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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Take a change of clothes with you so you're not having to work in wet clothes

Haha yes, don't worry I always change at work anyway, it's more the fact I cannae be arsed with work and I'm hungover. Any excuse to moan!

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Something which has always irritated me a wee bit is the horrendous attempt at humour that comes in your direction when you say you're going to be in work, college or whatever it may be on a certain day, momentarily forgetting said place will actually be shut that day. Cue the reaction to your hilarious error:

"You're coming in tomorrow? Well good luck with that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

"You can come in, but you'll be the only one here! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Yes, that's funny. You're a funny guy.

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Am 40 this year which in itself isn't a PTTGOYN but the associated reaction from people when you tell them ("oooh wow the big one", "never mind they say 40 is the new 30" etc etc etc) is.

I'll be 50 this year and it doesn't bother me at all!

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People ambling around a supermarket with a trolley full of shopping who think it's acceptable to drink or worse, eat, something from said trolley. Truly despicable and massively jakey behaviour. To then expect a checkout operator to handle it to scan it is the moudly icing on a terrible tinky cake of scum.

Awful humans who put money in their mouth (notes obviously) when shopping then expect the cashier to handle the money. Fucking disgusting and ignorant behaviour. Truly vile

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Having to work in under 2 hours. I can't drive cause I'll still be over the limit (it was meant to be just a few) and it's a 10/15 walk or 5 minute cycle. Now I wouldn't normally care, but it's absolutely pishing down and the winds even worse, so I'm going to get soaked there and back. Problems with living beside the water I guess. Ohh aye and it's Friday night and I'm on close, it'll probably be really busy (unless the weather puts folk off), can't be arsed!

Just drive it, thats what I would do unless I was still drunk

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Having to work in under 2 hours. I can't drive cause I'll still be over the limit (it was meant to be just a few) and it's a 10/15 walk or 5 minute cycle. Now I wouldn't normally care, but it's absolutely pishing down and the winds even worse, so I'm going to get soaked there and back. Problems with living beside the water I guess. Ohh aye and it's Friday night and I'm on close, it'll probably be really busy (unless the weather puts folk off), can't be arsed!

At the risk of being branded an anti-cycling, car-loving nutjob, if you're still too pished to drive, should you really be on the road on a bike? Especially when the weather's cack?

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I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow (at a privately run learning centre).

The schools ain't back yet, there's a foot of snow up in the area where I work, CPS has already decided to have schools closed on Monday because of the extreme weather, we have no kids due in for tutoring tomorrow anyway, and it's a 60 mile round trip.

Really not impressed by the owner calling me tonight to "make sure you're there tomorrow". w**k!

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You'll all be relieved to hear I managed to get to work. Just drove, was probably fine by then anyway, but I hate taking the chance. In other news, I ordered a new phone and contract online, it said it was in stock. Only to receive and email telling me it isn't with no estimate date of arrival either.

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When you have been in your own company for a while and in a pretty decent mood, then the Mrs comes in moaning like f**k about trivial things or more specifically moaning about you. THAT'S not what gets to me though. What gets to me is when her 'behaviour' finally grinds you down and you end up in a fettle. At which point within the next 2-5 minutes her mood changes and she is back to being lovely, but at this point you are still raging with her so you are the one that is now in the bad mood. Therefore you will hardly engage with her and the question "What's up wae you?" comes into play. :angry: Really?!

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Sitting waiting for a delivery from Hermes.

"We will be there between 8 and 12". Anticipating a "Sorry you were out" card dropping gently on to my welcome mat around 11.59.

Hermes? Why not Zoidberg?


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When you have been in your own company for a while and in a pretty decent mood, then the Mrs comes in moaning like f**k about trivial things or more specifically moaning about you. THAT'S not what gets to me though. What gets to me is when her 'behaviour' finally grinds you down and you end up in a fettle. At which point within the next 2-5 minutes her mood changes and she is back to being lovely, but at this point you are still raging with her so you are the one that is now in the bad mood. Therefore you will hardly engage with her and the question "What's up wae you?" comes into play. :angry: Really?!

This. A hundred times this.

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When you have been in your own company for a while and in a pretty decent mood, then the Mrs comes in moaning like f**k about trivial things or more specifically moaning about you. THAT'S not what gets to me though. What gets to me is when her 'behaviour' finally grinds you down and you end up in a fettle. At which point within the next 2-5 minutes her mood changes and she is back to being lovely, but at this point you are still raging with her so you are the one that is now in the bad mood. Therefore you will hardly engage with her and the question "What's up wae you?" comes into play. :angry: Really?!

My other half insists of telling me about every occurrence at her work, with her version of events lasting about three times as long as she was at work for. I've tried being a b*****d about this and bombarded her with tales of my work, however my work bores me to tears as well so I'm humped.

No patience for tales of patients.

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