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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Going on the basis that we all know feck all about it, how about this for a made up on the story/motive.

They killed maddie as she had an incurable disease, they actually had the twins thinking they would carry a gene that could save her.

The gene therapy didn't work so they bumped her off, she wasn't even in Portugal, it was a cardboard cutout.

Edited by Whistle Blower
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Been saying there was something dodgy about them for months, alot of people eating humble pie if they are involved. Backtracking a plenty.

Possibly. I was more pissed off with the way folk were making the accusations, going on the same knowledge we all had. Most people will agree that it is entirely sensible for them to be suspects and, in fact, maybe should have been sooner.

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These may be the 22 questions that are asked. These were issued weeks ago in the local press.

Francisco Moita Flores is one of the best Portuguese criminologists and a former policemen. He made a list of 22 questions he'd like to ask the McCann couple, here they are translated into English:

1- Who was the last person outside the couple who saw Madeleine alive?

2- When you left the house for dinner, was Maddie sleeping or awake?

3- Were the other children sleeping?

4- How did you organize the periodic checking on the children?

5- Who was the first adult who went to check on children?

6- Who was the second one?

7- What was the interval between the first two checks?

8- How many children from the other couples were sleeping at the same time?

9- What was the checking order?

10- How much time passed between the last person outside the couple who saw Maddie alive, and the alert was given?

11- How much time between learning that she dissapeared and telling the authorities?

12- Who spoke with the police?

13- Who participated in the first searching efforts?

14- What did you touch while searching?

15- Where did you look for her?

16- Did you have bleach or hydrochloric acid at home?

17- What was the supermarket where you bought it?

18- When did you buy these cleaning products?

19- Who knew where they were stored?

20- Did any of the friends change clothes during that night?

21- Was any of them absent for one hour or more?

22- Will you let the twins talk to a child psychiatrist to let him know what they saw?

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maybe should have been sooner.

I don't think there is any question about that.

I remember the first thing I posted about this, and it concerned the grandmother's complaint on the day after the "abduction" around the fact the police weren't keeping the McCanns up to date on the progress made.

This was picked up by the press and spun in a "idiot foreign police blanking concerned parents" slant and The Guardian and co got their knickers in a twist.

To me, it should have been obvious why this was. The parents had to be heavily suspected, given the circumstances. Only when they had been cleared of any suspicion should they have been informed in any way about the ongoing case.

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This is a totally predictable turn of events IMO. Why the parents weren't immediately made formal suspects I don't know. After all isn't it the case that in the majority of these incidents close family turn out to be the offenders?

The story about finding blood in a car that they rented long after the daughters death does sound a bit weird but then if you work on the premise that they could lie to everyone about the events surrounding their daughters disappearance to the extent that they get a round the world trip and over £1m out of it they are capable of lying about absolutely anything.

One thing I hope for though is that whatever the outcome is that parents everywhere realise that they have to keep an eye on their kids and that they shouldn't let their guard down. The McCanns IMO are guilty of gross negligence at the very least.

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Read this in the Record today:

Portuguese newspapers yesterday continued their smear campaign against the couple.

One paper said the "scent of a corpse" had been found on trousers and a blouse belonging to Kate, and claimed that sniffer dogs had found "traces of death" on Madeleine's Cuddle Cat toy.

From that it's obvious that Cuddle Cat did it.

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Guest Captain Saintsible
How is your weekly column in The Times going? ;)


The thing is - I have wondered from the very start how on earth they could go out for dinner with all their kids asleep.

My own daughter is 3 years old - and is very laid back and not at all hyperactive (unlike my mad son). But there is no way she would have happily gone to sleep with us going out for the evening! And I really can't imagine going out and leaving her - she could have woken up at any time. She was up and bounding about after midnight and still wide awake when she was going to bed. Madeleine McCann is a year older - and a year is a huge difference at those ages - it would have taken ages to get a child of that age to go to sleep.

The sedation theory begins to make sense of it all now................

I wonder how long it will take before a film is made about all of this...............

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I wonder if all the papers over here will apologise to their foreign counterparts if they're connected.

And I suppose more interestingly, how long before The Sun has a front page picture of Gerry along side the caption "Hang This b*****d", or words to that effect.

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Guest Captain Saintsible
One thing I hope for though is that whatever the outcome is that parents everywhere realise that they have to keep an eye on their kids and that they shouldn't let their guard down. The McCanns IMO are guilty of gross negligence at the very least.

If they were sedating their kids so that they could go out for dinner then that goes far beyond negligence I'd say..............

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