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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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He's not online just now...

I'm not fat. :o

My BMI is 18.7, while underweight is 18.5.

Meaning I am on the good side of the ideal weight. :D

Edit - pizza was ordered from a chippy, btw. :P

I know you're not fat - you're 6' something and skinny as a rake.

I'd just like C to get in touch before 1st September when its You know who's birthday.

Both C and R haven't replied - I'd like to know what's planned, that's all! ;)

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Now, as men, we would probably relate to the Green Man site - the very essence of fertility - but only if the Maiden allows it. Women and the Goddesses are in charge of everything.

What if she doesn't allow it though?

This is what I'm getting at, I want a simple answer on what happens if this woman - Mother Earth, the 'Maiden' or whoever - decides, as all women do, that you're not playing ball, so to speak. XBL killing slugs for example. What's going to happen to him?

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I know you're not fat - you're 6' something and skinny as a rake.

I'd just like C to get in touch before 1st September when its You know who's birthday.

Both C and R haven't replied - I'd like to know what's planned, that's all! ;)

Who's birthday? :rolleyes::P

I kid.

M'kay, they'll most likely be on tomorrow.

And I'm sure you'll get a reply. ;)

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Like all religions, paganism takes a very noble concept and just makes random stories up about it.

If the bible just said 'be good and that ken?' then I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. It's the fairy stories and mumbo jumbo that annoy me.

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I am now going to commune with my spirits, light some candles, burn some oils and link with my Maiden, Earth Mother, Crone Goddess to attain some peace before tomorrow begins again - in the ever circling eternal life we exist in.

That's just a euphemism for 'have a wank', isn't it?

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Like all religions, paganism takes a very noble concept and just makes random stories up about it.

If the bible just said 'be good and that ken?' then I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. It's the fairy stories and mumbo jumbo that annoy me.

I quite often think the concept of religion is a selfish one.

"I'll be a good person, so that I can get into heaven."

Er, what's wrong with being a good person for the sake of being a good person?

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In fairness, this paganism shit is only on a par with Christianity for it's ludicrous nature.

I hate the saying that you should respect other people's opinions, because some times they're just so bloody stupid they HAVE to be mocked.

Thats the seasons. That is not the Earth Mother or any of that claptrap.

I'm not TELLING you to beleie in it - just accept that it's there and other believe in it. If you two had come out with that abuse about any other (organised) belief system like, say, Islam, you'd be subject to a Fatwa!

Why not live and let live - "An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

Try and get a wider understanding of beliefs before being so judgemental.

;) Blessed Be!

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If the bible just said 'be good and that ken?' then I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. It's the fairy stories and mumbo jumbo that annoy me.

Exactly! Have a respect for nature and be nice to animals, fine. Now dance. Dance for the earth goddess, and smell this oil to get your chankra back into sync. f**k off. Anyway, I grow plants in my wee garden, and try to make it the sort of environment that beasties like wasps, worms, ladybirds etc. can co exist in. But not slugs. Never slugs. Mr smell yourself devout there works in a fucking airport, and has a job that consists of locking people up and forcing them to fly back to be killed.

If you two had come out with that abuse about any other (organised) belief system like, say, Islam, you'd be subject to a Fatwa!

But we do. Frequently. I accept (for example) that my supervisor is a muslim, but if he ever tried to convert me, then I would give him my views on organised religion. He would never do such a thing though.

People criticise Islam all the time, especially on here.

You seem to believe that all religions bar yours get a free ride on P&B, which really couldn't be further from the truth.

Thank god someone else pointed it out as well!

Edited by xbl
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I'm not TELLING you to beleie in it - just accept that it's there and other believe in it. If you two had come out with that abuse about any other (organised) belief system like, say, Islam, you'd be subject to a Fatwa!

Why not live and let live - "An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

Try and get a wider understanding of beliefs before being so judgemental.

;) Blessed Be!

People criticise Islam all the time, especially on here.

You seem to believe that all religions bar yours get a free ride on P&B, which really couldn't be further from the truth.

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That didn't get the credit it deserved.

Thanks! :D I thought that had gone unnoticed for a while there.

NothWestL52 from here wants a 'meet' tomorrow, what a chump piece :lol:

45 Pars v 20 Rovers.


What a cockpiece. A silly wee boy who has watched Green Street too many times and thinks he's "facking mental". At least you know where his seat is exactly. Just go into the home end, go up to his seat, through boiling hot bovril over him and challenge him to a square go. Sorteeed.

Tomorrow's game at Killie is my last football game with my dad before I move away. I've been going to games with him since I was 4 years old and I think the next game I'll definately get to with him is the one at Tannadice in December. End of an era. :(

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I'm not TELLING you to beleie in it - just accept that it's there and other believe in it. If you two had come out with that abuse about any other (organised) belief system like, say, Islam, you'd be subject to a Fatwa!

Why not live and let live - "An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

Try and get a wider understanding of beliefs before being so judgemental.

;) Blessed Be!

Islam is a fucking chronic religion and you'd also have to be an absolute loon to believe a word of it. I hate all religions equally. I'd only single out a particular one if a certain poster mentioned it in EVERY SINGLE POST.

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One thing I can actually get on board with, in a sense, is Karma.

Not in a "If you're not a bad b*****d, Mother Earth will give you a blowie" type idea, but more in the sense that "if you're decent to folk, folk are decent to you." I quite like the idea that if you're actions are borne of good intention, then people will think of you as someone who acts in a decent manner and treat you as such.

Not so keen on the whole "It's good energy" part of it. It's not energy.

Again, it's a decent enough moral, that's been wrapped up in a fairy story.

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Tomorrow's game at Killie is my last football game with my dad before I move away. I've been going to games with him since I was 4 years old and I think the next game I'll definately get to with him is the one at Tannadice in December. End of an era. :(

Christ, my heart sank when I read that. A genuinley sad moment. I think I might cry!

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