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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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One thing, they certainly seem to have some friends in high places, one to have got so much media resources in the first place but secondly to have kept it in the public eye for so long. Every so often a new lead, sighting, suspect comes up and then it goes away again, either unproven or disproved altogether.

I'm guessing that one of the things you don't want when you're trying to get away with murder is folk investigating the case - why would the McCann's keep asking folk to do just that ?

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I don't think they had any involvement by the way. Other than leaving the children alone, that is.

This is what I think too. I don't think they had any involvement other than dereliction of their duties as parents.

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Nasty nasty people. Yes, how dare we criticise a couple who left their 3 tiny children on their own, the night after they cried about being left, to go to a restaurant several hundred yards away and drink wine and have a nice meal.

Yes, it's my belief that a child shouldn't be left alone, and there's a world of difference between hanging out the washing and fucking off for an evening meal.

As I've mentioned a couple of times on here already we met a couple on holiday once who did exactly what the McCann's were doing the night Madeleine was abducted,

Whilst we had our kids with us in bar they left their kids up in the room and checked on them at regular intervals,

We told them it was something we wouldn't have done but we didn't think they were bad people for doing so and I have to admit that what we were concerned about was one of the children becoming distressed or upset not someone braking in and abducting one of them.

This was before the McCann incident of course, I'm fairly sure anyone who did it before certainly wouldn't do it now and we certainly would be less 'understanding' about what they were doing.

We still have their address somewhere - I'm going to send them a postcard informing them that they are evil.

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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I am a parent and I agree with you 100%. A lot of sad b*****ds see in all this a cynical opportunity to promote themselves as parents with mock outrage at supposed poor parenting by the McCanns. Nasty, nasty people.

I fail to see how people are "promoting themselves as parents with mock outrage", (whatever that actually means), seeing as this is an internet forum where the vast majority of people are completely unknown to the rest of the posters. I wouldn't know a P&B poster if they walked into my living room.

It's a pretty poor form of promotion if nobody else is aware of it.

I've already made my views known, and I'm not going searching for my earlier posts, which are buried somewhere at the start of this thread.

At the time I was astounded that educated professionals (that's all the tapas gang, not just the McCanns) could waltz off, night after night, and leave their children sleeping, unattended. Nothing over the years has made me change my outlook on that. It was gross stupidity, verging on the reckless.

Checking "every half hour" isn't much good - as has been proved.

They should either have availed themselves of the baby sitting service, allocated one of their number to not go out for a meal, but just constantly patrol all the apartments where the youngsters were sleeping, left the children at home with the grand parents , or not gone out.

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I'm guessing that one of the things you don't want when you're trying to get away with murder is folk investigating the case - why would the McCann's keep asking folk to do just that ?

Double bluff, IMO.

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They should either have availed themselves of the baby sitting service, allocated one of their number to not go out for a meal, but just constantly patrol all the apartments where the youngsters were sleeping, left the children at home with the grand parents , or not gone out.

When our kids were small they sat in their buggies beside us whilst we enjoyed a meal or a drink on holiday - I'd say it was the thing to do and it's certainly what most parents appeared to be doing - generally they just slept, no harm done.

When I was a kid though I was left for hours and hours alone at night whilst my parents went out at and enjoyed a drink, I think most parents were doing it tbh - they even had a notice board in the corner of the bar to inform folk that there was a "Child crying in Chalet 279" !

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When our kids were small they sat in their buggies beside us whilst we enjoyed a meal or a drink on holiday - I'd say it was the thing to do and it's certainly what most parents appeared to be doing - generally they just slept, no harm done.

When I was a kid though I was left for hours and hours alone at night whilst my parents went out at and enjoyed a drink, I think most parents were doing it tbh - they even had a notice board in the corner of the bar to inform folk that there was a "Child crying in Chalet 279" !

I hadn't considered that option, seems sensible, and if a child gets girny you can always take him back to your apartment.

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A lot of sad b*****ds see in all this a cynical opportunity to promote themselves as parents with mock outrage at supposed poor parenting by the McCanns. Nasty, nasty people.

Indeed. And a lot of even sadder shitgibbons refuse to accept that the McCanns did anything wrong out of a twisted sense of "loyalty to The Cause" because Gerry McCann used to work for Celtic.

I'm guessing that one of the things you don't want when you're trying to get away with murder is folk investigating the case - why would the McCann's keep asking folk to do just that?

As those investigating the Suzy Lamplugh disappearence discovered, you can screw up a professional police investigation beautifully if you have all manner of crank amateurs, hired private detectives only interested in "clues" to stay on their client's payroll & a media frenzy to muddy the waters, confuse potential witnesses - and most important of all waste police time.

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On Sunday my son was asleep in the car and I had to get fuel. It wasn't a garage where you could pay at the pump so I had a decision to make.

Did I disturb him by removing him from the car and take him inside to pay? Or did I lock the car and go inside to pay, with the car in full sight at all times.

It was the latter, because I'm not a paranoid moon howling fuckwit. However, I did keep my eyes peeled at the same time for a Michelle Money type MOPE.

Yes, because a locked car at a petrol station with cctv and a full view of the forecourt is exactly the same as an apartment with no direct line of sight from a restaurant 50-100 yards away.

On the Mone point, wonder what her take is? She probably wouldn't leave her kids, but would get them in a wheelchair at the airport for a wee drive on the buggy to the gate.

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Indeed. And a lot of even sadder shitgibbons refuse to accept that the McCanns did anything wrong out of a twisted sense of "loyalty to The Cause" because Gerry McCann used to work for Celtic.

I already thought this reasoning and logic employed in this thread was interesting to say the very least but you just made me do a double take with that point,

Well done - the most embarrassing post in the most embarrassing thread on P&B

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So, when you said that you wouldn't leave a child alone for 30 seconds you were posturing and in fact, lying. Glad that we established that.

I wonder if the Moonhowler who said he wouldn't even go to the ice cream van while his child was asleep with withdraw that nonsense.

People like you get a buzz out of posturing over this child abduction and clearly relish kicking the McCanns when they are down as low as anyone could be.


Me personally? No I wouldn't leave my kids alone for 30 seconds? Example. The other day I had to go to an atm. To get to it, you park your car in a car park and walk up a short alley to the atm. Although it was added hassle, I took my kids with me, rather than leaving them unattended in a car, But hey, I'm overcautious eh?

Hardly a buzz, my bizarrely opinionated chum. What I find very strange is that you think leaving 3 young kids alone while the parents go out for a drink and some scran several hundred yards away is ok. Simple fact of the matter is that had they acted responsibly, you, me and the whole of Britain wouldn't be having a debate about this and we would have no idea who the McCanns were.

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Why hasn't anyone picked up on the two sniffer dogs though? They independently located cadaverine (chemical emitted by a dead body) and the scent of blood within the apartment and their hire car, but it was seemingly swept under the carpet as "fallible evidence".

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Why hasn't anyone picked up on the two sniffer dogs though? They independently located cadaverine (chemical emitted by a dead body) and the scent of blood within the apartment and their hire car, but it was seemingly swept under the carpet as "fallible evidence".

Serious question. How did they know the dogs smelt cadaverine and the scent of blood? Isn't it possibly all the dogs smelt was arseholes and baws?

Unless the dog had developed powers of speech, how would they know?

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At the time I was astounded that educated professionals (that's all the tapas gang, not just the McCanns) could waltz off, night after night, and leave their children sleeping, unattended. Nothing over the years has made me change my outlook on that. It was gross stupidity, verging on the reckless.

Checking "every half hour" isn't much good - as has been proved.

They should either have availed themselves of the baby sitting service, allocated one of their number to not go out for a meal, but just constantly patrol all the apartments where the youngsters were sleeping, left the children at home with the grand parents , or not gone out.

They did not have to avail themselves of a baby sitting service, they were on a Mark Warner holiday and it was provided in their package.

Mark Warner holidays have been offering this service since they opened their first kids club in 1986!


We're as big on child friendly holidays as we are family holidays. Childcare is included in the holiday price from 2 years upwards and for those children from 4 months - 2 years it will be chargeable. We offer a free evening creche service for children from 4 months to 5 years and for the older children we run free, fully supervised evening entertainment. This evening childcare takes place from 7.30pm to 11pm

Either the rep failed to inform the group of this service or for some reason the family chose not to use it.

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Strange that the Met are going with e-fits based on descriptions given by the Smith family from Ireland but not mentioning that Martin Smith was 60-80% sure the man he saw carrying the child was Gerry McCann:

"I hereby declare that this statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I make it knowing that if it is tendered in evidence I will be liable to prosecution if i state in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.

I would like to state that the statement I made on 26th May 2007 in Portugal is correct. The description of the individual that I saw on 3rd May 2007 carrying a child is as follows. He was average build, 5 foot 10' in height, brown hair cut short, aged 40 years approximately. Wearing beige trousers and darkish top maybe a jacket or blazer. He had a full head of hair with a tight cut. This individual was alone. I saw Gerard McCann (sic) going down the plane stairs carrying one of his children on 9th September 2007 BBC news at 10 PM, I have been shown the video clip by Sergeant Hogan which I recognise. A clip I have seen before on the Internet. In relation to the video clips of Gerard McCann and the person I saw on 3rd May 2007 when I saw the BBC news at 10 PM on 9th September 2007 something struck me that it could have been the same person. It was the way Gerard McCann turned his head down which was similar to what the individual did on 3rd May 2007 when we met him. It may have been the way he was carrying the child either. I would be 60-80% sure that it was Gerard McCann that I met that night carrying a child. I am basing that on his mannerism in the way he carried the child off the plane. After seeing the BBC news at 10 PM, footage on the 9th September 2007 I contacted Leicestershire police with this information. During that time I spoke to all my family members who were with me on the night of 3rd May 2007 about this and the only one who felt the same way as me was my wife. She had seen the video clip of Gerard McCann walking down the stairs of the plane earlier that day. We did not discuss this until some days later. This statement has been read over to me and is correct.

Edited by Phantom Bud
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I already thought this reasoning and logic employed in this thread was interesting to say the very least but you just made me do a double take with that point,

Well done - the most embarrassing post in the most embarrassing thread on P&B


"Madeleine, from Rothley, Leicestershire, disappeared from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve. Her father, Gerry, had worked for Celtic before moving to England"

It's no surprise that the hysterical overreaction to criticism of the McCanns over the last 24 hours on this thread has come from two Celtic fans - any little negative that could associate itself in any remote way to "The Cause" & they lose the plot lest the Orcs use it as ammo against them, and deep down you know it. Only in Scotland...

By the way, if this thread is such an embarrassment to you, why have you posted on it no less than 46 times. Bit strange to be helping to perpetuate a thread you hate so much, is it not?

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