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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My Virgin Media On Demand service is playing silly buggers. It was working fine this afternoon, and now whenever I try to access one of the programmes, and indeed when I initially load up he ondemand service, it gives me a message about not being subscribed to it. Load of shite, I want to watch mindless TV at an unreasonable hour without needing to call some Asian call centre worker :angry:

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I had a good meeting this morning with my counsellor, I travelled into work on the bus with a workmate Kirsty and had a nice chat, had a nice laugh at security search with Linda from W H Smith, I managed to grab the last bacon roll in Greggs and both the young ladies at Caffé Nero were on to serve me my cup of tea.

Then I got into the office and the worst CIO is Duty Manager and the shit has hit the fan. <_< From being a bouncy, cheerful tigger floating on a wee cloud of happiness, I am the dead cockroach sunk at the bottom of your pint of Guinness! :angry:<_<:(

Now where did I put my 'happy' pills?! :(

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When we get cruise liners into Leith,the generators run all day.I'm beginning to find the constant throbbing a pain. Not a major thing in the grand scheme of things,but enough to annoy Capy..

and i dont normally complain of throbbing.

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Guest BullyWee1878
I had a good meeting this morning with my counsellor, I travelled into work on the bus with a workmate Kirsty and had a nice chat, had a nice laugh at security search with Linda from W H Smith, I managed to grab the last bacon roll in Greggs and both the young ladies at Caffé Nero were on to serve me my cup of tea.

Then I got into the office and the worst CIO is Duty Manager and the shit has hit the fan. <_< From being a bouncy, cheerful tigger floating on a wee cloud of happiness, I am the dead cockroach sunk at the bottom of your pint of Guinness! :angry:<_<:(

Now where did I put my 'happy' pills?! :(

Why dont you do what you always do and just go to the pub and drink yourself stupid and bore people about your airy fairy religion!

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