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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've got fucking no chance of lasting until the night is over. I've had three cans (Three!) and I'm already feeling thon fuzzy headed way. I'll try and drink through it and see where that gets me.

I wasnae even sure if I spelled three right, had to think about it for a moment.

Those three (sp?) :lol: cans were consumed in the space of half an hour though so I'm still butch and manly.

LIGHTWEIGHT. :rolleyes:

(although you probably won't get this till the morning coz your 4th can will have finished you off for the night)

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My seratonin levels are depleted

Loving the signature, Frame.

My petty nag, well I don't have one. I'm well happy. Breakfast is getting cooked, I have a cold bottle of Stella, off work till I decide when I want to go back, The Shakemiester is here, and we are going to get drunk again today.

*Helicopters penis*

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I think you should make the text in your signature bigger, Fudge. For what it's worth, you did seem to have a good night, and the sound from in your pocket was rather amusing too. I hope you've not forgotten your new job - although the back garden is still a no, unfortunately. :(

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I've just checked my sent messages and there are words like 'love' being banded about in texts to my ex.


Ah, not good at all. Did she reply to any of them? I hated checking my phone after nights out on the lash - it was always with some trepidation that I did so!

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Ah, not good at all. Did she reply to any of them? I hated checking my phone after nights out on the lash - it was always with some trepidation that I did so!

If I think I might have sent messages that I shouldn't, I just delete them all without reading. I live in blissful ignorance.

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I lost my phone last night, that's so fucking annoying. I think the wee pleb I was helping with the quiz machine in the pub nicked it. Either that or I flushed it down the toilet when I was taking a shit. I was pretty drunk.

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I'm not even sure to be honest.

I was taken home by my dad circa 3.30am, unable to speak or walk :ph34r:

Aw bless! You're post-plastered posts on here are fab! Although you might think you want to die right now, think of the fun I have reading about your antics on a sunday!!

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If I think I might have sent messages that I shouldn't, I just delete them all without reading. I live in blissful ignorance.

I have a rather good habit of deleting all sent messages before going to sleep when blazing. However it isn't love that gets banded about, it is pure abuse. Then a week later you get someone asking why I said I hoped they would get raped by a bear.

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I 'bate myself, I am a guy.


I have a rather good habit of deleting all sent messages before going to sleep when blazing. However it isn't love that gets banded about, it is pure abuse. Then a week later you get someone asking why I said I hoped they would get raped by a bear.

Anyone that knows you wouldn't even need to ask, surely?

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