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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Generally, I find most guys, if they are ill, stay off. Its generally girls who comment caustically about manflu, while passing on the black death to everyone in their vicinity.

I've been in several jobs where I've been told that if it's only a cold you have, you're to come in. Got told the same thing about this college course I'm doing now and the beauty therapy course I did years ago. Let's be honest, it's not going to kill you, is it? Unless you have some other illness affecting your immune system of course, but in that case I think you've got slightly more pressing issues than a cold.

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I got the fastest knockback in history today. Applied for a job online at 2:14pm, and got a rejection email at 2:16pm. I thought I was perfect for the gig as well, but apparently there were "many more experienced applicants". But hey, "keep plugging away". I hate recruitment agencies.

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I'm trying to work this one out, I just can't. Right. Bare with me, this is abit confusing.

When I quote someone on here and go forward to the posting screen the quote appears as normal. But I I'm on my iPod so the whole quote doesn't fit on the screen. But my text 'this is where you're going to write thing' is up at the first word. So, why is it if I do 'return, return, return' then 'delete, delete, delete' the text moves up. Thus meaning I can click further down the post and do the process again,

until I reach the end.

Work that one out geeks..

Edit; Works the best when I click enter from the last available word that I can click.

Edited by MarvMarvSuperMarv
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I've been in several jobs where I've been told that if it's only a cold you have, you're to come in. Got told the same thing about this college course I'm doing now and the beauty therapy course I did years ago. Let's be honest, it's not going to kill you, is it? Unless you have some other illness affecting your immune system of course, but in that case I think you've got slightly more pressing issues than a cold.

like asthma -thats one of the underlying health things which helps H1N1.

anyhow my PTTGOYN; I bottled going to the house-warming thing, this in itsself is regrettable but not particularly annoying. The annoying part is the utterly feeble excuse part -apparently I need to use half-term to, "check on my elderly parents". I could have made an illness up or anything, but what do I do? come up with the feeblest rubbish under the sun. Its potentially quite hurtful to the hostess too as its blatantly a get out. actually this is a RTBC......sorry I just realised this is potentially in the wrong thread.

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Personally, as a Scotsman, "well" or "good" just sound too damn happy. My utmost state of euphoria is "No' bad".

I always seem to confuse people over here when I answer with no' bad.

I cannot get it together to do anything constructive today. At all! :(

I've done absolutely f'ck all work since I got here this morning. 7 hours til the weekend and I just can't get myself motivated.

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My life is so boring right now. I sit in my bed all day and just generally f**k about the house. I play football a few times a week but that's it. Soooo boring.

I feel yer pain. I was like that a couple weeks back. Uni hadn't started back yet, I was burgled so had nae money to do anything and was only coaching once a week. Glad to have some normality back in life again and keeping myself busy :D

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I came back from a week's holiday yesterday to find that I have been apparently charged E257.20 for two parking fines I got whilst on holiday in the summer.

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I came back from a week's holiday yesterday to find that I have been apparently charged E257.20 for two parking fines I got whilst on holiday in the summer.

Where were you?

The brakes on my mates motor burst when we were in Ibiza this year, he must have got 20+ parking tickets, we just kept ripping them up and pushing his car somewhere else, I dread to think what they'll try and change him if they catch up with him.

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Where were you?

The brakes on my mates motor burst when we were in Ibiza this year, he must have got 20+ parking tickets, we just kept ripping them up and pushing his car somewhere else, I dread to think what they'll try and change him if they catch up with him.

We were in Verona. I think I remember where it happened, we were looking for a parking space and went into an area that looking back I was perhaps not meant to go in, but didn't realise at the time. We didn't find one but when we were driving out we thought we saw someone leaving and so drove back in before realising we were mistaken and driving back out again.

I've got two tickets for EUR86.60 each, one at 13:47 and one at 13:48 (which would tally with the above story) and an administration charge of EUR42 on each of them.

My mum signed for the letters so using the old "I didn't receive them" excuse won't wash, and we plan to go back to Italy sometime in the near future so I don't want any complications - I'm shit scared of what would happen if I just ignored them.

I'm raging as the Verona police didn't inform the car rental company until October (we were there in July) and it's taken the car rental company four months to notify me.

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Yeah, the whole situation is very complicated. It isn't helped by the fact he doesn't appear to like me. I don't know why, but it's just the feeling I get. Hope he isn't a lurker on here!

She's one of my best friends, so I need to be very careful. Hopefully I'll have a good idea what to do by the weekend. Shitty situation and I'm completely clueless.

I was crazy about this girl when I was 17. She was intelligent, funny and we shared exactly the same sense of humour. She used to constantly tell me about what a dick her boyfriend was (I knew he was dipping it about anyway) and one day she came in cut and bruised (we worked together part-time when we were students). She denied it for ages but it was obvious he'd cracked her a belter and thrown her about as well. She eventually admitted it and made the usual victim platitudes - 'He's so sorry', 'He's promised never to do it again' and so on.

Then one day she walked in with a ring on and beamed about engagement. Everyone else at the work was clucking and delighted, and I remember her asking me something like: "Are you going to congratulate me?"

I went mental at her and told her what I knew (as well as the domestic violent cliché lecture), and she basically never spoke to me again for about seven or eight years. I was fucking crushed at the time.

One day I was in the Solid Rock in Glasgow and got this tap on the shoulder, turned round and there she was. We had a bit of a drink and a chat and she was laughing about this dick she'd got rid of and basically thanked me for trying to talk sense into her.

So, the point is: do what you think is right, even if it's the hard thing. Best of luck.

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We were in Verona. I think I remember where it happened, we were looking for a parking space and went into an area that looking back I was perhaps not meant to go in, but didn't realise at the time. We didn't find one but when we were driving out we thought we saw someone leaving and so drove back in before realising we were mistaken and driving back out again.

I've got two tickets for EUR86.60 each, one at 13:47 and one at 13:48 (which would tally with the above story) and an administration charge of EUR42 on each of them.

My mum signed for the letters so using the old "I didn't receive them" excuse won't wash, and we plan to go back to Italy sometime in the near future so I don't want any complications - I'm shit scared of what would happen if I just ignored them.

I'm raging as the Verona police didn't inform the car rental company until October (we were there in July) and it's taken the car rental company four months to notify me.

If you are planning to return to Italy you'd be better trying to sort it, another mate was arrested at the airport in Ibiza becuase he had been in bother with the police in Magaluf the previous summer (he'd been arrested when drunk and released without any sort of paperwork so was unaware of any further action) and locked up for 3 days, not a great start to his holiday!

Also whilst locked up the spanish police gave him condoms and lubricant whilst laughing amongst themselves- EEEK!

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