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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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what a fecking tube you are!!

step away from the computer and go outside and try and interract with your fellow human being or you are going to die a sad lonely old man


Awwww, are you ruffled? By Vectron's overly large pigs, you've been taking wee digs at me for weeks, if not months. Just wee sly ones, and you always seem disappointed when I ignore you. So here we are by Vectron, you've got your response, for the first time by Vectron, I've called you on your wee digs, and in the name of Vectron, aren't you ruffled!

What you going to do now? Mash out another sweary response with your forehead? :D

What exactly is your problem? - Or was it a last ditch attempt to establish Vectron as a viable piss-take? Douyoulikefish is a sound guy - back off! <_<


Whit!?! I respect all religions and two of my colleagues are Muslim. So what exactly is your problem with people not eating between daybreak and sunset? If that is what supports their faith, why attack it? I share bread and eat seeds at Lughnasadh, as a Pagan, to celebrate the harvest of what the Goddess has given us during the Summer/Autumn period. Why pick on the Muslim Ramadan celebration of devotion. Feck - how shallow minded! <_<

Going to Ibrox tomorrow :(

Good luck, mate! GIRUThem! ;)

Some of my expensive plants I bought are just stems again. Did the slugs learn nothing from my blowtorching. I know Kilt said that nature would balance things out, but Kilt doesn't know the first thing about nature. He lives in a city and works in an airport for gods sake! No, the war is back on again.

Your Chakra and Karma are not in enlignment - you need to come and see me to get your Yin and Yang in balance. Murdering innocent creatures is going to affect your emotional balance and will reflect badly on your own well-being. Just look at my sig and give respect to all forms of life. We all have our place in the Circle of Life.

Peace and Love - Blessed Be! :)

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Guest The Phoenix
Cheers for a good game today you certainly kept the banter flowing.

It was a pleasure to be in your company, young man.

Pity you had to leave, the banter was flowing from all quarters in the afternoon and at dinner.

Dazzle may have some grovelling to do when a certain Rangers Fan reads what he's been posting about his delightful girlfriend.

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f**k sake. Kilt hasn't even finished posting yet and BullyWee1878 is in the thread.

Nae fear -

Fúck Off You Tedious Cúnt

He may get the message eventually - although his mental density means I may have to post that another 30 times before it sinks into his Neandtheral brain cells! ;)

Actually, that's an insult to the Neanderthals, who were extremely adept at using tools, fire and building techniques.....

Perhaps I could insult the Aoemebas - although that's hardly fair, as they were the building blocks of modern Sapiens.

No - he's just an ignorant, ill-educated throwback. Extermination is probably the best option! ;)

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What exactly is your problem? - Or was it a last ditch attempt to establish Vectron as a viable piss-take? Douyoulikefish is a sound guy - back off! <_<

He's ruffled, thats what he is!

Your Chakra and Karma are not in enlignment - you need to come and see me to get your Yin and Yang in balance. Murdering innocent creatures is going to affect your emotional balance and will reflect badly on your own well-being. Just look at my sig and give respect to all forms of life. We all have our place in the Circle of Life.

1. Yes, it does affect me. It causes me glee, and the smoky chargrill effect makes me thing of a job well done.

2. Yes. Slugs have a place in the circle of life too. It involves either being somewhere else, or at the wrong end of my blowtorch.

Oh, and another nag, squid. I ate squid for the first time today, and while I really liked the taste, the texture was so awful that I couldn't swallow it. Oddly though, I could happily eat squid legs, but couldn't eat the main body. Odd.

Oh, and hold it right there...

Extermination is probably the best option!
Your Chakra and Karma are not in enlignment - Just look at my sig and give respect to all forms of life. We all have our place in the Circle of Life.]
Edited by xbl
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Haha, oh aye! I remember Knightswood Bear fired a ball into the shit on the right on the 16th and i met you whilst looking for my ball which was in the same place.

You were quick to remind me that it wasn't your shite shot :P !

I dont hit bad shots. I didnt want you thinking I did :lol:

It was a pleasure to be in your company, young man.

Pity you had to leave, the banter was flowing from all quarters in the afternoon and at dinner.

Dazzle may have some grovelling to do when a certain Rangers Fan reads what he's been posting about his delightful girlfriend.

It was a compliment.

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He's ruffled, thats what he is!

1. Yes, it does affect me. It causes me glee, and the smoky chargrill effect makes me thing of a job well done.

2. Yes. Slugs have a place in the circle of life too. It involves either being somewhere else, or at the wrong end of my blowtorch.

Oh, and another nag, squid. I ate squid for the first time today, and while I really liked the taste, the texture was so awful that I couldn't swallow it. Oddly though, I could happily eat squid legs, but couldn't eat the main body. Odd.

Oh, and hold it right there...

So you revel in the death of other life forms -well done! <_<

I don't really mean this nastily, but I hope the squid eating experience focuses your mind on how we are all connected on this one Earth and that the Earth Mother is looking after all of us. Whatever we do or say will be recognised and we should remember we are all part of the one planet - it's all we have and we should try to work in symbiosis with it. ;)

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I don't really mean this nastily, but I hope the squid eating experience focuses your mind on how we are all connected on this one Earth and that the Earth Mother is looking after all of us. Whatever we do or say will be recognised and we should remember we are all part of the one planet - it's all we have and we should try to work in symbiosis with it. ;)

There is NO earth mother. Thats like saying Jesus is watching. Jesus is not watching. The Earth Mother is not watching. There is no earth mother.

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I'm going to have to sit on my hands, I think. If I were to start ranting at some of hypocrisy and inaccuracy I've been reading, I wouldn't stop until my head exploded.

I think our chakawawas must be aligned this evening as I was thinking the same! :lol:

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There is NO earth mother. Thats like saying Jesus is watching. Jesus is not watching. The Earth Mother is not watching. There is no earth mother.

Right, so there is no idea of Gaiea! Okay...


I'm going to have to sit on my hands, I think. If I were to start ranting at some of hypocrisy and inaccuracy I've been reading, I wouldn't stop until my head exploded.

Where do you think you come from, then?

Chill babes -



Hugs and Blessings! ;)

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Right, so there is no idea of Gaiea! Okay...

Ultimate cop out. So you believe in the idea of something? Well I believe my room is made out of candyfloss. You mean it isn't? Well I believe in the idea of my room being made out of candyfloss, and you can't take that from me. There is NO earth mother. None.

Where do you think you come from, then?

Chill babes -

Also, I am of the opinion (I could be wrong) that she wouldn't want to be referred to as "babes". It seems affy demeaning and over familiar. I could be wrong here, but I'm sure she's asked you not to in the past.

Hugs and Blessings! ;)

Did you learn NOTHING from Vectron?

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