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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My boa recently decided to come out of mating season so scoffed a huge rat last week. He has just been for his first dump of the year and bugger me sideways it has stunk out my room. I've cleaned him out and left my window open in hope the smell goes away before I have to go to bed. Can't wait until I move out and the animals have their own room.

Also the cricket is still alive and well under the floor boards of my parents house. It looks like I am going to be moving out and leaving this as a sort of horrible reminder of what I used to keep here. :o

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Also the cricket is still alive and well under the floor boards of my parents house. It looks like I am going to be moving out and leaving this as a sort of horrible reminder of what I used to keep here.

Im actually getting quite fond of that cricket, even when you've moved out, I still want occasional cricket updates to see how the wee fella is getting on! :D

This is going to sound really daft, but I didn't know that snakes poo.


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This is going to sound really daft, but I didn't know that snakes poo.

Sometimes when I'm doing shows I get asked where they poo from, if I am asked this I'll point out the vent then hold my snakes tail up and shove his arse as close to the kids face as I can get away with. The reaction to that is always fun. :D

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Three day hangover now. Damn that suspected concussion. Im not well. I need a curry. French food is fucking bland and curries make everything better. There arent any curry places here. A quick chat with the Pakistani guy in my office confirmed my worst fears. Curry is not a common sight over here. :(

So make one yourself you lazy shite, it's not hard to make a curry.

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So make one yourself you lazy shite, it's not hard to make a curry.

Ahahahahahaha! In terms of cooking resources, I have one small electric ring, a tiny saucepan, a spoon, a fork, 3 sharp knives and a fridge. Whipping up a culinery masterpiece could be challenging. :(

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Women, for ( once again) it is always women, whom whilst talking on mobile phones on a train / bus / street - anywhere public really - simply refuse to comprehend that "domestics" are called "domestics" for a reason i.e in this case, the whole rest of the carriage does not care that your boyfriend "couldn't have been sitting right next to Adele last night, because he was online all night" nor did we want to hear you berate him for this time and time again ! :angry:

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Ahahahahahaha! In terms of cooking resources, I have one small electric ring, a tiny saucepan, a spoon, a fork, 3 sharp knives and a fridge. Whipping up a culinery masterpiece could be challenging. :(

Chilli powder, peppers, chicken breast9cooked), jar of sauce, obligatory stereotype French onion (and garlic too if you wish to labour the point...)

Heat and stir like f**k for twenty minutes.


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Chilli powder, peppers, chicken breast9cooked), jar of sauce, obligatory stereotype French onion (and garlic too if you wish to labour the point...)

Heat and stir like f**k for twenty minutes.


I actually went looking for some curry sauce last week! You know, those wee jars with the sauce that you just need to add meat and veg to? I looked through multiple supermarkets...the french don't do curry! Those wee jars don't appear to be sold.

If I want a curry, I would have to make it from complete scratch. Its on my list for when I get home (providing I manage it alive)......a nice curry, a bottle of Irn Bru, a munchy box, a proper fucking kebab and a cup of Scottish Blend tea! Basically, I am going to put on about 3 more stone in my first week back. :ph34r:

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I actually went looking for some curry sauce last week! You know, those wee jars with the sauce that you just need to add meat and veg to? I looked through multiple supermarkets...the french don't do curry! Those wee jars don't appear to be sold.

If I want a curry, I would have to make it from complete scratch. Its on my list for when I get home (providing I manage it alive)......a nice curry, a bottle of Irn Bru, a munchy box, a proper fucking kebab and a cup of Scottish Blend tea! Basically, I am going to put on about 3 more stone in my first week back. :ph34r:

France sounds shite. I couldn't handle not being able to get a decent curry for my dinner at least once a week.

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No curry? I'd be fecked.

Beans on toast? (it's my other speciality... :( )

No fucking munchy box?

No wonder the French are rioting for the removal of Sarkozy. <_<

Aye, no curry. As I said, I was talking to the Pakistani guy in my office, and he said that after 3 years here, he still hasnt got used to how bland and dull the food is here. I live on curries, fajitas, stir fries, pasta etc. at home. Just about everything I make has a chopped chilli or two in it. Bland, bland, bland, bland food! Due to the lack of cooking facilities, and the fact that I eat my main meal at lunchtime (university canteen), I live off bread, ham and super noodles at nights.

I did explain the concept of the munchy box to the guys in the office, reactions ranged from fear to lust! :lol:

What is a nag though, is that I bought a big bag of crisps earlier on, just picked some at random, after all, crisps are crisps. They were so foul I ran the ingredients through google translate. Mussel flavoured crisps? Fucking mussel flavoured? What is wrong with these people?

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I did explain the concept of the munchy box to the guys in the office, reactions ranged from fear to lust! :lol:

I love meeting people who've never heard of a munchy box (I lead a very mundane life) - it's fantastic watching the reactions of people when you explain the concept to them.

The best munchy boxes come with the soggy crap salad in a little extra bag, making it easier for you to discard it so you can get stuck into your assorted unknown-origin meat treats.

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If I want a curry, I would have to make it from complete scratch. Its on my list for when I get home (providing I manage it alive)......a nice curry, a bottle of Irn Bru, a munchy box, a proper fucking kebab and a cup of Scottish Blend tea! Basically, I am going to put on about 3 more stone in my first week back. :ph34r:

Why don't you make a curry from scratch then? It really isn't that difficult. I think recipes for it were posted in a thread somewhere here a while back?

What's a munchy box?

No fucking munchy box?


F'kin wean still hasnae popped oot the wife. :angry:

It must be a girl, the only excuse for such tardiness.

When was the due date? I assume you've passed it already?

What is a nag though, is that I bought a big bag of crisps earlier on, just picked some at random, after all, crisps are crisps. They were so foul I ran the ingredients through google translate. Mussel flavoured crisps? Fucking mussel flavoured? What is wrong with these people?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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