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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The weeks running up to a holiday go slow as hell then the two weeks you're away pass really quickly. :(

Also, is it just me or when you're away for two weeks does the second week always seem to go quicker than the first. :unsure:

Yep. It's a b*****d.

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I can think of only one quite bad thing that was shouted at me in 6 years of working on the phone.

I'd taken an escalated call and the woman was getting more and more frustrated as the call went on as she was questioning the T's & C's and I was countering her to the stage that she knew she didn't have a leg to stand on.

Anyway, I finished with my standard, "Is there anything else I can do for you today?" and she said quite calmly, "Yes, you can come down here and suck my husband's cock!" and then slammed the phone down.

You did though, didn't you?

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Dealing with car insurance does my box in. How difficult can it be? Seriously. Also, why does the fact that some knob drove into my husband and admitted liability increase my insurance renewal. They can ram it as the other quotes I've had didn't do that!

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Dealing with car insurance does my box in. How difficult can it be? Seriously. Also, why does the fact that some knob drove into my husband and admitted liability increase my insurance renewal. They can ram it as the other quotes I've had didn't do that!

That happened with me recently. I've got my mum as a named driver and someone crashed into her a couple of years ago and accepted liability. Admiral decided that I'd lied to them and tried to up my premium by £1,000 to cover an increase plus 2 years back dated. They got a swift phonecall to say it wouldn't be happening.

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I can think of only one quite bad thing that was shouted at me in 6 years of working on the phone.

I'd taken an escalated call and the woman was getting more and more frustrated as the call went on as she was questioning the T's & C's and I was countering her to the stage that she knew she didn't have a leg to stand on.

Anyway, I finished with my standard, "Is there anything else I can do for you today?" and she said quite calmly, "Yes, you can come down here and suck my husband's cock!" and then slammed the phone down.

I worked for Argos customer services a few years back. I had a woman call me up two days before Christmas chasing an order that she had made the previous day. After telling her that it wouldn't arrive until the 27th, she insisted that I called her son on Christmas morning to explain why Santa hadn't been to his house.

I've had people say they were going to come to my work and kill me and blow the place up. We had to get the Police involved for the bomb threat, which I thought was a bit over the top. Was told that I may have to go to court as a result, but never heard anything after that.

By and large I hated working on the phones and if people were arsey with me, I was the same with them, including scheduling callbacks for late at night and not applying discounts even though they were entitled to them. I don't think I'm a horrible person, I just wasn't paid enough to put up with the shite I got at times.

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I had an accident in my van today :(

I will now get a written warning and also a supervisor is out on my run with me tomorrow.

Sounds like they are treating you like a kid a bit there keith, was it your fault??

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It's just mad isn't it?! Ah well, they've lost my custom and I've saved over £100 on my renewal by going with someone else. Their loss :)

Its mad isnt it,i was with admiral but got quoted 100 quid cheaper,phoned them up telling them i was cancelling they asked how much cheaper i told them 100 quid they then offered me a 45 discount

thats still 55 quid cheaper you idiot :lol:

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When I got my new car I was usurer under my old one with aviva, I had 3 weeks to go to get 1 years no claims, I bought the new car and rac were offering me 64 a month for 1 years no claims, so I took it but had to cancel immediately at aviva, I phoned up and they said that my years no claims would still stand.

However... 3 weeks later I got a letter saying that I wouldn't be getting my years no claim as I never re-insured with them. One angry phone call later and they still refused even though I had an email saying I had a years no claim, contacted rac and they let me continue with the years no claim insurance.

In short don't trust any insurance company.

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I'm with Bell direct and up until they changed the website I used to get a new quote for my renewal online then laugh as the more expensive one came through the post.

I did this for three years and saved over £400, they must've known about it as the operator told me "you've done this before". So it's okay to rip me off then?

Car insurance is a racket.

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I hate guys who wear those big baggy boots that have no laces, the boots people tuck their jeans into, it fucking annoys me as it looks horrendous and the fact you dress in this manner tells me that your probably a right knob!

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I hate guys who wear those big baggy boots that have no laces, the boots people tuck their jeans into, it fucking annoys me as it looks horrendous and the fact you dress in this manner tells me that your probably a right knob!

complete with sand coloured chinos, a chequered shirt, a leather jacket and one of those horrendous desert scarfs?

i think i know the kind of guys you're talking about.

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complete with sand coloured chinos, a chequered shirt, a leather jacket and one of those horrendous desert scarfs?

i think i know the kind of guys you're talking about.

I have the image sitting clearly in my head of who you're talking about....

It's one of my mates. ph34r.gif

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Indie kidz tend to have those loose boots you're on about, with skinny jeans and possibly a Liam Gallagher-esque long coat. The sand coloured chinos are more often complete with white plimsolls or Converse, and a knitted jumper with horrendous patterns on it.

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I don't want to go on and on about it but the Gliablastoma in my head where I had the tumour seems to be coming back. I get results in a week, but I'm trying to stay positive and keep thinking it's fatty tissue. A bit of an annoyance is I've had such a great last few months, possibly the happiest I've been in about ten years.

The worst bit is with the type of cancer are rate it reoccurs I doubt I have more than five years to live.

Well that's that then guys, it's back. I have the choice of going back on chemo meds (Temozolomide) or having the tumour removed. I'm not really sure what to do at the moment but after the 'failure' last time I'm leaning towards the operation. The only problem is it's situated in the frontal lobe which is your personality centre, so I'm a little concerned about the possible outcomes.

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