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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, Shotgun said:

I'm sure I'm not the firs P&B'er to moan about this but...

People at the airport who jump up and jockey for position in the queue 20 minutes before there's any chance of getting on. They're currently boarding the rich folk, or "pre-boarding" them, whatever that is and there are a hundred folk crowded around, blocking everyone trying to get by. Just sit down until it's your turn you fucking bedwetters.

I get pissed off how early they call folk. I was flying Edinburgh to Bristol with the gate closing at 7.45. They called passengers for boarding at 7.15. I sat and watched the huge queue develop and stand around complaining. At 7.40 I saw the plane land and it taxi-ed up to the gate just after 7.45. So they called people to the gate when the frickin plane was somewhere over the Solway Firth!

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Constantly being referred to as Sir by shop assistants. Granted, it's better than Ma'am, but there's really no need.

"Would you like to pay by card Sir? No problem Sir, just enter your PIN whenever you're ready Sir. Thank you Sir."

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3 hours ago, Shotgun said:

I'm sure I'm not the firs P&B'er to moan about this but...

People at the airport who jump up and jockey for position in the queue 20 minutes before there's any chance of getting on. They're currently boarding the rich folk, or "pre-boarding" them, whatever that is and there are a hundred folk crowded around, blocking everyone trying to get by. Just sit down until it's your turn you fucking bedwetters.

I've got into the habit of waiting until the queue is at its longest, and all the other rich folk are on, before heading to board, just to see the seethe on the faces of the people in the queue.

GIRFUY you jakey c***s.

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3 hours ago, WeAreElgin said:



If you are somewhere like Inverness airport which only has 2 gates, it's great to see people queue in the general area of the gate for ages only to then have to wait for the fast boarders, people with children etc. Do these people think the plane will leave without them if they don't queue immediately?


I remember one time when it was Gold members, Silver members, Bronze members, people with young children, people who needed extra time to board, ex-members of the military, current members of the military and anybody with a Blue Peter badge.  Basically, that was everybody but me.  I had left my badge at home.

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The americans really rip the pish with the handluggage. Thats one of the things that makes getting on the plane last a b*****d because folk with their full sized suitcase hand luggage take all the room.

Now that so many airlines charge for checked baggage, people go to ridiculous lengths to get their steamer trunks on as hand luggage. And because the airline staff are so pressured to turn the flight around quickly, they don't have time to enforce the rules. I foresee air travel getting much worse before it gets better. At least for those of us in peasant class.
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1 hour ago, Shotgun said:


Now that so many airlines charge for checked baggage, people go to ridiculous lengths to get their steamer trunks on as hand luggage. And because the airline staff are so pressured to turn the flight around quickly, they don't have time to enforce the rules. I foresee air travel getting much worse before it gets better. At least for those of us in peasant class.


Apparently United are going to start charging for carry-on that will not fit under your seat.

If you didn't hate United before you will now.

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8 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Constantly being referred to as Sir by shop assistants. Granted, it's better than Ma'am, but there's really no need.

"Would you like to pay by card Sir? No problem Sir, just enter your PIN whenever you're ready Sir. Thank you Sir."

**Predictable meme response alert**

images (22).jpg

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9 hours ago, throbber said:

Just watched the first series of The Missing there and the end of it has really pissed me off.

I felt the same way. Such a let down.

Second series is much much better though. 

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On Thu Jan 05 2017 at 14:09, Honest Saints Fan said:

I fucked my shoulder about 6 months ago and now I can't even drive without it hurting. I've manned up and booked a doctors appointment for next week but can just see them fobbing me off :(

Diagnosed with a frozen shoulder :(

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3 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Diagnosed with a frozen shoulder :(

I've had an ongoing problem with my neck and shoulder for years now.  Been to physios and chiropractors, but it's only temporarily helping before it comes back.  Finally booked a docs appointment next week, which I've no doubt will result in no more than a referral to an NHS physio sometime before 2019. 

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39 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I've had an ongoing problem with my neck and shoulder for years now.  Been to physios and chiropractors, but it's only temporarily helping before it comes back.  Finally booked a docs appointment next week, which I've no doubt will result in no more than a referral to an NHS physio sometime before 2019. 

You'll be lucky, I've been visiting the Doctors with a sore shoulder/chest for the last 6 months. I've had X-Rays, Ultrasounds, Blood tests etc. with no joy. I had an appointment just before Xmas and they gave me some super strength anti-inflammatories that don't do anything and a self referral form for physio, obviously being an office worker I'm in the best position to decide whether I need physio or not.

It's no wonder the NHS is on it's knees when they are letting patients refer themselves for treatment.

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I had a shoulder injury from an off-piste/on piss sledging accident and the physio was priceless as he was able to pinpoint the problem area deep under the shoulder blade. I just had one or two visits as once we'd worked out what was going on I got strengthening exercises etc to target the dodgy area. £40 well spent.  

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19 minutes ago, Jake Burns said:

Walnut Whips


a delightful bit of confectionary sullied only by that foul tasting abomination that perches on top. 

So it's the walnut part of Walnut Whips you have a problem with? I like once you've bitten the top of you can get your tongue right in. It's a very dirty bit of confectionery. The chunky base bit is good too.

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8 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Thanks mate. Thats why I am number 1* Falkirk poster!


Not that I didn't believe you, but I didn't believe you and had to check that awards thread and it appears you're right. Well done. We should have a best of three battle of boxing, squash and some other activity to unify the titles.

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