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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The growing habit of roundabouts being sponsored. What the fek is that all about. Come on Div we must sponsor one or a public toilet or somthing.

The one between Edmiston Drive and Broomloan Road would be good for the lols.

Especially if we could think of an appropriate logo to go with it.

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The growing habit of roundabouts being sponsored. What the fek is that all about. Come on Div we must sponsor one or a public toilet or somthing.

Just a big sign on a roundabout saying BE A WEAR X or change it every so often to include well-worn p&b phrases.

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The growing habit of roundabouts being sponsored. What the fek is that all about. Come on Div we must sponsor one or a public toilet or somthing.

The public toilet could be quite amusing, eh?

Sponsored by the P&B Beastisms Thread contributors.

Or the P&B standing up wipers brigade (scum).

Capy, you should make this a thread of its own.


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Collecting pre-paid tickets for train.

Got into Aberdeen railway ticket office. Woman just got to machine before me,

Now fumbles in bag to find purse,

then rakes for card,

Presses collect pre paid option,

Now rakes back in bag for phone and begins the search for the email with the reference.......

I give up, walk through to the concourse ( about 70yds), go to another machine,

select pre paid tickets, insert card, key in collection reference written on post-it note attached to phone earlier today,

machine prints 17 tickets, tickets collected walk back out past first machine where this woman is still fucking around.

Woman and ticket machines and cash machines - just stupid disorganised fuckwits.

Edited by MEADOWXI
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Was working solidly for about a year until tonight but that's it gone again... Heard they're tightening the proxy stuff up so this might be the last I'll get it working.

I'll just have to go and get a Kodi Box sorted.

Nah I was meaning dodgy in terms of it being potentially dangerous due to the way it works.

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When did those skinny-fit joggy bottoms become a thing? Jesus fucking wept.

I've seen young male Pars fans wearing these to the football for some time now. Almost made me want to switch sides (by that I mean support a different club, I didn't want to beast them).

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People who use the lift to go from ground floor to first when there are stairs available and they're not mobility impaired. Worst sort of scum.

People who f**k about at the top of escalators as well.

Prison would be a good option as neither are available for the inmates as far as I'm aware?

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