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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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BERWICK - it's as far South as you need to go. Believe me, I've experienced London, Brighton, Sowerby Bridge and Halifax, Liverpool, Hull, Chester, Swansea, Manchester, Orpington, Bristol, Poole, Bath, Newcastle and Tynemouth, amongst others. Stay North of the Border - it's the sensible choice! ;)

i have to go there later in the year.

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Hunz!!! It is carnage down here tonight, ever second house seemes to have a party and loads of pissed up sons of william walking the streets. Just had to endure a chorus of if you hate the fucking sainties. Wankers to a man

I feel for you Shaggy, luckily for me my part of town seems to be a Saintees stronghold, save for my Celtic season-ticket holding flatmate.

People will tell you not to stoop to their level, but I disagree, you should go round to their house after the party's over and they're tucked up in bed, smash up any children's toys in the garden smear sectarian abuse on their walls with faeces, and just before ringing the doorbell to wake them up burn an effigy of Broxi Bear in their front garden.

It's the only way they'll learn.

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Aye, but you at least went out and had a go at living in other places before deciding Scotland was best. Everyone should have a go at that, and they should be encouraged!

Fair point there. I agree with that, actually. ;) I didn't appreciate the laddie was only 16 - my own son's age. I was 18 when I got a job straight from college 'dahn in the smoke', as Lyn-Marie and McB would put it. I wouldn't be who I am if I hadn't had all those experiences I suppose, or two children either! All I would advise is that it is a far more cut-throat world down there then when I started out 30 years ago, so just be aware of the pitfalls before you set off.

Hunz!!! It is carnage down here tonight, ever second house seemes to have a party and loads of pissed up sons of william walking the streets. Just had to endure a chorus of if you hate the fucking sainties. Wankers to a man

Reasonably quiet down my end of Paisley, thank fuck! B) . And what about the Hunettes - 'bean-flickers to a woman' perhaps! :ph34r: I mean, lets be egalitarian with our insults, aye?! :D

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I feel for you Shaggy, luckily for me my part of town seems to be a Saintees stronghold, save for my Celtic season-ticket holding flatmate.

People will tell you not to stoop to their level, but I disagree, you should go round to their house after the party's over and they're tucked up in bed, smash up any children's toys in the garden smear sectarian abuse on their walls with faeces, and just before ringing the doorbell to wake them up burn an effigy of Broxi Bear in their front garden.

It's the only way they'll learn.

I like it. New neebour down and along, just moved in and has had the rangers scarf in the window for the past 2 weeks :angry:

Its usually dead quiet but for some reason they are all spilling out of their scheme tonight...........past my car with the saints sticker on <_<

Saw 2 of the fattest lot taking a piss in my Saints neebours house across the road. It gets me angrier than it should.

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i have to go there later in the year.

Hull is horrible! End of. I had an overnight there inbetween delivering training courses. It's a grim ferry/container port terminal with the last dying vestiges of a fishing industry hanging on by its fingernails. Deeply, Deeply depressing. The only good thing that happened whilst I was there was Henrik Larsson equalising against INGURLAND in the 2006 Euro's whilst I was sitting amongst the '3 Lions have a shit*' boys when I was wearing my Scotland shirt. That was fun! :D:lol:

*That's because they're 'passant' in heraldic terms - ie. cocking a leg against a lampost stylee.....

whereas the Scottish lion is 'rampant', as in 'Ahm gonnae rip yer hied aff ya sassenach bassa.....' :ph34r::D:lol:

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It's sad to say I actually miss Bristol. I fucking hated it when I lived there.

I suppose it depends on which bit you were in. My Aunt Elaine lived in a converted Mews Stables in the Clifton area of the city. Ultra-posh! Lyn-Marie can give everyone the lowdown on Bristol's charms (NOT a euphamism BTW!). ;)

The Suspension Bridge area is good, (lots of off the beaten track paths in the grubbery* as I recall) as is George's Bookshop just down the road from it. B)

*Grubbery - just like shrubbery, only, if accompanied by a young lady,...it's much, much dirtier! :ph34r:

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Uni seems a good shout LM, might look more into that

Try looking at Universities all over - and I know people from all sorts of places, so if there's any places that take your fancy, let me know. Obviousy I can help you with Bristol, but there's bound to be someone I can ask about other places as well.

I'm informed that you're a bright chap, so I'm sure you'll be ok.

It's sad to say I actually miss Bristol. I fucking hated it when I lived there.

I left Bristol because, despite it being my home, I hated it (among other reasons I'll not bore you with. But now, I'd move back tomorrow given half a chance. :(

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I suppose it depends on which bit you were in. My Aunt Elaine lived in a converted Mews Stables in the Clifton area of the city. Ultra-posh! Lyn-Marie can give everyone the lowdown on Bristol's charms (NOT a euphamism BTW!). ;)

The Suspension Bridge area is good, (lots of off the beaten track paths in the grubbery* as I recall) as is George's Bookshop just down the road from it. B)

*Grubbery - just like shrubbery, only, if accompanied by a young lady,...it's much, much dirtier! :ph34r:

Up by the sea wall on Durdham Downs were you? You dirty little sod. :lol:

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Up by the sea wall on Durdham Downs were you? You dirty little sod. :lol:

I may have been - it was Julia who took me in hand, so to speak. :whistle To be fair, it was in my formative teenage years (15/16-ish) and Julia was a year older than me, and a local; I was the next door neighbour's relative, a 'funny sounding Scottish piece of rough'.

I wisnae gonnae say naw, ye ken?! B)

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I suppose it depends on which bit you were in. My Aunt Elaine lived in a converted Mews Stables in the Clifton area of the city. Ultra-posh! Lyn-Marie can give everyone the lowdown on Bristol's charms (NOT a euphamism BTW!). ;)

The Suspension Bridge area is good, (lots of off the beaten track paths in the grubbery* as I recall) as is George's Bookshop just down the road from it. B)

*Grubbery - just like shrubbery, only, if accompanied by a young lady,...it's much, much dirtier! :ph34r:

Unfortunately I didn't live in Bristol itself, but 8 miles outside in a commuter town. I liked Clifton and Hotwells, that was fine, but every other bloody area was just a pile of shite. Plus the 99% of the students that move to Bristol are wankers, take your oxbridge attitude to, well, Oxford or Cambridge - stop treating people that actually live there like scum.

A lot of the nightlife was good though, and apparantly Broadmead is great for shopping now (not that I'd know about that).

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Hull is horrible! End of. I had an overnight there inbetween delivering training courses. It's a grim ferry/container port terminal with the last dying vestiges of a fishing industry hanging on by its fingernails. Deeply, Deeply depressing. The only good thing that happened whilst I was there was Henrik Larsson equalising against INGURLAND in the 2006 Euro's whilst I was sitting amongst the '3 Lions have a shit*' boys when I was wearing my Scotland shirt. That was fun! :D:lol:

*That's because they're 'passant' in heraldic terms - ie. cocking a leg against a lampost stylee.....

whereas the Scottish lion is 'rampant', as in 'Ahm gonnae rip yer hied aff ya sassenach bassa.....' :ph34r::D:lol:


when I say go there, I mean move there for at least 8 months! for work.

I was looking forward to it as well :lol::o<_<:(:(

edit: pttgon was to be that whilst moving arachnids outside earlier i tripped and skinned my knees and I think -given the pain now- have broken a couple of toes :(:thumbsdown:bairn

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when I say go there, I mean move there for at least 8 months! for work.

I was looking forward to it as well :lol::o<_<:(:(

edit: pttgon was to be that whilst moving arachnids outside earlier i tripped and skinned my knees and I think -given the pain now- have broken a couple of toes :(:thumbsdown:bairn

Oh feck! :ph34r: I'm sure there's some decent...parts....of.....Hull....... :(

And I hope you took proper care of said spiders or Middleton Mouse will be on your case and you'd be better off in Hull if that were so! ;)

It really doesn't look right seeing Clyde under the 2nd Division forum.

We shouldn't be this far down the ladder. It isn't right.

At least you still have a stadium to play in ......... for the moment! :P

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It really doesn't look right seeing Clyde under the 2nd Division forum.

We shouldn't be this far down the ladder. It isn't right.

Welcome back. Back when The Gray Ghost first started watching football, Arbroath got promoted, and Clyde were there in division 2 to greet us (so that'll be 98?). That was when Alan Maitland assembled a team of 7 foot hammer throwers to bully their way to division one. So in a way, its good to have you back down here.

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