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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Old Firm day is upon us again. Oh the joys <_<. Words fail to describe how much I hate those b*****ds!

Is it at Parkhead or Ibrox? If it's at Parkhead I have the unbridled joy of being woken up at 8am tomorrow morning by the Celtic neds who congregate outside my window drinking Buckfast and Tennents, singing 'Ooh Aah, Up the 'Ra'. To be fair, a couple of them bring actual glasses and drink out of them before bringing the glasses with them to wherever they go to afterwards. A different class of ned really.

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I'm another one who cannot stand Old Firm day. I, like Yoda live only a few minutes from The Tattie Bowl so I'll be going out before the game begins to get any stuff I need for tomorrow as there is not a chance in hell I am venturing out in Tollcross after full time. I think in the last three games at Parkhead there has been at least one stabbing each time.

The sad thing is, it's not the guys going to the game that take part in this sort of behaviour, it's the morons that sit and watch it in the pub or their house, if they can afford a telly.

Besides, it also happens to be one of the few weekends (not so few this year right enough) that both sides of the Old Firm can't lose. This annoys me.

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That kind of itchy feeling you get in your arse but don't really want to scratch it.:angry:

Billy Connolly had the solution to this problem. If in need of scratching your bum in public avoid embarressment by shouting out at the top of your voice, My God,...... I've have an incredibly itchy arse!!!! everyone will avoid looking at you and you should be able to deal with the offending itch without fear of public ridicule and walk around with a clear conscience. 8)

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If you live beside Ibrox or Celtic Park, then you'll obviously notice it, but I do not understand why people moan about it causing them all sorts of grief. In the 5 years I've been in Glasgow I have seen no Old Firm incidents during the day and I probably wouldn't have even known the match was on had I not actually had an interest in Scottish fixtures.

The city doesn't shut down, innocent bystandsers don't get stabbed in every street in the country, and beuing unable to get away from OF related hype in the preceeding two weeks isn't impossible. I had spoken to Calum Gers about it last week, and I heard a few kids talking about it on Wednesday but had forgotten about the game til I read the above posts.

In amongst doing work I'll be going to Morrisons, going to the gym and going to Braehead and I can guarentee you none of these trips will be in any way marred by the Old Firm match on today. A few fat folk in OF strips will be about as much pain is likely to be inflicted on me.

Either stop making a mountain out of a molehill or move out of such a shit area if every family around you is a mouthbreathing, junkie OF fan.

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Guest The Phoenix

Either stop making a mountain out of a molehill or move out of such a shit area if every family around you is a mouthbreathing, junkie OF fan.

Yeah, let's close down Parkhead, Tollcross and Shettleston and move everyone to Mount Vernon.

Sorted. :rolleyes:

What an utterly ridiculous statement to make, Fudge.

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You and Ad Lib are perfect together. Blanket statements for a black and white world. I bet the laughter never stops.

I disagree with just about everything he says on here. I'm not going to say any more, because it would just be massively offensive to you.

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I disagree with just about everything he says on here. I'm not going to say any more, because it would just be massively offensive to you.

You missed the point. I'm not saying you agree with what he says, I'm saying that you both see the world in black and white.

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I must admit im the same and to be honest its worked wonders for the way i have wanted life to turn out to be for me and my family.

Does that mean that everything that happens to a person is down to their own actions and decisions? What about mental health conditions? Or physical health conditions? Learning difficulties? Do people choose to have these things?

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Like people can choose where they wanna live.

To be fair, if I was in different halls or even a different flat in the same halls then I wouldn't have the joy of the Celtic fan experience outside my window before every OF game. I didn't choose these halls as my first choice of accommodation, they were my second choice, and I have no choice in my flat within the halls anyway.

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I believe things happen for a reason, some things are out of our control but its something we must deal with. Its as simple as one can try and make it to be.

You just got to get on with life and live it the way you would like to live it, we all make choices where after that we then decide what happens next.

It really isn't that simple. Not in the slightest. YOU may have had life that easy. Fudge has had life that easy. The rest of us have actually had to deal with life.

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To be fair, if I was in different halls or even a different flat in the same halls then I wouldn't have the joy of the Celtic fan experience outside my window before every OF game. I didn't choose these halls as my first choice of accommodation, they were my second choice, and I have no choice in my flat within the halls anyway.

Just so I've got this right. You live in halls?

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