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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Chrome's decided that it doesn't want to open, so I'm using Firefox.

Granted, it could be worse, but Facebook's also decided to be a baw and not showing all recent 'news'. I've had two comments on a status of mine, but apparently said status doesn't exist.

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Chrome's decided that it doesn't want to open, so I'm using Firefox.

Granted, it could be worse, but Facebook's also decided to be a baw and not showing all recent 'news'. I've had two comments on a status of mine, but apparently said status doesn't exist.

Facebook's fucked tonight,.

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People on MSN who go in a huff or type




when I don't reply to them within 1 second of them messaging me. Am I not allowed to go to the toilet? Or watch football? Or at least surt the net? Do I have to reply absolutely instantenously? You fucking c***s.

Edited by ChrisyM92
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Despite telling no more than a dozen folk (other than my current employer and my parents) I have a new job, none of whom have worked with me in the past, somehow this has leaked (presumably from within the new employer) to people I wouldn't expect it to and I am bemused.

Also, at some point in the last 4 hours my freeview box has lost all signal on all channels. Is this what I pay £145 a year for? No, it isn't and I'm not going to Rod Hull myself trying to fix it.

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The new Postcode Challenge advert.

f**k off Angus Purden.

Not just the advert, please include the programme.

Shocking waste of TV time.

Bring back Tom Weir (not literally)

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People on MSN who go in a huff or type




when I don't reply to them within 1 second of them messaging me. Am I not allowed to go to the toilet? Or watch football? Or at least surt the net? Do I have to reply absolutely instantenously? You fucking c***s.

I get that, when my status is set to away, I get a message, with something then 2 mins, when I'm getting my tea or on the PS3 I get "answer". Well see if you look at my status you can see it's set to away.

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I'm such a fucking fanny. I've cocked up a standing order and paid it twice, yesterday and today. Called the bank to see if they can recall it, "is that the one for £20 Mrs Shaw" I fucking wish it was. :(

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I started working on the 20th of last month, but missed out on getting my wage at the end of the month. I've just been paid today, but in the form of a cheque through my door, which is obviously going to take up to 5 working days to clear.

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I started working on the 20th of last month, but missed out on getting my wage at the end of the month. I've just been paid today, but in the form of a cheque through my door, which is obviously going to take up to 5 working days to clear.

Can you not just ask Big Edin for a loan until your cheque clears? I'm pretty sure he would be happy to help.

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