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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The 'Talking Bus'.

Stagecoach's new announcement system shouting out where you are and what the next stop is at every single single stop. Designed for tourists on Deeside etc but they never quite thought it through for folk travelling through Aberdeen city centre where there's a stop every 100m or so. dry.gif

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Went to the garage with my car at the allotted time, drove up the lane to the place rather than leaving it on the street and walking up to see if it was ok to bring my car up. One of the older mechanics but not the boss walked past me then my car which he pointed at and shook his head, now that annoyed me enough but when I asked him if there was a problem he was just "what? No, never said anything" so I asked why he was shaking his head, silence. I told him that I was told to come at 12 so his boss could look at my car, "a well here he is now".

This mumbling away shaking head nonsense annoys the hell out of me, if you've got something to say then say it otherwise mind your own fucking buisness.

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This mumbling away shaking head nonsense annoys the hell out of me, if you've got something to say then say it otherwise mind your own fucking buisness.

Shaking heads and tutting without actually doing anything about it is one of the best British national past-times which should be an Olympic sport. It's best seen when watching people who are waiting on a late bus / train - they also look at their watch occasionally and quietly mumble "this is terrible" immediately after the tut.

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I really hate texting and hate how it's so popular amongst my age group (I'm 20)

There is nothing more irritating than being in a group of your mates at the pub or on a night out, or just anywhere really, and every single one of them is sitting twiddling about with their phones.

I think it's the height of ignorance. Why don't you talk to the people you've actually came out with?

Whenever I text someone, it is usually out of necessity, I have absolutely no problems with that kind of texting, for example if I have to let someone know where we are, what time we're meeting at etc. and when I do I always tell the person I'm actually with that I'll just be a minute. A lot of the time, I wait until the person that I'm with goes for a pish or a pint before I even make the text so as to not disrupt the flow of our conversation.

There's a guy at my uni who text me a few months ago with the message ''Hey man :)'' ......I mean honest to fcuk, why even bother? I don't even talk to the guy that much and it was clearly going to use endless amounts of my scarce texts on mindless small talk. (I of course got a cheap phone deal) It takes so fcukin long to text as well. Some people say ''naw it disnae'' but have you ever considered how much more you could say to someone in the length of time it took you to type that text if you just actually spoke to them or even phoned them? It's a waste of time man.

When folk check you in on Facebook as well. I don't particularly want folk to know where I am and, what's worse, is that another person who you're with goes on their phone and likes the check in and comments on it. WE ARE ALL RIGHT INFRONT OF EACHOTHER FFS!!!!!

I really do despair at my generation.

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Texting is great! Back in the days of phones, people had to be honest to each other. Now you can send a text like "I'm literally on my way", safe in the knowledge that it is an absolute lie, and that you don't have any of that awkward guilt that telling a real lie on the phone would cause. You can also "oh, sorry, never got that text till later". Basically, texting is excellent for the b*****ds of the world. 8)

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I really hate texting and hate how it's so popular amongst my age group (I'm 20)

There is nothing more irritating than being in a group of your mates at the pub or on a night out, or just anywhere really, and every single one of them is sitting twiddling about with their phones.

I think it's the height of ignorance. Why don't you talk to the people you've actually came out with?

Whenever I text someone, it is usually out of necessity, I have absolutely no problems with that kind of texting, for example if I have to let someone know where we are, what time we're meeting at etc. and when I do I always tell the person I'm actually with that I'll just be a minute. A lot of the time, I wait until the person that I'm with goes for a pish or a pint before I even make the text so as to not disrupt the flow of our conversation.

There's a guy at my uni who text me a few months ago with the message ''Hey man :)'' ......I mean honest to fcuk, why even bother? I don't even talk to the guy that much and it was clearly going to use endless amounts of my scarce texts on mindless small talk. (I of course got a cheap phone deal) It takes so fcukin long to text as well. Some people say ''naw it disnae'' but have you ever considered how much more you could say to someone in the length of time it took you to type that text if you just actually spoke to them or even phoned them? It's a waste of time man.

When folk check you in on Facebook as well. I don't particularly want folk to know where I am and, what's worse, is that another person who you're with goes on their phone and likes the check in and comments on it. WE ARE ALL RIGHT INFRONT OF EACHOTHER FFS!!!!!

I really do despair at my generation.

Completely agree, I fucking hate when people sit on their phones when they're with you. Arseholes.

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HR and others at my work seem to have a fascination with sending out emails at work with doc or xls attachements in zipped form.

It's a 24KB file, it's hardly going to crash teh interwebs is it?

When it's unzipped it's still 24KB but I've had to save it then right click and open rather than just open from the email.

Very petty but it's as if nobody has told them we're not on dial up anymore.

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