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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who pronounce a word with "F" when it should be "TH". One of the most common words I see being abused is the word "Three". It's not pronounced "Free"! Don't get me wrong, I mispronounce a lot of words, but I do it as a regional thing. People who use an "F" genuinely sound like simpletons! Alex Salmond is notorious for this, as is Mark on The Chase.

Salmond mentioned a figure the other day at first minister questions. It was 93.3%; quote Salmond "Ninety free point free percent" Seriously?!

Morons :angry:

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Women in large 4 wheel drives. I'll say no more.

Ah, 'oilfield princesses' as they're known here.

This winter past, I saw one cause havoc by wanting to reverse back up the road because she didn't to drive her shiny Range Rover through the deep puddle which the Micra in front had just gone through.

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People who pronounce a word with "F" when it should be "TH". One of the most common words I see being abused is the word "Three". It's not pronounced "Free"! Don't get me wrong, I mispronounce a lot of words, but I do it as a regional thing. People who use an "F" genuinely sound like simpletons! Alex Salmond is notorious for this, as is Mark on The Chase.

Salmond mentioned a figure the other day at first minister questions. It was 93.3%; quote Salmond "Ninety free point free percent" Seriously?!

Morons :angry:

I had a bit of an issue with my speech when I was in primary school and this still happens accidentally from time to time. :(

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Halfwits who open stuff and start eating/drinking it before paying for it in shops.Scum sub human scum,if you cant wait for the 2 or 3 minutes for the check out then commit suicide and do us all a favour

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Went for a pish earlier. Some guy came in just after me. He put his keys and wallet on top of the bin. The bin lid opens by stepping on a pedal. I finished before him and washed my hands, then dried them using the paper towels provided. However I couldn't put them in the bin as this ignorant fucking moron had stupidly, like an ignorant fucking moron, put his keys and wallet on the lid. I was actually tempted to just use the pedal and laugh as his wallet and keys fell to the floor. I didn't though, as it was at work and I had my staff badge on so he could have told on me. In the end he noticed the predicament after he finished pishing, and apologised before moving the wallet and keys, thus allowing me to throw the paper towels in the bin. I said nothing, but I do NOT accept his apology as there can be no excusing such stupid ignorance.

It's not the first time it's happened recently, as last week some guy put a folder on it and a few days before that someone put his phone on top of it. Not only is it stupid and ignorant, which I may have mentioned, but it's a bit jakey. Why would you put something on top of a bin?! Tinks, minks, scaffs, jakes and beggars; you are one or all of these if you do such things.

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Halfwits who open stuff and start eating/drinking it before paying for it in shops.Scum sub human scum,if you cant wait for the 2 or 3 minutes for the check out then commit suicide and do us all a favour

You have my total concurrence. It always seems to be tinky fuckers who do it as well. I once asked the security guard to chuck someone out for doing it when I worked in Iceland but he thought I was joking and laughed. It's technically theft as you're consuming goods you have not yet paid for.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Halfwits who open stuff and start eating/drinking it before paying for it in shops.Scum sub human scum,if you cant wait for the 2 or 3 minutes for the check out then commit suicide and do us all a favour

Morons. Why pay for something that's already had a bite taken out of it? Put it back on the shelf before you get to the till.

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I've drank Lucozade before paying for it after a night out before. It's not something I would do regularly but if you are asking for customers to be chucked out for that your customer service skills are obviously appalling.

Depends how far they go, really. When I worked at Tesco I often had people coming through my till with open boxes of biscuits, etc and it was never a problem. On the other hand, I caught a couple of folk eating stuff and trying to stash the wrappers in a different part of the shop - that's taking it too far.

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I've drank Lucozade before paying for it after a night out before. It's not something I would do regularly but if you are asking for customers to be chucked out for that your customer service skills are obviously appalling.

My customer service skills are extraordinary.

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Guest The Phoenix

Depends how far they go, really. When I worked at Tesco I often had people coming through my till with open boxes of biscuits, etc and it was never a problem. On the other hand, I caught a couple of folk eating stuff and trying to stash the wrappers in a different part of the shop - that's taking it too far.

Yeah, it's called stealing.

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We will sometimes give the wee one some grapes on the way around a supermarket and then pay for them at the till. It's either that or she gets upset at sitting in a trolley for too long.

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When I worked in Asda on the tills I used to surreptitiously pull grapes off people's bunches and then pocket munch them during my shift.

Me 1 - 0 The System

When I worked in Safeway I was usually stocking the shelves in the crisp and sweets section. A packet of swedgers would always get "accidentally" burst open during my shift.

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On the subject of supermarkets, my work mate was in Tescos yesterday to buy a banana amongst other things. When he leant in to pick a banana from the bunch his nose started bleeding all over the bananas. Luckily there was a worried old dear standing next to him who gave him some tissues to stem the flow.

When the store manager arrived on the scene she told him that he would have to purchase the bloodied bananas which my workmate assumed was a joke. The store manager assured him she wasn't kidding which resulted in him buying 9 more bananas than he'd originally intended.

Surely this isn't normal policy when an accident like that happens? I've seen folk drop bottles of wine in shops without being charged for it.

It's certainly made me think twice about having a nosebleed over supermarket fruit in future.

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On the subject of supermarkets, my work mate was in Tescos yesterday to buy a banana amongst other things. When he leant in to pick a banana from the bunch his nose started bleeding all over the bananas. Luckily there was a worried old dear standing next to him who gave him some tissues to stem the flow.

When the store manager arrived on the scene she told him that he would have to purchase the bloodied bananas which my workmate assumed was a joke. The store manager assured him she wasn't kidding which resulted in him buying 9 more bananas than he'd originally intended.

Surely this isn't normal policy when an accident like that happens? I've seen folk drop bottles of wine in shops without being charged for it.

It's certainly made me think twice about having a nosebleed over supermarket fruit in future.

I think technically that he is liable to pay for any goods he's damaged, although most supermarkets will let you off with it for the sake of goodwill. She sounds like a total cow tbh.

Similarly, if a store advertises something at a lower price than appears when it is run through the till, they are under no obligation to sell it for the advertised price, but most do it just to keep the customers happy.

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On the subject of supermarkets, my work mate was in Tescos yesterday to buy a banana amongst other things. When he leant in to pick a banana from the bunch his nose started bleeding all over the bananas. Luckily there was a worried old dear standing next to him who gave him some tissues to stem the flow.

When the store manager arrived on the scene she told him that he would have to purchase the bloodied bananas which my workmate assumed was a joke. The store manager assured him she wasn't kidding which resulted in him buying 9 more bananas than he'd originally intended.

Surely this isn't normal policy when an accident like that happens? I've seen folk drop bottles of wine in shops without being charged for it.

It's certainly made me think twice about having a nosebleed over supermarket fruit in future.

Very poor chat. They must cost the supermarket about 9p per banana as well.

I think technically that he is liable to pay for any goods he's damaged, although most supermarkets will let you off with it for the sake of goodwill. She sounds like a total cow tbh.

Similarly, if a store advertises something at a lower price than appears when it is run through the till, they are under no obligation to sell it for the advertised price, but most do it just to keep the customers happy.

This. The second especially. Customers believe they know all sorts of things when in fact they regularly talk utter, ill informed pish. The claims of 'false advertising' are particularly stupid and incorrect.

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Similarly, if a store advertises something at a lower price than appears when it is run through the till, they are under no obligation to sell it for the advertised price, but most do it just to keep the customers happy.

At first sight that law seems unfair, but I've caught people switching price tags around in a charity shop before.

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Very poor chat. They must cost the supermarket about 9p per banana as well.

This. The second especially. Customers believe they know all sorts of things when in fact they regularly talk utter, ill informed pish. The claims of 'false advertising' are particularly stupid and incorrect.

My proudest moment in a previous job was telling some gobby cow she wasn't getting the product at the incorrectly advertised price. 99% of the time you'd give them the discount, but as soon as she started banging on about fictional laws (including, as you say, "false advertising") and her threatening to contact trading standards, my mind was made up and I took great delight in telling her that she was still under no obligation to buy the product at the increased price if she didn't want to. She picked up her broomstick and stormed out the shop and I never saw her again.

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