice a year.

I have a fucking great life and I'm a right lucky b*****d. :D

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They've all got official uniforms for work. This'll be for their personal use. ;)

I got a Calvin Klein and a Van Heuson shirt for work for £10, after fighting my way through the massed throng of Immigration, Customs and Special Branch officers cramming the shop up. Word spreads fast amongst the control authorities! :D

KILT <------- 'Hypocrite' - just before any of you lot say it! :P

BREAKING NEWS: It appears the Van Heuson staff have made an incredible error. Only some of the stock in the closing down sale were priced at a fiver, the rest should have been half-price only but they've been selling everything at a fiver! Now the regional manager has found out and the bargain giveaway has stopped and the staff spoken to. Three of my colleagues have just come back shirtless confirming that the staff have shut up shop for the moment. We've done a rough calculation in the office and reckon in total we've bought around 50 shirts at a fiver each. God knows how much Van Heuson have lost through that cock-up. My two shirts were priced at £27.50 and £25.00 so I should technically have paid £26:25 at half price for them but only paid a tenner! :D

We've all got receipts...


...they ain't getting them back! :ph34r::D

I wonder if you could take them back maybe in a week -unopened- and get a refund at the regular price.....

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Y'see, this is the thing.

If you read her posts on here you'd think the wife was a nightmare, but actually she's nothing like it. We do lots of stuff together and have a right laugh. By 'stuff' I don't mean shopping for throw pillows (they're called that because if I ever saw one in my house I'd throw it in the bin) or browsing Ikea, I mean proper fun stuff like eating and drinking out, going to away games, gigs, and only making me visit her mothers about twice a year.

I have a fucking great life and I'm a right lucky b*****d. :D

That's all well and good, but the flipside is that whenver the OF or Scotland are playing a big televised match, the pub is hoaching with horrible burds with no knowledge of fitba, who insist in coming out with their boyfriends and behaving like utter twats whenever there's a big game on.

For each burd who's cracking company and and is as happy drinking pints in some provincial shithole prior to a lower league fitba match as she is sipping G&Ts in Princes Square with her mates, there are another half dozen who should be kept firmly locked up on planet burd. :ph34r:

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There is a fine balance. Sure having a girlfriend that likes drinking, football and gigs is great, but the majority of time girls like this are munters. I know plenty of people whose girlfirends love football and drinking beer, and they bang on about what great people they are and how much fun they are to be with etc, but they have faces like herpes ridden genetalia which somehow seems to escape their attention (Obviously good looking girlswho like football, beer and gigs do exist though)

I find you are much better going with the 'doesn't care about football or the music you like and prefers to go out drinking with her own friends but lets you do what you want' girl who is likely to be hotter by a substantially large percentage.

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That's all well and good, but the flipside is that whenver the OF or Scotland are playing a big televised match, the pub is hoaching with horrible burds with no knowledge of fitba, who insist in coming out with their boyfriends and behaving like utter twats whenever there's a big game on.

For each burd who's cracking company and and is as happy drinking pints in some provincial shithole prior to a lower league fitba match as she is sipping G&Ts in Princes Square with her mates, there are another half dozen who should be kept firmly locked up on planet burd. :ph34r:

She did flash the bus once when she got her bottle of vodka and mixer (1 to 10 mix) and my bottle of vodka mixer (1 to 2 mix) confused on the way to Peterhead. Not boobs though, just bra. :lol:

To be honest, she's a laid back drinker and great company on a night out, and she does kinda know her fitba' a fair bit.

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There is a fine balance. Sure having a girlfriend that likes drinking, football and gigs is great, but the majority of time girls like this are munters. I know plenty of people whose girlfirends love football and drinking beer, and they bang on about what great people they are and how much fun they are to be with etc, but they have faces like herpes ridden genetalia which somehow seems to escape their attention (Obviously good looking girlswho like football, beer and gigs do exist though)

I find you are much better going with the 'doesn't care about football or the music you like and prefers to go out drinking with her own friends but lets you do what you want' girl who is likely to be hotter by a substantially large percentage.

The fit:munter ratio is skewed toward munter by those skanks who pretend to like fitba and beer as they have no friends of their own and who to snare an equally desperate bloke though.

Examples being the charmingly named "Spit the Dog" and "Spit the Dog's mate" who were regulars on various Airdrie buses for many years.

Edit: The quality of burd on Airdrie buses over the years is pretty shocking actually. No, I didn't get any.

She did flash the bus once when she got her bottle of vodka and mixer (1 to 10 mix) and my bottle of vodka mixer (1 to 2 mix) confused on the way to Peterhead. Not boobs though, just bra. :lol:

To be honest, she's a laid back drinker and great company on a night out, and she does kinda know her fitba' a fair bit.

Did you you admonish her for her uncouth behaviour in front of your mates, or were you secrety a wee bit proud? :P

Edited by wearealldoomed
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Did you you admonish her for her uncouth behaviour in front of your mates, or were you secrety a wee bit proud? :P

Didn't admonish her at all, I was very proud. :D

Took the piss out of her a bit though, as is my entitlement.

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