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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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people who put their hazard lights on to stop but just keep moving forward. Make up your f***ing mind!

Dickheads who sit between vehicles in laybys or roadside parking spaces with their hazard lights on so all you see is their right indicator. You sit there like a spanner for a minute doing the courteous thing and flashing them out until you decide to drive by and growl at them and there is no-one in the fucking car.

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All these adverts that abuse the English language......"Quote yourself happy", "You're so Moneymarket wanky" and all the rest of it; it's absolutely viral at the moment. Plus you can get something "in store", when they mean you can get it in the feckin shop!

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When someone dies and the usual grief junkies flock to facebook to get their mourning in first and say "you couldn't have met a better person/nicest soul to walk the earth". That's funny, I was told after the last death that I couldn't meet a better person, and the death before that. He was a good guy, we get it, we don't need your over-exaggerated, attention seeking, brownie point scoring pish.

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When someone dies and the usual grief junkies flock to facebook to get their mourning in first and say "you couldn't have met a better person/nicest soul to walk the earth". That's funny, I was told after the last death that I couldn't meet a better person, and the death before that. He was a good guy, we get it, we don't need your over-exaggerated, attention seeking, brownie point scoring pish.

Even more annoying, when the person in question was widely known as an absolute c**t.

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When someone dies and the usual grief junkies flock to facebook to get their mourning in first and say "you couldn't have met a better person/nicest soul to walk the earth". That's funny, I was told after the last death that I couldn't meet a better person, and the death before that. He was a good guy, we get it, we don't need your over-exaggerated, attention seeking, brownie point scoring pish.

Whilst never nice when someone dies a dark part of my brain always wants the headteacher being interviewed on tv as to what an amazing child and that they will be a massive loss to the entire community of the school......

I just want once for him to say ' thank god for that he was a total dick, a bully and heading for a life of oxygen-thieving alcohol and drug abuse,

but sure his folks will miss him', then turn and walk away.

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Even more annoying, when the person in question was widely known as an absolute c**t.

Indeed. The post that triggered my above reaction was infuriating. It was clear the lassie hadn't spoken to him since about 8 BC ("I mind that time ages ago when we were cold in the town and his dad came and picked us up and took us home - what a LOL") but still out-pouring all the clichés she could think of, she had no idea what the guy was like.

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