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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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I'd suggest that its an even greater leap of logic on behalf of the McCanns to continue insisting that their child is alive, and actually, a much smaller leap of logic to suspect them of a neglect-related cover-up - as opposed to a single child mysteriously vanishing without trace or evidence of a break-in. Though they do seem rather intolerant of the police officer's logical conclusions, so no doubt they'll be fine with everyone else abandoning logic when dealing with the case. What's good for the goose...

Oh agreed - but cackling wee sweety wives like Blair Media Boy and XBL are hardly in a position to cast aspertions, wouldn't you say?

I get angry about this because it's every parent's worst nightmare - it's a cliche for a good reason. And I don't have a fucking clue how I'd react were I in their shoes. Now, as you say, it isn't hard to imagine that they have some involvement. Nor, however, is it hard to imagine a Portuguese police officer wanting to be shot of the whole thing and trying to tie it up without mud sticking to him.

In other words, we haven't a scooby what happened, and until we do, I will continue to pur scorn on numbnut smartarses pretending that their 18 years or whatever on the planet give them more insight than continuing police investigations. Fair enough?

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Scottish origin, living in leafy Englandshire, middle class and educated, but obviously with a propensity towards irrational fury whenever Madeleine is involved, no smoke without fire...

Apparently they found lots of salt and sweat in the room. Your first against the prison wall, sweetcheeks. ;)

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Says who? I feel the views I expressed are valid.

Says the sensible people who moderate these forums for c*nts like you.

One day you may grow up (I doubt it) and have kids of your own. If you have a daughter, when she gets to 7 or 8 years old try and remember back to the moment in your life where you thought it was acceptable for ANY child to be sexually violated.

You are the worst kind of fucking cretin on this planet.

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Says the sensible people who moderate these forums for c*nts like you.

One day you may grow up (I doubt it) and have kids of your own. If you have a daughter, when she gets to 7 or 8 years old try and remember back to the moment in your life where you thought it was acceptable for ANY child to be sexually violated.

You are the worst kind of fucking cretin on this planet.

That high horse really suits you. :blink:

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What's too far in comedy - I laughed. biggrin.gif

Its a case of wording. For example, if he had said that she would fetch a good price on the black (well, white) market or something similar, then that would be a bit close to the bone, but acceptable. But what he said was that he would like to beast a 7 year old. And that really crosses all kinds of lines.

*falls off chair*

I agree with the mods when they are right. I respond to the post rather than the poster.biggrin.gif

Apparently they found lots of salt and sweat in the room. Your first against the prison wall, sweetcheeks. wink.gif

That could have been anyones salt and sweat! Anyway, if it HAD been me, I would have never left any salt behind.

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Its a case of wording. For example, if he had said that she would fetch a good price on the black (well, white) market or something similar, then that would be a bit close to the bone, but acceptable. But what he said was that he would like to beast a 7 year old. And that really crosses all kinds of lines.

Fair enough, no need for an explanation, thanks for it anyway though.

You sound like you know a fair bit about the white market.............I'll PM you.

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Its a case of wording. For example, if he had said that she would fetch a good price on the black (well, white) market or something similar, then that would be a bit close to the bone, but acceptable. But what he said was that he would like to beast a 7 year old. And that really crosses all kinds of lines.

What, a sick joke about a wee girl which was clearly written for its shock value, as opposed to you and Bleary casting real accusations without evidence at the two parents who have lost said child?

Weird. Just...weird. :unsure:

(Just to point out, dougalldogg is a total fanny and that was about as funny as rabies, but still...)

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Thank you, glad someone appreciates dark humour.

Thats a tad harsh is it not? It was just a wee joke, Im not really gona go out and ride Madaline Mccann although it would make some fucking story for the News of the World, no but in all seriousness I am not a pedophile (yet) and I ws just having a wee giraffe. Anyway I apologise if I have hit a nerve and you were abused as a child.

I would seriously recommend that you back off now.

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I find obtuse, ill thought out and frankly stupid posting irritates me at 2 am. As for personally, well not really, but I loathe the way that these two parents have been pilloried in a lazy and "no smoke without fire" kind of way. It just seems to me that noone knows what happened and until they do it's a huge leap of logic to assume it's the parents wot done it.

Of course the truth is hidden - noone knows yet. :1eye (you have to admit that is a damn fine smiley).

I haven't deliberated over any evidence, therefore I can't see why it's 'stupid posting'. It's purely opinion, along with a few things I picked up at uni which brought me to my conclusions.

But I forgot, you're seen as one of the more intelligent posters on here so I'm not entitled to my fair say. Surely, if they are innocent, they have to be punished for leaving a child neglected. :huh:

Scottish origin, living in leafy Englandshire, middle class and educated, but obviously with a propensity towards irrational fury whenever Madeleine is involved, no smoke without fire...

As long as he lives nowhere near Shropshire, that's good enough for me.

Just checked: Cambridge, apparently. Good enough for me.

Edited by The Blair-Skint Student
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Are you Gerry McCann?

You seem to take this very personally. All I'm saying is that the McCanns seem like they'd break any barriers to 'aid the search', and this is why people are 'suspicious'. They themselves are to blame for the hazy nature of the investigation. To say they have intervened too much is a bit of an understatement, and that's why I think there's a 'hidden truth' element.

FWIW, I am really a student, not studying Media or Law, and am two thirds of the way to getting a media (yes, media job, believe it or not) with the Royal Air Force. Just one interview and a medical to go and I'm ready.


Would explain the signature.

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He maybe meant for your own erse safety? :o

Well done on finding that though ya sad bassa 8)

NSFW does funny things to your head.

I'm backing Monkeyblair on this one.


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