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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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3 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Anyway... on a more serious subject, it's really pissing me off how I have a 'lime & orange' tic tac box from which only one of the two types keeps coming out whenever I pour them out normally.  Every single time is like a statistical anomaly even though they're well mixed, which is no use when I want the lime & orange combo and not one or the other (the whole f***ing point of buying them).


Furthermore, it should Shirley be 'orange & lime', not 'lime & orange', right?

And no, that is not a black rubber dildo.  It is a keyboard wrist rest. 

"No, they're not rohypnol, they're tic-tacs, honest. And that's a keyboard wrist rest. And he isn't a gimp, he's just taking a lot of Covid precautions..."

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59 minutes ago, dumpweed said:

People who turn off the received message notification (blue tick) on Whatsapp.


Sneaky fuckers

Excellent tip, thanks.  :)

I also like it when I get a pop up alert for FB Messenger as it shows most of the content without me going into the app, making it look like I haven't read it yet.  Now I have it for both. Lovely stuff.

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1 minute ago, Wile E Coyote said:

Narration on wildlife programs that tries to create a false sense of peril for the animals.

Yes, Ewan McGregor I am looking at you in Stormborn

"The seal manages to make a lucky escape..."

"...for one more day at least"



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2 hours ago, The Golden God said:

Coach Trip on Channel 4 is now Love Island on the road. I only had it on cause 15 to 1 was on before and I'd been watching the NFL on 5.

Coach Trip/Love Island is not the worst thing on that list. 

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9 hours ago, Wile E Coyote said:

Narration on wildlife programs that tries to create a false sense of peril for the animals.

Yes, Ewan McGregor I am looking at you in Stormborn

I've heard a rumour he's going to do voice overs in that fashion for the Roadrunner cartoons...

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