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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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How any county / area with the slightest bit of greenery is 'beautiful' or has 'outstanding natural beauty'.

Eta: Also, when previous house owners decide that clip together attic floor boards just aren't reliable enough and decide to nail everything to death just to be sure, not thinking that someone may want to remove them one day to re-insulate the place. Bloody knackered.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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How any county / area with the slightest bit of greenery is 'beautiful' or has 'outstanding natural beauty'.

Eta: Also, when previous house owners decide that clip together attic floor boards just aren't reliable enough and decide to nail everything to death just to be sure, not thinking that someone may want to remove them one day to re-insulate the place. Bloody knackered.

The attic?? Use the patio, it was good enough for Fred west.

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An old school 'mate' of mine recently killed his mum and hid the body under a patio. I don't really fancy a minimum 18 year life sentence too.

Changing 'accomplice' to 'mate' is a good start. Puts a bit of distance in.

Now, how careful were you with regard to DNA?

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According to a lot of weather forecasts on radio and TV we are about to be visited by a Nordic God. What other explanation can there be for them saying that there is a Thor coming and milder weather is on the way. Can it be that they actually mean that a thaw is coming.

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When you've spent a week preparing samples and some stupid **** spills it all over the place, rendering it useless. Less petty, more seething tbh.

Back to the w**k booth for you this week then?
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