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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Just had this through on FB. I may regret in the morning posting it, but what the hell

Anyone want to begin? Any McCann employed internet Trolls on here?

If as they suggest that they have employed libel lawyers, they better make extra sure that every one of these 100 questions have an accurate answer next to them, as it's whizzing around Facebook as we speak.

*cough* The Wolf *cough*

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Was she not murdered by some cretin then flung off the cliffs at Sagres? Next stop the Azores :(

Seriously, a horrible, horrible event. I say the McCanns should be given forgiveness for leaving the wee mite and her twin siblings alone that faithful evening. Maybe then they can move on with their lives?

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This thread is why juries probably aren't a good thing.

Not sure if you're with me or agin me :lol:

I'm certain the dogs will have given an accurate indication of the presence of the smell they are trained to detect. That's what they do.

That said, all the dogs are really doing is path finding for further work to be done. If the blood dog finds the smell of blood others will presumably then be tasked with finding the blood and obtaining samples for analysis etc. The death dog will only tell you if the smell of cadaverine is present. Same rules as above that should then lead to further work.

ETA : should have said that while it is probably the case that the dogs did their job properly there wasn't another shred of evidence to suggest the McCanns had done anything untoward.

Edited by orlandoblue
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I mean, I don't have much respect for you, but I thought you were above that shite.

Talking about "respect" on an internet forum? That's the sort of daft talk wee boys come out with, along with "respect" for bands, footballers or some other piece of life trivia. Time you grew up, you're a wee bit long in the tooth for that sort of talk.

I mentioned Celtic in reference to the point I made earlier, about certain chumps knee jerk deciding the McCanns were innocent of any wrong doing whatsoever merely because of Gerry's past employment - that neanderthal tribalism amongst all too many Celtic & Rangers fans that is the bane of Scotland.

That you & TheWolf alone have alone been spitting the dummy over the past 48 hours to a disturbing extent at anyone suggesting the McCanns are far from plaster saints in this whole affair only serves to illustrate the point all too well. That's all.

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I'm very sceptical about the McCann's role in the whole affair but the questions I would have for those who believe they were actively involved in her death and staged her abduction are;

1. why did they go to the upper echelons of British govt to get Scotland Yard to investigate the case? Surely if they had anything to hide they wouldn't want Scotland Yard anywhere near the case?

2. If Scotland Yard believe the McCanns were involved and the abduction was bogus why are they pushing this line so hard? Is Britain's finest crime investigation team in the business of protecting child killers? Did they concoct Jane Tanner's 9.15 man to get that lady out of the embarrassing bind of having made up an abductor? I'd like to think not. I mean, what could possibly be in it for them?

3. Is it conceivable that any or all of the tapas 9 would collude with the McCanns in a bogus abduction? How close were these people with the McCanns? Close enough to cover up a child killing? I have several great friends who I'd help out in a heartbeat if they were ever in bother, but providing them an alibi for killing a child is where I'd like to think I'd draw the line.

I dunno lads, my head is swimming with theories at the moment!

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