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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I thought this would have it's own topic, but I read in today's Metro that the 'Josh, Dad's found your scooter' ad for Picture Loans has been banned by the Advertising Standards Agency.

They said it was because it trivialised the importance of making such a decision, however we all know that it was only banned for being too popular.

It was because they caught you having a tonk over it in Curries.

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I'd better just agree with you on that one, otherwise you'll get Wullie Gray to Lamp.jpg and Scone.jpg me.

Turn you on and scone you? :huh:

Edited by LauraMcB
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Guest Ron Burgundy

bought a carton of soup from a mobile snack van that drives around the busness park and took a gulp before realising it smelt off...let four others smell who confirmed it was definetly off...only had one gulp so the effects are not enough to make me stay at hoome ...although it feels like I have the flu and my stomach is like a spin dryer.

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My missus had that 3 weeks ago.

I have never been ill then i've had 4 illnesses in 4 weeks..absolutely shocking. Worst i have ever felt and this weekend was just going to top off my best few weeks ever and it's being ruined. Also got offered flights for Georgia if i just paid the name change... :( Never mind...:(

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I have never been ill then i've had 4 illnesses in 4 weeks..absolutely shocking. Worst i have ever felt and this weekend was just going to top off my best few weeks ever and it's being ruined. Also got offered flights for Georgia if i just paid the name change... :( Never mind...:(

Get yourself checked for glandular fever as that is how it started with me and it took three years to get it diagnosed.

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Get yourself checked for glandular fever as that is how it started with me and it took three years to get it diagnosed.

I got even more bloods taken today...i've had 7 test tubes of blood taken once or twice a week for 4 weeks now...LUDACRIS! :(

Have never ever felt this bad..though today's been the best day i have felt since Sunday.

I hate being unwell.

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People (or 1 person) using Maybe wrongly.

HE continually says "maybe the experiment gave a result of 50%".

Well either it gave a result of 50% or you don't know what the result is, there is no maybe about it.


"maybe i did transfection yesterday"

You either did or didn't, no maybe about it.

Fucking annoying petty thing.

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