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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Surely nobody would suggest they kept their daughter's corpse kicking around somewhere and spirited it away almost a month later.

Apart from the Portuguese police....

I have watched the whole thing now and I don’t think Kate and Gerry did it.

They do seem to get off pretty lightly with the whole neglect thing though. Was it really seen as normal to leave a 3 year old in a hotel room/villa to sleep, never mind the 2 younger twins, while you your pals go away out for dinner and drinks?

I’m sure the majority of folk in general will still be desperate to blame them for killing her or whatever but the majority of the evidence given in this makes me believe it was a peado ring that have taken her.

I was only 15 or so when it happened so I never paid that much attention, to all the evidence so have no idea if anything major was left out.

The worst thing about this series has to be the amount of threads on twitter popping up who now all know exactly how this happened.
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6 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

It's eventually presented that the dogs aren't infallible, by the trainer's own admission, and nothing damning was ever found from the samples taken. The closest was that some of the DNA might have matched the daughter, but there was also DNA present from at least two other people in the samples, and the match was so loose that half of the staff in the lab could also have matched the sample to a similar degree. In other words, the evidence was about as minimal as it's possible to get.

It's also mentioned that the rental car that the dogs reacted to wasn't in the McCann's possession until 25 days after their daughter went missing. As that wasn't immediately challenged in the documentary, you've got to assume that's true, which makes any dog reaction meaningless. Surely nobody would suggest they kept their daughter's corpse kicking around somewhere and spirited it away almost a month later.

Unless something has transferred from kates clothes or the Teddy she carried of maddies, the dogs barked at they two as well iirc

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I've now watched it all. The series provided  some details that were new to me but by and large it was what I already knew from the time when it happened. My view remains the same, unfortunately - the huge media profile of that case surely made a snatched girl too hot to handle. Whatever the reason for her abduction, I suspect her abductors would've got rid of her not long after.  Dreadful stuff.

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Finished the series last night. Overall it's a pretty good series.

I think anyone who thinks the McCann's murdered her, hid the body for 25 days before getting rid of it while they were under the most intense media spotlight is aff their heid. They are, however, absolutely guilty of child neglect and I think it's wrong that they were never called out on that. I would imagine that they have to live with that guilt every day.

I reckon she was probably kidnapped by someone then swiftly moved out of the area. I don't think they were specifically targeted. They just happened to be wrong place, wrong time with regards to where the apartment was situated and it seemingly being common knowledge around the hotel that they were just leaving the kids to sleep while they had dinner. 

And, I repeat, Brian Kennedy and his son are a pair of bellends.

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The guy that killed Tia Sharpe managed to keep her body in a house full of police for a week.

Saying that you have to be crazy to think the McCanns could have done it is undermined by the fact that the Portugese officer in charge of the investigation came to that exact conclusion. The British ambassador to Portugal also thought that they were extremely suspicious.

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Haven't finished yet (4 down) but I can't help notice those that have completed it seem to be less leaning towards Kate and Gerry killed her somehow.

Given they didn't want this documentary to come out and took no part it seems to be the blessing they needed to get people less sceptical of them.


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6 hours ago, RockMusic said:

I've now watched it all. The series provided  some details that were new to me but by and large it was what I already knew from the time when it happened. My view remains the same, unfortunately - the huge media profile of that case surely made a snatched girl too hot to handle. Whatever the reason for her abduction, I suspect her abductors would've got rid of her not long after.  Dreadful stuff.

I've been surprised by how much I already knew - at the time, I was deliberately trying to avoid the whole thing, as the press surrounding it was sickening, as usual. Yet somehow I still managed to absorb most of the detail presented in the documentary. Bit worrying.

4 hours ago, well fan for life said:

And, I repeat, Brian Kennedy and his son are a pair of bellends.

Indeed. There's a surprisingly high bellend count across the whole thing.

Special mention for the press hacks who got some help from a local ex-pat and immediately decided to try and sell him as a suspect because he was 'a bit weird'. There can't be many weirder people than the tabloid press pack.

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Haven't finished it but there's a lot of shite in this as far as I can tell, from both sides of the argument.  There was some Portuguese journo saying how ridiculous it was that Kate and Gerry didn't preserve the "crime scene", stating that the first thing she would have done is lock off that room and keep everyone out of it. She thought this was suspicious. I can't help but think that's complete shite. You walk into your holiday apartment to find your wean missing and you're expected to turn into a fucking detective and cordon off your hoose?  Are you f**k, you turn that room/apartment upside down in the hope that she's just hiding somewhere. The police chief makes some ridiculous logic jumps at times too, it looks to me like he decided early on that the McCanns had a role in it and used any sort of flimsy link to them to further his theory. Too many folk are set on their theory and fixing the evidence to suit rather than taking it all at face value.

As for the McCanns, I haven't ever thought they murdered her or abducted her, but the whole "we were checking every 20 minutes" is just a complete nonsense to cover up their neglect. Not a chance they were walking over there every 20 minutes when there was a meal and wine in full flow. I could perhaps have some sympathy for them if they'd left the kids locked up in the apartment and it was then broken into and the kid was taken, but they've effectively left 3 young kids unattended and easily accessible, that's unforgivable.

There are two plausible theories for me. Either someone the McCanns know has taken her and killed her/sold her or some paedo has been sitting at that apartment watching how Gerry and Kate look after their weans then pouncing when they have the chance.  If it was the latter I'd expect there to be a history of kids going missing from those apartment blocks (which I don't believe there is?), so I'm inclined to believe that someone the McCanns were with/knew was responsible. 

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21 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Haven't finished it but there's a lot of shite in this as far as I can tell, from both sides of the argument.  There was some Portuguese journo saying how ridiculous it was that Kate and Gerry didn't preserve the "crime scene", stating that the first thing she would have done is lock off that room and keep everyone out of it. She thought this was suspicious. I can't help but think that's complete shite. You walk into your holiday apartment to find your wean missing and you're expected to turn into a fucking detective and cordon off your hoose?  Are you f**k, you turn that room/apartment upside down in the hope that she's just hiding somewhere. The police chief makes some ridiculous logic jumps at times too, it looks to me like he decided early on that the McCanns had a role in it and used any sort of flimsy link to them to further his theory. Too many folk are set on their theory and fixing the evidence to suit rather than taking it all at face value.

As for the McCanns, I haven't ever thought they murdered her or abducted her, but the whole "we were checking every 20 minutes" is just a complete nonsense to cover up their neglect. Not a chance they were walking over there every 20 minutes when there was a meal and wine in full flow. I could perhaps have some sympathy for them if they'd left the kids locked up in the apartment and it was then broken into and the kid was taken, but they've effectively left 3 young kids unattended and easily accessible, that's unforgivable.

There are two plausible theories for me. Either someone the McCanns know has taken her and killed her/sold her or some paedo has been sitting at that apartment watching how Gerry and Kate look after their weans then pouncing when they have the chance.  If it was the latter I'd expect there to be a history of kids going missing from those apartment blocks (which I don't believe there is?), so I'm inclined to believe that someone the McCanns were with/knew was responsible. 

I thought that too. If you're in that situation you'd absolutely ransack it hoping you'd find her hiding somewhere. Although I didn't mind having that journo on screen telling me this as she's an absolute wid.

I think someone mentions that in the show. There's no chance it was every 20 minutes because it would have been like musical fucking chairs all night. One would barely be back and someone else would be up again. 

While I don't necessarily think they've killed/sold her, I do still think there's big bits of the story between the McCanns and the Tapas 7 that aren't completely true. There's not a chance they were checking that often, and people changing timelines & adding details months/years later is a bit fishy. 

Edited by well fan for life
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The staff at the tapas place had a different version of events/timelines on the night she went missing.

Something still doesn't sit right with me, also as soon as I seen that Murat guy and the Russian I had bad vibes off them, the phone call between them an hour after she went missing is dodgy too.

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This 8 parter could easily have been edited to make 4 episodes. Very little has been added that wasnt in the public domain previously as well. A strange documentary that actually leaves you with more questions than answers unfortunately and goes off in some strange tangents throughout

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57 minutes ago, Twinkle said:

This 8 parter could easily have been edited to make 4 episodes. Very little has been added that wasnt in the public domain previously as well. A strange documentary that actually leaves you with more questions than answers unfortunately and goes off in some strange tangents throughout

^^^^Pretty much everything he said 

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21 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
On ‎18‎/‎03‎/‎2019 at 11:38, nsr said:
There is something not right with the parents, whether or not they allegedly did their daughter in and allegedly covered it up.

There was clearly a keys in the bowl scenario going on amongst the tapas 9

Kate and Gerry would have the best of that scenario, after all, who'd shag that pair of weasel faced p***ks?

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I’m amazed the McCanns were apparently so against this documentary. It’s quite unbiased I would say but it makes me feel (to an extent) sympathy for them, and certainly makes it fairly obvious to me that they had no direct hand in whatever happened.

Negligent, yes 100%, and they will have to live with that guilt forever. But the explanations/conspiracy theories given for them having done it are nothing short of preposterous.

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