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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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HR and others at my work seem to have a fascination with sending out emails at work with doc or xls attachements in zipped form.

It's a 24KB file, it's hardly going to crash teh interwebs is it?

When it's unzipped it's still 24KB but I've had to save it then right click and open rather than just open from the email.

Very petty but it's as if nobody has told them we're not on dial up anymore.

When you want to view an online PDF but instead of it just opening up by itself, you need to go to the bottom bar > click PDF tab > retrieve file with Windows 7. Just open dammit!

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Having a girlfriend who can't drive while I have a licence and a motor.

The number of times I get home from work, get comfortable and then receive a phone call asking me to pick her up somewhere (often places that are between 5-15 minute walks from the house!) is soul-destroying. Honestly, it's ridiculous.

If the weather is shite, then I feel guilty about making her walk back/bus it back in the pishing rain so I have to pick her up. If the weathers nice she'll still usually have some excuse that makes me feel guilty about leaving her to make her own way back ("But I have a few heavy bags" - usually ends up being bullshit and she'll have 1 bag with milk, bread and that's about it. "But I'm tired, I've been at work all day!" - SO HAVE I) so I have to pick her up.

She has a bus pass as well, she'd just rather treat me like a personal taxi service. She does do quite a lot around the house to be fair, but even still it grates at times. Saying all this she does usually give me a wee bit of money for petrol occasionally, but I drive her daughter to school every morning, take her to her grans, go to the shops as we need the boot space etc. as it is.

She's no inclination of learning, either. She made a joke about not needing to because I'm her personal taxi service, but tbh it's kinda only half a joke in practice.

Anyone else share my pain? I've no problems driving my older brother or parents about if they ask because when I was younger they gave me lifts plenty of times.

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Just remembered another one there; went down to the car the other week to find actual, putrid dog-shit on the passenger door of the car. My main suspects are the trampy kids around our bit (no.1 suspect is a particular brat that seems to permanently be out in her jammies, rain, wind or rain)

Wouldn't surprise me if they never even used some kind of scoop. It's a bit depressing, really, that the kids here are - literally - like chimps flinging shit at each other.

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Having a girlfriend who can't drive while I have a licence and a motor.

The number of times I get home from work, get comfortable and then receive a phone call asking me to pick her up somewhere (often places that are between 5-15 minute walks from the house!) is soul-destroying. Honestly, it's ridiculous.

If the weather is shite, then I feel guilty about making her walk back/bus it back in the pishing rain so I have to pick her up. If the weathers nice she'll still usually have some excuse that makes me feel guilty about leaving her to make her own way back ("But I have a few heavy bags" - usually ends up being bullshit and she'll have 1 bag with milk, bread and that's about it. "But I'm tired, I've been at work all day!" - SO HAVE I) so I have to pick her up.

She has a bus pass as well, she'd just rather treat me like a personal taxi service. She does do quite a lot around the house to be fair, but even still it grates at times. Saying all this she does usually give me a wee bit of money for petrol occasionally, but I drive her daughter to school every morning, take her to her grans, go to the shops as we need the boot space etc. as it is.

She's no inclination of learning, either. She made a joke about not needing to because I'm her personal taxi service, but tbh it's kinda only half a joke in practice.

Anyone else share my pain? I've no problems driving my older brother or parents about if they ask because when I was younger they gave me lifts plenty of times.

Kick her in the pie.

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Having a girlfriend who can't drive while I have a licence and a motor.

I was on the train a while back and there was 4 birds sitting at the table across the carriage from me. Was about half 11 at night.

One of them phones up her boyfriend and tells him that her and her pals are needing a lift home. Turns out the boyfriend had been sitting at another train station where his bird had originally asked him to pick her up for an hour and a half so he put the phone down on her.

She immediately burst into tears and her three pals comforted her by telling her what an arsehole and all round shite guy her boyfriend was :lol:

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I have two very petty complaints.

1. I got an e-mail earlier about a job application, that said "If you have not heard from us in 7-10 days, assume blah blah...". The "7-" part is completely unnecessary. If it might take up to 10 days, just write "10 days". Annoying!

2. Similarly, I was at a cafe yesterday that had "Est. since 2001" on its menu. Either choose "Est. 2001" or "Since 2001", you can't have both. Frankly, I'd choose neither.

I told you they were petty.

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I start a two hour shift (yes, that's right) in three hours and I've spent the past two hours playing games on Sporcle which have reminded me of how good music was when I was a kid and how abhorrently shite it is these days. I then need to try and sleep some time from finishing work at 9 and I'll need to get up again for an evening shift at some point.

The internet was a bad idea.

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I was on the train a while back and there was 4 birds sitting at the table across the carriage from me. Was about half 11 at night.

One of them phones up her boyfriend and tells him that her and her pals are needing a lift home. Turns out the boyfriend had been sitting at another train station where his bird had originally asked him to pick her up for an hour and a half so he put the phone down on her.

She immediately burst into tears and her three pals comforted her by telling her what an arsehole and all round shite guy her boyfriend was :lol:

Did you not offer her a ride instead? ;)

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